Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 377: old child

Chapter 380 377. Old child

  Li Yuan returned to the store and poured a large well of water hard. It was too hot to run outside this day.

   Zheng Shan said helplessly when he saw him like this: "Now that you are a boss, why do you still do everything yourself? Can\'t you just leave it to the people below to do it?"

  Zheng Shan remembered that he had said this more than once, but it seemed to have no effect.

   "What do they know? Besides, I\'m not at ease with what they do. They\'re all hands-on, and they can\'t make up their minds." Li Yuan said casually.

  Zheng Shan said: "Aren\'t you tired?"

   "I\'m tired, but there\'s nothing I can do about it. People are needed everywhere now, and I need to make up my mind about everything," Li Yuan said.

  Zheng Shan understands that Li Yuan has a common problem with successful people in this era, that is, he thinks that the company cannot continue to operate without him.

  Many successful people in this era have done it step by step from small to large, and are well aware of the hardships and hardships inside.

   This tempered their will and their abilities, but at the same time made them a little conceited.

   believes that no one can understand his company better than himself, and no one can manage any position for himself.

   Zheng Shan looked at Li Yuan like this, and directly and mercilessly pointed out the key point, "Do you think that the company has no one to manage except you? Without you, the company will be finished?"

  Li Yuan didn\'t know what Zheng Shan meant, and said somewhat confusedly: "No, I didn\'t think so."

   "Forget it, that\'s what you think, look how tired you are now? How many days have you not slept well?" Zheng Shan said.

   Such a situation can indeed make the company more competitive in the early stage, and it is more in line with the company\'s early stage development.

   But that was only in the early stage of the company. Now Shanyuan Furniture Store has grown into a large scale, and there are already more than 20 stores.

   also has its own processing plant, and recently, it is going to develop towards the surrounding cities.

   Such a big stall, how could Li Yuan not be tired if he wanted to manage it by himself.

  Li Yuan scratched his head and said, "It\'s been a while since I slept well, but there are so many things that I can\'t care about."

  Zheng Shan sighed, "You try to let go of the people below, and at the same time give them some power and hope.

  If you keep going like this, don’t say how tired you are, it means that the people below can’t see any hope of promotion. When you have the ability, you will definitely want to change jobs or go out alone. You can’t keep talents like this. "

  Li Yuan was a little unconvinced. He made the furniture store so big, and he naturally knew the hardships and difficulties involved.

   This is what he did with the help of a lot of resources from Zheng Shan, others? Do you have that ability?

   Seeing him like this, Zheng Shan didn\'t want to speak for a while, "Forget it, you\'ll know when you teach your lesson."

  Some things can only be understood after suffering setbacks, otherwise it will be useless even if others say it thoroughly.

   Besides, Zheng Shan didn\'t come here specifically to enlighten Li Yuan.

   During dinner, Zheng Shan began to quietly inquire about some other circumstances of Uncle Lu\'s young daughter.

   For example, what unique features are there.

   Originally, Zheng Shan wanted to look for it by himself first. If he can find it, it is the best. If he can’t find it, he can wait until the next time he has time to go and look for it.

   When you find it, talk to Uncle Lu, lest he expect it in vain.

   But who knew that Uncle Lu was alert, or that he had been thinking about similar things, but he just didn\'t show it.

  Uncle Lu is very clear that it is too difficult to find someone now, and it takes a lot of energy, time, and even money, so he doesn\'t want Zheng Shan and the others to waste too much energy on such things.

   "Are you trying to find that unfilial daughter?" Master Lu snorted before Zheng Shan asked.

  Zheng Shan looked at Master Lu, and just about to speak, Master Lu continued: "Don\'t try to lie to me, you can\'t lie to me."

  Zheng Shan was helpless and could only tell the truth: "I have a friend who said he saw Lu Shufen, but he wasn\'t sure, and he didn\'t ask for the exact address, so I thought I\'d go take a look while I still have time."

"Why are you looking for her? If she misses my old man, she would have come back to see me long ago, and still use you to find her? I guess she has long forgotten the existence of this old man, or thought I was dead." Uncle Lu Rarely angry.

  Zheng Shandao: "Master, it\'s not that you don\'t know how difficult the traffic is now, maybe their family has some difficulties."

   "It\'s difficult, but I know that the boy she married was quite wealthy. When he came back, he was dressed like a dog." When he mentioned this, Uncle Lu became even more angry.

  Zheng Shandao: "No matter what, let\'s find out first, maybe there is something hidden, and there is someone waiting by your side, so I can rest assured.

  If you agree with me to find a nanny for you, or find a wife yourself, then I will take it as if I didn\'t say it. "

It\'s not that Zheng Shan never mentioned finding a nanny to take care of the old man, but he was rejected by Uncle Lu, and he scolded Zheng Shan on the spot, saying that he had been a poor peasant for several lifetimes, but he couldn\'t be a capitalist when he was dying. Now the old man has money and shares, but he doesn\'t think he is a rich man, let alone a capitalist.

   As for finding a wife, let alone.

   The old man didn\'t show anything at ordinary times, but he was still very loyal to his wife who had passed away for many years, and he had no thoughts of this at all.

   But there are many old ladies who are thinking about Uncle Lu. After all, Uncle Lu has no son and is still rich.

   If you can live together, not only will your life be better, but you can also pass on the old man\'s property to his son and grandson.

It\'s just that Uncle Lu has no such thoughts~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan looked at the stubborn Uncle Lu and said to him: "Okay, don\'t pretend, I really don\'t believe it, you just Don\'t you miss your daughter at all?"

   "I think they are useful." The old man seemed to be a little angry, took a gulp of wine angrily, and went straight back.

  Zheng Shan wanted to get up and send him back, but was chased back.

   "I\'ll go look for it with you." Li Yuan said.

  Zheng Shandao: "Aren\'t you so busy every day? Do you still have time to go to Shancheng with me?"

"No matter how busy you are, it\'s not as important as Uncle Lu\'s affairs. In fact, I can see that Uncle Lu still misses his little daughter more, but he can\'t save face. After all, I haven\'t come back to see it once for so many years. It\'s really unreasonable." Li Yuan said.

   Zhu Yuefen also said on the side: "Indeed, when I went to the uncle\'s house to help him clean up the house several times, I saw that the photos were very clean, and I often took them out to see or clean them up."

  Zheng Shan smiled, and it seems that Uncle Lu thought he was hiding well, just like an old child, he wouldn\'t admit it anyway after killing him.

   (end of this chapter)