Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 373: mass lover

Although it may be said that Westerners may be somewhat blind to Easterners, that is also a matter of division.

Especially when Jenny took Zheng Shan as her target, she must have memorized Zheng Shan\'s various situations by heart. As for her appearance, it was only the most basic.

At this moment, Jenny was stunned, and she also knew that she did not admit her mistake.

"Are you married?" Jenny asked in a daze.

Zheng Shan suddenly felt that Yan Qingqing\'s half-smiling gaze was cast over, after all, the words were too ambiguous.

"This lady, we don\'t know each other, right?" Zheng Shan asked rhetorically.

Jenny came back to her senses and said in a panic, "Ah, yes, I have admired Mr. Zheng for a long time. I didn\'t expect Mr. Zheng to get married so early."

When it comes to Zheng\'s surname, Jenny\'s words are very clear, obviously she has put in a lot of hard work.

Jenny didn\'t know how many times she had fantasized about being able to meet Zheng Shan by chance. Naturally, she had practiced it many times.

Zheng Shan said helplessly: "This is my personal business, by the way, this is my wife, Yan Qingqing."

Jenny looked at Yan Qingqing, and at first she was slightly startled by Yan Qingqing\'s appearance, and then there was a huge disappointment in her heart and jealousy.

This is Jenny\'s biggest goal. Once she gets close to Zheng Shan, she won\'t have to worry about it in her life, and she can even become the most enviable woman in Europe and America.

Now this position has been preempted.

Zheng Shan didn\'t want to waste time on this either, and took out a cheque from his pocket, "Miss Jenny, I don\'t want to say more, this is a cheque for 100,000 pounds, you hand me the evidence of Jonathan\'s crime. , this is yours."

"Trust me, this is your best option."

Zheng Shan\'s words were vastly different from Wendy\'s. Jenny just hesitated for a moment, and then accepted the check. Wendy was taken aback for a moment.

Was it still so oily and salty just now?

Looking at Wendy\'s eyes, Jenny smiled helplessly and said, "Don\'t look at me with such eyes, I am more sober and understand better than you, this is my only choice, of course, just as Mr. Zheng That said, it was also my best option."

Jenny is not stupid. She is a super rich man. With a little movement of her finger, she can be saved from redemption. How could it be possible to go against Zheng Shan on such a trivial matter?

Wendy didn\'t want to talk anymore. She had prepared a lot of words to convince Jenny, but now she succeeded directly with just a face of Zheng Shan.

In fact, Wendy didn\'t sleep well last night. Before going to bed, she also asked Yan Qingqing to know the real situation of Zheng Shan.

Although Yan Qingqing doesn\'t know much, just relying on the identity of the Xishui Group is enough.

Wendy had been insomnia for a long time, but soon she was happy for her sister.

After Jenny finished speaking, she looked at Zheng Shan and said, "Mr. Zheng, wait for me for half an hour, and I will give you the things."

Zheng Shan nodded, "Then I\'ll wait for you here."

"Okay." Jenny left directly, no one worried that she would run away with the check, that was pure fool\'s behavior.

After only 20 minutes, Jenny took out a CD, "This is the evidence you want, do you want to take a look?"

Zheng Shan motioned to Wendy to take it, "No, I trust Miss Jenny."

"Mr. Zheng, it\'s a pleasure to cooperate!" Jenny stretched out her hand proactively.

Seeing that she was so cooperative, Zheng Shan also extended his hand with a smile, but when he retracted his hand, he had a phone number in his hand.

At the same time, he felt Jenny\'s fingers scratching in his palm just now. Obviously, Jenny thought that since she couldn\'t be a wife, a lover would be a very good choice.

Jenny is still very confident about her appearance, especially since she also understands some oriental aesthetics.

What\'s more, Zheng Shan is so young, and now he is the dream lover of most women in Europe and America. After all, his net worth is here.

Zheng Shan smiled helplessly, and in front of Jenny, handed the number to Yan Qingqing next to him, and said at the same time, "Miss Jenny, in fact, I think you are a very capable woman, why not Do it yourself a business?

I believe that if you really put your heart into it, it is easy to get results. "

Jenny was obviously stunned, and she didn\'t recover for a while. After Zheng Shan and the others left, she gradually recovered.

But the look in Zheng Shan\'s eyes changed a little, and he didn\'t know what he was thinking.


"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn\'t expect you to be so popular." Yan Qingqing said, looking at the phone number in her hand.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "That\'s necessary, now I know how good you are as a man, right?"

"Oh, brother, can you not be so disgusting." The fifth is so disrespectful.

Zheng Shan: ......

"Now let\'s go directly to Jonathan?" Zheng Shan changed the subject.

Wendy said excitedly, "Of course, I\'ve been waiting for this day for a long time."

But before that, Zheng Shan and the others went to Wendy\'s previous company, but Zheng Shan didn\'t go up this time.

Wendy wanted to give this evidence to this side first, and then took it to find Jonathan and exhaled fiercely.

When Wendy came out, her state had obviously changed. So far, it was actually the real end on her side.

At the same time, she also proved to her colleagues that she didn\'t leak it on purpose. Of course, the matter must still be her own responsibility, but she didn\'t blame herself as much as before.


Jonathan is actually very easy to find. After all, Wendy has been with him for so many years and is very familiar with his living habits and social relations.

But this time, Zheng Shan and the others just waited outside and didn\'t follow along.

According to Wendy\'s words, this is her own business, let her make a conclusion by herself, and at the same time maintain an image in front of the three little sisters.

When Zheng Shan asked Jonathan if he would take the risk, Wendy looked disdainful, obviously looking down on Jonathan\'s courage and strength.

Zheng Shan and the others sat in the car and waited. About half an hour later, they saw Wendy walking out with a cheerful face.

"Wendy, Wendy, forgive me, I was wrong!" A man staggered out, but was kicked by Wendy and rolled around.

Zheng Shan finally understood the reason for Wendy\'s disdainful look when he asked Jonathan if he would take the risk.

Jonathan looks about 1.7 meters tall~www.novelhall.com~ is very thin and looks like he is weak.

"Hahahaha." After Wendy got in the car, she laughed twice, but then she covered her head and cried, venting all the negative emotions during this time.

Yan Qingqing knew her mood and hugged her to comfort her.

After all, Jonathan fell in love with her when he was in college, and now that he has done such a thing again, Wendy\'s heart is actually very sad.

"Zheng Shan, thank you, without you, my life would be over!" After crying, Wendy solemnly thanked Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan looked at her, looked at Yan Qingqing again, and said with a smile, "Okay, for your sincerity, I accept this apology."

Wendy burst into laughter after hearing this, "You are such a humorous man, no wonder Helen married you."

Zheng Shan: ......

Is this humorous? What brain circuit?
