Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 370: meet

Zheng Shan also took the opportunity to educate: "You should also pay attention when looking for a boyfriend in the future, don\'t look for someone like that Jonathan."

The three girls nodded seriously, "We\'re not looking for such a boyfriend."

"Just remember it."

After the meal, Zheng Shan got some information about Wendy\'s company and major clients from Yan Qingqing.

The company Wendy is working on is a medium-sized financial services company whose main business is to serve large companies in the financial industry and provide them with some services.

The big customer is indeed a big customer. It is the Prudential Group, a company with financial and insurance business as its core, and it is also a large company in the UK.

This time Wendy\'s business was pulled from here. Originally, Prudential Group was planning to develop a new insurance business, and many things were entrusted to Wendy\'s company.

Such as collecting data, analyzing data, and various response plans and advocacy plans, are all left to them to do.

Large companies do not have to do everything by themselves. In fact, many large companies mainly focus on mastering core things, and many other businesses are outsourced, so whether it is cost or other aspects, there are greater benefits.

Zheng Shan didn\'t waste any time. He called Ryan and asked him to make an appointment with the two parties, saying that he wanted to meet them.

Now Zheng Shan is very famous because of the excessive publicity of Goldman Sachs when he went public before.

And many things about Zheng Shan are quite legendary, especially the Xishui Group has been in a stage of rapid development in these years, so that no one can underestimate Zheng Shan.

In addition, Zheng Shan himself is very low-key, and many people are also curious about him.

Especially some time ago, the news of Zheng Shan\'s marriage came out in their circle, but many thoughtful girls were disappointed.

Soon, Ryan received a call, telling Zheng Shan that he had made an appointment with everyone.

The person on the Prudential Group\'s side is BlackRock, one of the major shareholders, and has a very strong say.

BlackRock is of course very curious about Zheng Shan. Although the two of them have no business relationship now, the resources in Zheng Shan\'s hands will make many people jealous.

Not much else to say, that is, the number of employees of Xishui Supermarket in the world now makes them, these insurance companies, envious.

Xishui Supermarket will buy various insurances for employees. The first point is accident insurance, which is necessary.

If so many employees around the world buy from one company, it\'s a big deal, and it\'s long-term.

This is just one of them, and there are more possibilities for cooperation, which makes BlackRock agree without any hesitation.

If possible, BlackRock wants to give some of its assets to Stream Investments to take care of.

No way, Xishui Investment has really been out of the limelight in the past few years. Although various investments have lost money, they have made more money.


"I\'m sorry to keep you waiting." Wendy didn\'t wake up until after one o\'clock noon, when Zheng Shan and the others just finished their lunch.

Because Wendy was here, Yan Qingqing couldn\'t just leave her to play, so she didn\'t go out today.

Zheng Shan didn\'t care either. Anyway, they had a long summer vacation and didn\'t care about a day or two.

"Who\'s waiting for you, we just finished cooking, don\'t be sentimental." Yan Qingqing said mercilessly.

Wendy said a little embarrassedly: "You are becoming more and more vicious now, can you be nicer to me, who is about to enter prison."

"Haha, let\'s talk about it after you go in." Yan Qingqing said indifferently.

At the dinner table, Yan Lele began to chat with Wendy in his broken English, and the fifth might interject a sentence or two from time to time, but Guan Fei did not say a word.

"Will you meet us at night?" Yan Qingqing said.

Wendy just finished talking to Yan Lele, and she said casually, "Who is it?"

"You\'ll know when it arrives."

"Okay, anyway, I\'ll give you the hundred catties of meat. As long as you don\'t sell me, no, you can sell me for a good price." Wendy really thought about it, and she has reached this situation. Now, she doesn\'t ask for anything.

After dinner, Wendy found a swimsuit by herself, and ran into the pool with the three girls to play. She didn\'t look like last night at all.

"Can\'t you pick one with more fabric?" Zheng Shan said speechlessly.

Wendy\'s figure is very good, or it can be said that she is hot, and her face is more in line with the aesthetics of Chinese people.

In addition, the swimsuit she chose was very revealing, so Zheng Shan couldn\'t help but take a second look.

When they were at the dinner table before, Wendy and Zheng Shan gradually became familiar with each other. At this time, Wen Yan smiled and said, "What? Are you still shy?"

"It\'s okay, just look at it generously, I don\'t care."

"Anyway, I\'m going to prison soon. If Helen doesn\'t mind, I can give you a chance."

Zheng Shan doesn\'t care about such dirty words, but there are other girls here.

"Don\'t talk nonsense, I\'m very loyal to our family Qingqing. In addition, pay attention when you speak, there are three minors here." Zheng Shan reminded.

Wendy looked at the three girls who had their ears pricked up even though they didn\'t look here, pouted, and finally gave Zheng Shan a wink, and then started to snorkel.

Zheng Shan sighed helplessly, and suddenly Yan Qingqing\'s voice came from his ear, "Did you look forward to it just now?"

"Don\'t talk nonsense, there\'s no way, it\'s impossible." Denied Sanlian blurted out instinctively.

Yan Qingqing snorted, "Then if you don\'t go in, do you still want to go down together?"

Zheng Shan: ......

I got up and went to the living room to watch the TV. The TV here was quite interesting. Slowly, the time passed.


"What kind of clothes did you buy me? I don\'t need it~www.novelhall.com~ I don\'t wear my own clothes there." Wendy said looking at her clothes.

Yan Qingqing said: "Didn\'t you say, I will take you to meet two people later."

"Then there\'s no need to be so formal, I..."

"You can do as you please, there\'s really nothing to say!" Yan Qingqing glared at her and said.

Wendy sighed, "Okay okay, I\'ll leave it to you anyway."


Zheng Shan drove the two to a famous restaurant in London. Wendy said at first sight: "Aren\'t you going to let me have my last dinner? I still have at least a few months of freedom. Well, don\'t be in such a hurry, and don\'t waste it so much."

"Shut up." Yan Qingqing said.

But she didn\'t need Yan Qingqing to say anything soon, Wendy shut up because she saw her boss, and she didn\'t know BlackRock, and she couldn\'t get in touch with people like BlackRock.
