Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 242: invest

Chapter 244 242. Investment

  Zhong Li knew that the main show was coming when he heard the words. After returning yesterday, he realized that Zheng Shan would definitely give back.

  Although everything he did before was not for repayment, after all, he didn\'t know Zheng Kui\'s identity before, and helping Zheng Kui was purely out of character.

   But when it was obvious that he had a benefit to give to himself, Zhong Li was reluctant to refuse, especially when he knew that the benefit was huge for him.

  Zhong Li hesitated for a long time before saying: "Mr. Zheng, I know that you are because of Zheng Kui, but what I want to say is that it doesn\'t have to be like this. For me, it\'s just a hands-on effort."

   He pondered for a long time before he said these words. After speaking, the whole person felt a lot more relaxed.

  Zheng Shan chuckled: "You don\'t allow me to be optimistic about your auto repair shop?"

   "Mr. Zheng, stop joking, we are a small factory." Zhong Li laughed at himself.

  Zheng Shan straightened his face and said, "I\'m not joking."

   "Mr. Zhong, listen to my thoughts first."

   "I am also quite optimistic about the future development of auto repair shops. There will be more and more cars in any country in the future. There is no doubt about this."

   "So I am very optimistic about this industry. In addition, Mr. Zhong\'s help to our fourth child, let me see Mr. Zhong as a person."

   "Businessmen at our level, although doing business also depends on ability, but a large part also depends on character."

   "This time I am looking for Mr. Zhong to cooperate. Although there are other reasons, there are also reasons why I am very optimistic about Mr. Zhong. I hope Mr. Zhong will not refuse."

  Zhong Li opened his mouth, and finally said helplessly: "Mr. Zheng, you have already said this. If I refuse again, I really don\'t know what\'s good or bad."

  Although Zhong Li heard the various reasons that Zheng Shan said, Zhong Li knew very well that it was just to make him feel more comfortable.

  What cooperation?

  He is the owner of a small auto repair shop with a total value of no more than 100,000 US dollars. When will he be able to cooperate with someone like Zheng Shan?

   All the reasons can be attributed to Zheng Kui!

   "I\'m going to invest one million US dollars to expand the auto repair factory and take a 40% stake in the auto repair factory. What do you think, Mr. Zhong?" Zheng Shan said.

  Zhong Li went straight to the point, a million dollars? Forty percent of the shares?

   Immediately shivered, "Mr. Zheng, this is absolutely impossible, my auto repair shop can be worth 100,000 US dollars.

   I rented this facade, and it was not worth so much money at all. "

  According to Zheng Shan\'s calculations, his auto repair shop is worth at least one million US dollars. How is this possible?

   Looking at Zhong Li\'s reaction, Zheng Shan felt more and more satisfied, and stopped Zhong Li\'s words with a smile, "If Mr. Zhong is satisfied, then it\'s settled."

  Zhongli didn\'t know what to say for a while, it\'s about to be decided?

   "Mr. Zhong can then find a lawyer, draft an agreement, and then find this Ms. Rachel." Zheng Shandao.

   Xishui Supermarket is no longer owned by him alone, and he still needs to make a clear calculation in the accounts.

   Even if Zheng Shan is really in the name of Xishui Supermarket, no one will say anything, but it is always bad, and Zheng Shan does not like this little cheap.

  Zheng Shan looked at Zhong Liman\'s tangled eyes and said, "Actually, you don\'t need to tangle. In doing business now, part of the investment is to value the industry and the company, and the other part is the people. The investment actually invests in people."

   "What I invested in is actually Mr. Zhong and the company\'s culture. I am really optimistic that the auto repair factory will be able to develop its grand plans under the management of Mr. Zhong." Zheng Shanyue said it seriously.

  Zhong Li didn\'t know what to say at this time, even if Zheng Shan said it nicely, he actually understood, it was just to thank him.

   But what Zheng Shan said made him feel a lot more comfortable.

   After chatting for a while, Zheng Shan took people away. As for Zheng Kui and Fan Da, they stayed here.

   "I\'ll come back by myself at night, and the car will be tomorrow morning. Forget it, I\'ll leave you a car." Zheng Shan still left a car here when he left.

   Then Zheng Shan came to Xishui Supermarket to give some business guidance and check accounts.

   Of course, most of it is just to see, he is not in the mood to do this, just to give Lin Bingcheng some confidence.

   After this place was finished, at Rachel\'s repeated request, I went to the Slite Company here.

   "Our clothes are very popular in Southeast Asia, especially some popular clothes, which are almost sold out." Rachel said with a hint of show off.

  Since Du Yougao took over the real estate company, Slite\'s business in Southeast Asia has been handed back.

   And when Rachel really felt the profit brought by this place, the whole person was stupid and regretted accepting the business here too late.

   At the same time, she was very fortunate that Du Yougao returned the business in advance, otherwise she would be heartbroken just thinking about it.

  Zheng Shan nodded and said, "You\'ve done a good job, keep trying."

   Zheng Shan is also very optimistic about Slit Garment Company, which will be another pillar industry of Xishui Group in the future.

   Facing the compliment from the boss, Rachel was very happy, "Boss, when will we, Slit, choose to go public?"

   "How long has it been before you want to go public?" Zheng Shan looked at Rachel speechlessly.

  Rachel said with a serious look: "Isn\'t the Xishui supermarket a few years old? I\'m preparing in advance."

Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "Wait first, wait until we encounter a development bottleneck, then we will introduce some shareholders that are beneficial to our development~www.novelhall.com~Zheng Shan also has his own arrangements for these matters. .

  Rachel didn\'t ask any more questions. The reason why she had to come over by Zheng Shan was just to make a deeper impression on the boss\'s heart. Don\'t the boss suddenly forget Slite.

  Zheng Shan had another meal with the management of the company here, and gave a few words of encouragement.

   Back at the hotel, Zheng Shan knocked on the room of the fourth and the others, and found that he had not come back, but he did not urge him. It is estimated that he is drunk now.

   As expected by Zheng Shan, when Zheng Shan knocked on the door the next day, the fourth child was still in a daze.

   "How much did you drink last night? Can you still fly?" Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui and said helplessly.

   He was afraid of an accident, so he took Zheng Kui and Fan Da to the hospital first, and the three guys didn\'t drink too much.

   asked the doctor, the doctor said that it is best to wait for sober up before flying, Zheng Shan can only cancel today\'s flight and arrange it for tomorrow.

   On the second day, Zheng Kui finally got better, and at the same time, his mood was not as depressed as before. Wine seems to be a good thing indeed.

   (end of this chapter)