Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 230: paging station

Chapter 232 230. Paging Station

  Without Zheng Shan’s indiscriminate entry, the first paging station in China will not be available until two years later, and now everything is ahead of schedule.

   In addition to the huge profits, the more important thing is to be able to make some preparations in the field of mobile communication from this aspect.

   Arranged all kinds of things, and invited Moore and the others at a high-end restaurant in the evening to celebrate their achievements.

   On the second day, Zheng Shan started to adjust some industries here, and also put forward some guiding plans for the development of Xishui Bank.

  The development of Xishui Bank is relatively smooth, and Goldman Sachs and the others have also made some investments.

Although there are not many   , it can also develop with the help of some contacts and resources.

   At least the current Xishui Bank has made great progress in transnational business, and can carry out similar business in many countries.

  Zheng Shan has been busy for three consecutive days, and they have been playing crazy for these three days.

   Every day, they see all kinds of novel things, amusement parks, movie theaters, these places that they have basically never been before, and they have all gone.

  Li Yuan also visited the development model of some furniture stores here, and saw various new styles, gained a lot of knowledge and ideas.

   After Zheng Shan came back this day, he saw the fifth and Xu Lin were excitedly discussing the content of the movie they had just watched.

   "Brother." Seeing Zheng Shan\'s return, the fifth brother ran over happily.

  Zheng Shan smiled and said, "How is it? Did you have fun?"

   "Happy, brother, the amusement park is really fun, and the movie is also very good." The old fifth\'s face flushed with excitement.

  Xu Lin also echoed on the side: "Yes, these movies are really good, they are much better than the ones at home."

  Zheng Shan smiled and said, "No matter how fun it is, you have to take care of yourself. It\'s time to prepare to go back."

   "It\'s so early, brother, why don\'t you play for two more days." The fifth boy doesn\'t want to go back, there are too many fun things here.

  Zheng Shan also wants this effect, "As long as you study hard, then we will come again next year."


"of course."

   Although Zheng Shan said he was leaving, he didn’t leave right away, and he spent two days playing here before preparing to leave.

   And this time, I need to stay in Pengcheng for two more days, and I need to talk to Pengcheng about the paging station.

   After Li Yuan also returned in the evening, Zheng Shan asked about the situation.

   "How is it? After reading the situation here, do you have any thoughts?" Zheng Shan asked.

  Li Yuan sighed: "There are many ideas, I have written them down in the notebook. Compared with the one here, our small furniture store is actually a small workshop, no matter in terms of scale or management."

  The current furniture store still adopts human-like management, or there is no management.

   Every day, Li Yuan and Zhu Yuefen are busy going round and round, but after they are done, they find that they are still the same as before, and there is not much change at all.

  Zheng Shan did not ask carefully, nor did he give Li Yuan any instructions. These things still need to be done slowly.

   And although Li Yuan\'s stake in the furniture store is only 29%, Zheng Shan doesn\'t plan to get involved.

It was originally an industry prepared for Li Yuan. To be able to do this, Li Yuan has also put in a lot of effort. If Zheng Shan intervenes, Li Yuan will of course be very happy, but it will easily make Li Yuan lose his mind. This is not Zheng Shan. Mountain wants to see.

   "Are you going to stay with me in Pengcheng for two days, or go back directly?" Zheng Shan asked.

  Li Yuan thought for a while and said: "I\'m still in Pengcheng. I want to build a factory in Pengcheng, and I\'m going to see the situation there. Of course, this is just an idea."

   Li Yuan was a little embarrassed when he said that, he always felt a little swollen.

  Zheng Shan said with a smile: "This is a good thing, take your time and investigate it first."


   After playing here for two more days, Zheng Shan returned to Pengcheng. The next day, Du Yougao met with the Pengcheng government.

   First, he was polite as usual, and then Zheng Shan proposed the idea of ​​building a paging station.

   "We will not only build a paging station, but also build a factory. If there is no accident, BB will have the opportunity to sell to the outside world and take the road of export." Zheng Shan said.

   Zhao Xiangyang asked brightly, "Then how much is Mr. Zheng going to invest?"

   That\'s the point.

   However, the paging stations mentioned by Zheng Shan are also welcome. They can also see things like BB machines. They can see them every time they go out for inspection.

   It is a lie to say that you do not envy.

   Now they also have a paging station, of course they are very happy.

   In particular, this is the first paging station in the country, which makes Zhao Xiangyang and the others happy, which is considered some political achievements.

  Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "In the initial stage, we will invest 10 million US dollars. If it is not enough, we will definitely add more."

   "Does Mr. Zheng need any help?" After hearing the numbers, Zhao Xiangyang had no reason to object.

   So much money, and according to Zheng Shan’s meaning, it’s still US dollars, how could it be rejected?

  Zheng Shan said with a smile: "In terms of the site selection of the factory and the construction of various equipment, we need help from the government.

   There are also some recruitment aspects, and I hope the government can give support. "

   In addition, there are some tax aspects, which do not need to be brought up by Zheng Shan, and will definitely be given priority.

   Moreover, Zhengshan is not only building a paging station here, the first batch of locations for Zhengshan has been selected.

  The capital city, the magic capital and Pengcheng, these three places are the construction of the first batch of paging stations.

   After this side is running well, he will use his own funds and relationships to quickly expand to key cities across the country.

  The two sides had a very pleasant discussion about this project~www.novelhall.com~ They have cooperated with Zheng Shan many times, and they are very clear about Zheng Shan\'s capital.

  Especially in many collaborations, Zheng Shan\'s performance made them very appreciate, and never thought of taking any small advantage.

   And whether it is financial or technical, Zheng Shan has never been stingy.

   For this matter, Zheng Shan has no suitable candidates for the time being, so he can only temporarily leave it to Du Yougao.

   "You should take up the burden of this aspect first. If you meet a suitable person in the future, you can recommend it." Zheng Shan gave Du Yougao the right to recommend.

   This is already a great right, especially for Du Yougao, if the person he recommends is called the person in charge of the paging station in the future, then he can be regarded as his natural ally in the group.

   So Du Yougao was very happy to follow this mission.

  Zheng Shan and Zhao Xiangyang talked about a lot of things, so it took a lot of time. Although the progress was fast, it was not achieved overnight.

   Just when Zheng Shan was busy with these matters, he received a call from home. He left the phone number of Du Yougao\'s office at home so that he could be contacted by something.

   (end of this chapter)