Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 223: By plane

Chapter 225 223. By plane

   What Zheng Shan didn\'t expect was that Xu Lin\'s parents really promised Xu Lin to go out with her.

   On the same day, Xu Lin\'s parents came to the door with large and small bags of gifts.

   "I really want to trouble you, the child is ignorant, and he has to go with him." Xu Lin\'s father kept a low attitude and kept thanking him.

   Originally, Zhong Huixiu was a little unhappy. Isn\'t this to spend their family\'s money? After all, after going out, it is impossible for Zheng Shan to let the children pay.

   And this is still going to Xiangjiang, which must cost a lot.

   But Xu Lin\'s parents have a very good attitude, and they also brought a lot of gifts, which made Zhong Huixiu feel a lot better at once.

   In fact, Zhong Huixiu wants an attitude, and she doesn\'t know how much it will cost.

   "No trouble, no trouble. It just so happens that Linlin follows our fifth child and can take care of each other. Otherwise, it\'s just a child, and I might be lonely on the road." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

   The fifth and Xu Lin just smirked on the side.

  Xu Jun said: "If the child on the road is ignorant and fights, you don\'t have to get used to her, it\'s just that her mother and I have been accustomed to her and let her develop such a character."

  For this, Zheng Shan can just listen to it. If he really dares to do it, it is estimated that Xu Jun will be able to do it with him when he comes back.

   It can be seen from this that Xu Jun loves his daughter.

   Actually, Xu Jun knew a little about Zheng Shan before he agreed, otherwise he wouldn\'t dare to give his daughter to Zheng Shan with confidence.

   And Xu Jun also thought that Xu Lin could go out and meet the world. On Zheng Shan\'s side, he could not only ensure safety, but also gain more knowledge. Of course, he was very happy.

   The most important thing was Xu Lin\'s plea, which made Xu Jun feel a little unbearable.

  At noon, Xu Jun toasted one by one, and even the fourth eldest was not left behind.

  Zheng Shan was not in a hurry to go out. He went to Li Yuan and the others and asked them if they wanted to go.

  Wei Chengjun wanted to go, but I didn\'t enjoy it last time.

   But Wei Chengjun also has something to do during this time. He is very busy here and has no time to pass.

  Li Yuan is also busy, but this time Li Yuan is going to go with him.

  Zheng Shan just said a word, let him look at the companies outside, gain some more knowledge, and immediately persuaded him.

   The candidate has been determined, Zheng Shan brings two children, and Li Yuan, a total of four people.

   Zheng Ming also wanted to go with him, but was stopped by Lin Meihua and cried for several days.

   Actually, Zheng Shan didn\'t mean to take him out. He was too young. If he took him out, Zheng Shan was sure that within two days, the child would definitely go home arguing.

   Zheng Shan knows children very well.

   On this day, after Zheng Shan arranged everything in the house, he took Li Yuan, the fifth and the others to set off together.

  Xu Lin looked at the reluctant eyes of her parents and felt a little panic in her heart, but she felt a lot at ease when she saw the excited appearance of her best friend around her.

   "Can you stop a little? Don\'t act like a monkey." Zheng Shan glared at the fifth man next to him angrily, when they had already boarded the plane.

   The current fifth looks strange everywhere. He touches here and there from time to time, but he can\'t stop for a moment.

   Hearing what he said, the fifth child finally calmed down a little, but his eyes were still rolling.

   When Zheng Shan looked at Li Yuan, he smiled and said, "Don\'t be nervous, it\'s the same as riding in a car."

   "Can it be the same? If something goes wrong, it will be 100% over." Li Yuan said nervously.

  Zheng Shandao: "You also know that the game is 100% over, so why are you worried? If there is an accident, the game will be over, so sit back and relax."

   Lee Garden: .

   Seeing that he was even more nervous, Zheng Shan smiled helplessly and said: "Don\'t worry, the probability of an accident on a plane is much lower than that of a train."

   Even though he said so, Li Yuan was still very nervous.

   Waiting for the plane to take off, the fifth man, who is not afraid of anything and everything, also became nervous, holding Zheng Shan\'s big hand tightly, his face turned pale.

   At this moment, Zheng Shan didn\'t laugh at the fifth, but clenched her hand and gave her some comfort.

   On the contrary, Xu Lin, who has always been quiet, exceeded Zheng Shan\'s expectations.

   "Have you ever made a plane before?" Zheng Shan asked curiously.

  Xu Lin nodded implicitly, "I did it once."

   "Ao, please comfort the fifth, looking at the girl\'s fear." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

   At this time, the plane had stabilized, and the fifth one was relieved, and came back to his senses, "I\'m not afraid."

   "Hehe, who held my hand so tightly just now?"

   "I\'m afraid of you." The fifth child is a dead duck.

   Zheng Shan was too lazy to talk to her, and said perfunctorily: "Okay, I\'m afraid it\'s not enough, I thank you."

   After speaking, he was too lazy to care about her, and began to close his eyes and rest.

   As for Li Yuan, he is so old, so he doesn\'t need any more comfort.

   Soon Zheng Shan regretted bringing the fifth out. There was no way. The fifth never stopped. He kept talking and chattering. It was impossible for Zheng Shan to rest well.

   Finally waited for the plane to land, and after getting off the plane, the fifth child looked reluctant, which made Zheng Shan a little funny.

   "You can still do it when you go back, don\'t look at it, let\'s go." Zheng Shan said.

  The fifth son turned around and followed Zheng Shan\'s footsteps. Li Yuan\'s face was still a little pale until now. Hearing that Zheng Shan said that he would have to take a flight back, he felt even more uncomfortable.

   "Are you airsick?" Zheng Shan asked curiously.

  Li Yuan took out a cigarette and lit one, "I don\'t know, I just feel that my heart is empty and bottomless."

   "Oh, that\'s fine, just take two more trips." Zheng Shan said casually.

   When we arrived at the exit, I saw Du Yougao bringing someone over to greet him.

  Li Yuan knew that Zheng Shan\'s business was doing very well~www.novelhall.com~ but it was the first time he saw Zheng Shan\'s style.

   This time, it was really just like the big bosses of Xiangjiang on TV. Some people were carrying bags and some people were driving the door.

   For a while, Li Yuan forgot the discomfort of flying, and followed Zheng Shan step by step.

   "Okay, you can go back to work, just leave the car, and I\'ll go there tomorrow." Zheng Shan waved his hand.

  Du You nodded high, didn\'t say anything, and left with someone.

   "Dashan, is this?" Li Yuan only asked aloud after Du Yougao left.

   Zheng Shan first reprimanded the restless old five who was sitting in the back row, and then said, "This is the manager of my business here."

   Now Li Yuan is not someone who doesn\'t understand anything. He understands what Zheng Shan means, and in the end he is the same as him.

   At this time, Li Yuan\'s heart suddenly lost the tension he had before. Everyone is the same. Although you look a bit more arrogant, they are actually the same.

  Zheng Shan drove directly to the hotel. Du Yougao had already booked the room and arranged everything.

   (end of this chapter)