Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 218: compensate

Chapter 220 218. Compensation

   Hearing what Fan Er said, Zheng Shan completely confirmed that he had wronged his fourth child, and felt a little ashamed in his heart.

   However, Zheng Shan is still a little curious about Fan Er\'s words. The two brothers are not so generous to others.

  Zheng Shan gave the fourth child a wink and asked him to inquire carefully, the fourth child would be the most suitable person to ask about this matter.

   Sure enough, the fourth child just opened his mouth to ask such a question, and the two didn\'t hide the matter at all. They really regarded Zheng Kui as the boss.

   After listening to the two of them, Zheng Shan couldn\'t help but raise his eyebrows.

  It turned out that a month ago, when they were out for a walk, they met two girls who were bullied.

   How could they hold back this, they went straight to the chivalrous way.

  The two were strong and strong, and the fight was fierce, and they beat the four who bullied the girl away with a little injury.

   The next step is to get to know the girl, and the relationship is also very good.

   "You saved them, why do they still want your money?" Zheng Shan asked suddenly.

   At this time, it seems that these two people have been deceived.

   But with the example of the fourth child in front, Zheng Shan also restrained this mentality. Of course, the main thing is that Fan Da Fan Er can only be regarded as a friend.

  Zheng Shan treats the fourth child differently, he is his own brother, so in some matters, he will inevitably be concerned about chaos.

   Fan Er said happily: "It\'s not what they asked for, it\'s what we gave it on our own initiative."

   seemed to understand a little, and said quickly: "They are not easy to live, and they can\'t eat well when they practice every day. My brother and I don\'t need money to eat, so I will give them to them."

  Zheng Shan doesn\'t quite understand, what\'s going on?

   Fan Da was a little smarter anyway, understood Zheng Shan\'s doubts, and explained the reasons in detail.

   When they acted bravely that day, the two girls made a living by picking up rubbish, and they were bullied by a group of people who also picked up rubbish.

   This is a very common thing, no matter what, most people like to hold a group.

  The field of picking up garbage is no exception. Some people even divide the land. Who belongs to this piece and who owns that piece.

   After helping the two girls, and hearing these things from them, Fan Da and Da and the two had a strong sense of justice and would often follow them and help them.

   The two girls are not alone, but have partners. There are eight of them in a group, but the oldest is the two of them, and the youngest is only eight years old.

   I heard from Da Fan that they are all orphans, and they belong to the type of newspaper group to keep warm, but they have a good relationship.

  Zheng Shan was thoughtful after listening to it, and then said, "Have you time to take me to see them?"

  Zheng Shan is still a little worried, what if these two guys are really deceived?

   These things are uncertain, and it is very easy to deceive these two guys, as long as they are sure of their characters.

   Brother Fan did not have the slightest resistance to this, and happily agreed.

Zheng Shan said a few more words to them, and left with the fourth child. On the way, seeing the fourth child not speaking, Zheng Shan said angrily: "Okay, I wronged you, okay? ? I apologize to you."

   Hearing the words, the fourth elder immediately opened his eyes and smiled. He was not angry at all, just a little depressed and aggrieved.

   Seeing his fourth child like this, Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "Starting tomorrow, I will give you an extra ten yuan in pocket money every month."

   Now the fourth child is even happier, "Thank you third brother."

   "You will also thank me for the money, and you are more and more like the fifth one." Zheng Shan glared at him.

   It is true that the fourth child was wronged a little this time, and this can be regarded as some compensation for him, but in fact, it is not to blame Zheng Shan, it is the fourth child who is the most doubtful person.

   The fourth child doesn\'t care about Zheng Shan\'s evaluation, but he doesn\'t think that he is the same as the fifth child.

   The fifth one is looking at money, and he is paying for love.

Looking at the happy appearance of the fourth child, it seems that he is already thinking about how to spend the money. Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "If there is no accident, I will take the fifth child to Xiangjiang to play in a while, do you want to? go?"

   You can\'t favor one over the other. Since you brought the fifth out to play, the fourth must also be notified.

   The fourth child hesitated, Xiangjiang, he knows it now, especially when he often hears it from his girlfriend.

   But he couldn\'t bear his girlfriend, so he was in a dilemma.

   Zheng Shan knew what he was hesitating when he looked at him, and said, "If your girlfriend is willing to play together, you can bring it with you."

   It is also possible to see what his girlfriend is like, and observe his personality at the same time.

   In Zheng Shan\'s opinion, the fourth child really recognized this girlfriend, and it is very likely that he will become his younger brother and sister, so it is better to meet in advance, and at least be able to check.

   Zheng Kui was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he didn\'t agree immediately. He still needed to ask his girlfriend\'s opinion.

   When Zheng Shan and the others returned home, Zhong Huixiu started to ask around and ask what happened? Zheng Shan was also embarrassed to say that he had wronged the fourth child, so he dealt with it vaguely.

   But Zhong Huixiu was completely relieved when she saw that there was no conflict between the two brothers, and she didn\'t care about anything specific.

   The next day, Zheng Shan came to the school first, and there were some last things to do here, and Lin Yu also came to say goodbye, and she was ready to go back.

   "When you come back, find Teacher Yan directly. If you have any difficulties, you can also come to me." Zheng Shan said.

   Lin Yu nodded calmly, and then bowed to Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing again gratefully.

Seeing Lin Yu\'s departure, Zheng Shan suddenly smiled and said: "Do you think the two of us are villains? Encourage others to divorce and provide support~www.novelhall.com~ Yan Qingqing glanced at Zheng Shan and said: "Lin Yu divorced It\'s not our instigation, it\'s her own choice. "

  Zheng Shan laughed and said: "I just said that, by the way, what are you doing for summer vacation?"

   "What? Do you have arrangements?" Yan Qingqing asked.

  Zheng Shandao: "I promised our fifth son to take her to Xiangjiang to play in the summer vacation. Do you have time? Let\'s go together?"

   "You\'re late, I already made arrangements." Yan Qingqing smiled.

  Zheng Shan asked curiously, "What are your arrangements?"

   "There is a project here at the school. It will take a long time for me to enter this time. It is estimated that I will need to stay in it for the whole summer vacation." Yan Qingqing said with her hair close.

   The two laughed and talked and separated. Zheng Shan went directly to Shanyuan Furniture Store and waited for Fan Da and Fan Er to get off work together.

   Li Yuan happened to be here, and after hearing what Zheng Shan said, he expressed his desire to come and see it together.

  The two brothers Fan Da are also his employees now, so he naturally needs to express his concern.

   (end of this chapter)