Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 215: help to the end

Chapter 217 215. Help to the end

   Looking at Lin Yu\'s dumbfounded eyes, Zheng Shan\'s hand shook in front of her, awakening the dumbfounded Lin Yu.

  Yan Qingqing said jokingly: "I said it before, your teacher Zheng is a rich man, and this amount of money is not much for him."

  Lin Yu pursed his lips and said nothing, but the emotion in his heart could not be suppressed.

  10,000 is not much?

   Who dares to say this now, she actually understands why Yan Qingqing and Zheng Shan are showing such a relaxed attitude.

   is to make her take this matter to heart and make herself less stressed.

   But what she didn\'t expect was that this 10,000 yuan was really nothing to Zheng Shan.

   "Thank you, Teacher Zheng, Teacher Yan, it\'s my luck to meet you!" Lin Yu bowed deeply.

  Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing quickly got her up, and then started talking about other things, chatting while eating.

   "When did you go back to take care of things? Do you need me to go back with you?" Yan Qingqing asked with concern.

  Lin Yu shook his head and said, "I\'m going to go back after the exam is over, solve this matter thoroughly, and then go back to the capital."

   "Do you have a place to live by then? You bring your child, and it will take a while." Yan Qingqing asked.

   This is another unsolvable matter after the matter is resolved, even Zheng Shan can’t resolve it.

  Lin Yu needs to go to school, her child is only two or three years old, and she can\'t be at home alone, which is a big problem.

Lin Yu thought about it, "I have a sister from my own family, she doesn\'t want to stay in her hometown for the rest of her life, I\'m going to bring her here to help me take care of the child, and at the same time get familiar with the environment here, I\'ll see if I can Help her find a job."

   Zheng Shan heard the words and said: "Well, you will definitely live outside in the future. Your teacher Yan happens to have a house, so you will live on her side."

  Yan Qingqing was slightly taken aback, where did he come from?

   immediately understood, and smiled slightly: "Yes, now I have been living in the school all the time, you can live in the house for the time being."

   "No way, Teacher Yan, Teacher Zheng, you have helped me too much, I can\'t trouble you any more." Lin Yu quickly refused.

   She is a strong woman, otherwise she would not have come to the capital alone to go to school when the whole family opposed her.

  Zheng Shan gave Yan Qingqing a wink, Yan Qingqing smiled knowingly, "Don\'t refuse, and you are doing a good deed for the teacher.

You also know that the house will break down if you don’t live for a long time. I have been living in the dormitory all the time, and I will not go back at all. You will just help me increase my popularity and help me clean up the house. It\'s also a good thing. "

  Zheng Shan also helped: "Yes, your teacher Yan\'s house happens to be not far from the school. When you are out of class, you can go back directly without having to walk for a long time."

   Hearing this, Lin Yu suddenly didn\'t know how to refuse.

   She felt that she was able to meet the two teachers, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing, which was really the greatest luck in her life.

   Zheng Shan saw her heart move, and quickly settled the matter, then said with a smile: "By the way, I also have some relationship with Xishui Supermarket, and Mingfeng Building is mine, so I can help arrange the work.

  If your sister wants to find a job, I can help introduce it. "

   "Go to Xishui Supermarket to be a cashier, or come to Mingfeng Building to be a waiter, Xishui Supermarket, you know very well that although the monthly salary is not a lot, it is still 30 yuan."

   "As for the Mingfeng Building, it\'s a little less, only about 20 yuan, but there are advantages here, that is, you can pack unfinished meals for guests." Zheng Shan said.

   This is a great advantage, at least for now, and it is precisely because of this that Mingfeng Building has never been short of waiters.

  Lin Yu did not refuse this time, thank you again.

   She has already thought about it, she has accepted so much kindness, and it is okay to accept some more. When she has the opportunity, she will definitely repay the two teachers.

   Sent the two away, and Zheng Shan also returned to his home. Looking at the resentful eyes of the old fifth, he said helplessly: "I really have something to do, and I didn\'t mean to not take you."

   Lao Wu puffed out his cheeks and said, "Then you pack the unfinished food back. I didn\'t see it. You don\'t care about my sister at all."

  Zheng Shan suddenly, no wonder when he entered the door, the fifth one looked at his hand, and it was because of this.

   This is really my own fault.

   "Okay, okay, it\'s my fault, next time, I\'ll take you there next time." Zheng Shan can only say this about his sister\'s "blame".

  The fifth still wanted to take advantage of the situation, but when he saw Zhong Huixiu walking out of the back room, he immediately shut up.

   She can mess around with Mr. Zheng, and she wants benefits, but she doesn\'t dare to say this in front of her mother, otherwise it will definitely be another reprimand.

  Zheng Shan felt relieved when he saw that the fifth child stopped talking, and then asked with concern: "How is your study? Can you keep the first place this semester?"

   They are also about to have the final exam here. Hearing Zheng Shan\'s question, the fifth raised his head and said proudly: "Of course, you don\'t even look at who I am!"

  Zheng Shan gave a thumbs up and said, "As expected of my sister."

   "Then what you said before counts." The fifth man said impatiently.

  Zheng Shan didn\'t react at first, but he soon understood what the fifth man was talking about. This was to remind himself of the high school entrance examination and to go to Xiangjiang to play.

Zheng Shan assured this: "Don\'t worry, what I said at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will definitely count, as long as you get the first place in the exam next semester, then Xiangjiang will definitely take you there and give it back to you at the same time. Approve a certain amount of money, and you can manage it yourself.”

   "Second Zheng, you are really kind!" The fifth said excitedly, holding Zheng Shan\'s head and taking a sip.

   After dealing with the fifth, Zheng Shan came to the underground storage room that had been built long ago, where the antiques collected by Zheng Shan and of course the house book were stored.

  Here, Zheng Shan usually does not let others come in, and the main guard is the fifth one, for fear that she will accidentally break the contents inside.

   After tossing and turning for a while, Zheng Shan found a suitable house from the house book, a small courtyard with a total of four rooms, and no one lives in it now.

   Memorized the address, and started rummaging for the keys, which took another time, and by the time I got this all done, an hour had passed.

   When he went to school, Zheng Shan brought his things, and then at noon, he went over with Yan Qingqing to see if he needed to clean up the inside, so that Yan Qingqing and Lin Yu could introduce them.

   Don\'t be funny when Yan Qingqing doesn\'t know the situation.

   (end of this chapter)