Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 211: love

Chapter 213 211. Love

  Zheng Shan got off work very late tonight, and he needed to deal with some things on the students\' side.

   After finishing his work, Zheng Shan was walking on the road, leisurely looking at the campus under the bright moonlight, revealing a little liveliness in the silence.

  There is a path from the school dormitory to the place where the teacher parked the bicycle. Basically, not many people walk here at night. There are no night lights here, so it looks a bit dim.

   Just as Zheng Shan was about to walk through the road quickly, two people suddenly appeared in front of him, a man and a woman, holding hands.

  Zheng Shan smiled, guessing which pair of mandarin ducks was this, the man and woman also saw a figure appearing in front of them, so they subconsciously let go of the hand they held together.

  Zheng Shan didn\'t care. Although he was a teacher at the school, he was too lazy to take care of these things. He didn\'t even care about the couples in the class, let alone people he didn\'t know.

   But when Zheng Shan walked in, he was dumbfounded to find that one of them he knew, and when he saw Zheng Shan, the man was also shocked, and his face turned pale.

  Zheng Shan secretly sighed in his heart, as if he didn\'t recognize him, he walked past them quickly.

   After leaving the school gate, Zheng Shan felt a little helpless.

  The feelings of people are really not bound by some rules.

   It didn\'t take long for the couple of married students to fall in love, and now they have it again, and they are still students in their class.

   "Sister Yu, what\'s wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Brother Xia Lai asked with concern.

   When she went out to get hot water just now, she met Lin Yu, but she didn\'t get a response when she said hello.

  Lin Yu seemed to have just woken up. Seeing that it was younger brother Xia Lai, he forced a smile and said, "I\'m fine."

   Brother Xia Lai frowned, how could he be okay?

   At this time, younger brother Xia Lai\'s skin was much fairer. Although it was still darker in comparison, it was much better than before.

   In addition, now I have enough to eat and warm clothes, and I don’t need to work in the field. Although I have to work and study hard every day, my spirit is much better.

   Even his personality has become a little more cheerful, and Lin Yu\'s help is indispensable in this, so for Lin Yu, Xia Laidi regards her as his own sister.

   "Sister Yu, tell me when you encounter something, although I don\'t have much ability, but as long as I can help, I will never refuse." Brother Xia Lai held Lin Yu\'s cold hand and said seriously.

   Looking at Brother Xia Lai\'s concerned eyes, Lin Yu\'s heart warmed, "I\'m fine, I just thought of something."

   Brother Xia Lai saw that Lin Yu really didn\'t want to say anything, so he didn\'t ask any more, just helped to get hot water and washed some of Lin Yu\'s clothes at the same time.

   Lying on the bed, Lin Yu stared at the roof with dazed eyes, confused for a while.

   Zheng Shan went to work normally the next day, and he didn\'t talk to others about what happened last night, not even Yan Qingqing.

  Zheng Shan is now simply pretending that he doesn\'t know this at all, so he should go to work and do whatever he wants.

   Just a week later, Zheng Shan was about to get off work when he saw a figure standing at the door of the office building.

   "Teacher." Lin Yu looked haggard, with deep bags under his eyes and messy hair. He didn\'t look as capable at all as he used to.

  Zheng Shan said with concern: "Lin Yu, what\'s wrong with you? Did something happen recently? Why are you so haggard?"

   Hearing Zheng Shan asking these questions, Lin Yu looked up at Zheng Shan in surprise. Did Zheng Shan really not see it at the time?

   But soon Lin Yu shook her head in her heart, how could she not see it, she recognized Zheng Shan.

   Taking a deep breath, Lin Yu said, "Teacher, you must have recognized me before."

   Zheng Shan looked at Lin Yu\'s serious eyes and her current appearance, and suddenly sighed, "Hey, I don\'t know what to do, but these are your personal affairs.

  You are about the same age as me, even a year older than me, so you know nothing less than me, and I will not advise you, let alone accuse you. "

   "But as a teacher, I can only tell you that no matter what you do, you need to think carefully before making a decision."

   A week ago, the girl Zheng Shan met was Lin Yu, and as far as Zheng Shan knew, Lin Yu was married and had children.

  Lin Yu listened to Zheng Shan\'s serious and sincere eyes, and tears suddenly came out. She has been suffering this week.

   Being suddenly met by Zheng Shan, coupled with the incident that the school had dealt with before, made Lin Yu wake up from a sweet and sweet dream.

The man and woman before   , the man dropped out of school, and the girl was not very good. They were pointed at by many people every day, and they were under a lot of pressure.

   And the school is also going to let her take a break from school for a while, and let her come back to class when the limelight passes.

  With the lessons learned, how could Lin Yu not be afraid.

   "Teacher, I" Lin Yu cried and told.

  Zheng Shan saw her like this, looked at the side, this is not the place to talk, and took her to a box in Mingfeng Building to chat while eating.

   In Lin Yu\'s remarks, Zheng Shan also knew some of Lin Yu\'s experiences and thoughts.

  Lin Yu and her husband didn\'t get married because they fell in love with each other. They could only be reluctant to live together. When they didn\'t change before, they didn\'t have any ideas.

   But now comes the opportunity, Lin Yu has seen the prosperity of the capital again, and the three views have gradually changed, some ideas will naturally change.

   At the same time, Lin Yu\'s husband never supported her to go to school. According to her husband, why would a woman go to so many schools?

   If it wasn\'t for Lin Yu taking money to subsidize the family and taking a tough attitude, her husband would not agree.

  During the Chinese New Year~www.novelhall.com~ she and her husband quarreled every day, even in their thirties.

   And her husband didn\'t know why, but he beat her for the first time, and he beat her very hard. Not only that, her family members also came to persuade her, and by the way, there were some accusations.

   All of this makes Lin Yu, a strong and assertive girl, have some tendency to gradually collapse.

  This time she came to school, and even sneaked out. On the train, she met this boy from the same school.

   Then the boy started to comfort Lin Yu. Lin Yu went back to school and often communicated with him. He found that the three views of the two were very similar, and that\'s how the good feelings came.

   At the same time, the boy also knew about Lin Yu\'s situation and knew that she was married.

   With this boy, Lin Yu felt more relaxed than ever. The boys could understand and discuss with each other what he said.

   Instead of being like her husband, who can\'t understand what he says, he knows to be lazy and mess around every day, and his mouth is even more dirty!

  Zheng Shan listened to Lin Yu\'s remarks, and there was only one emotion in his heart. Love is really something that cannot be changed by personal will. It is a very idealistic thing.

   (end of this chapter)