Global Evolution

Chapter 349

"Every hole, every hole." Liu Chang can't even sigh at what Liu Chang hears. After all, what he sees and hears today is only a drop in the bucket of all the plans of the people of the sea. It's hard for him to imagine how many people in the sea can have if they only have comprehensive plans for human beings.

What about willows?

After all, in the eyes of undersea people, human beings are conquerable and have already had experience in conquest, while the big willow is unknown and threatening. The two are not on the same level.

Liu Changguang saw the infiltration of sea people into human beings. It was hard to imagine how many willow plans there were for these intelligent species. This is the only good news.

The enemy is strong, but the enemy of the enemy is stronger.

"Well, I have nothing else to ask. You've had a good time in Qingdao. If you have any difficulties, you can go to the Jinan Military Region and report my name. The high-level should be able to give you a living space. " Liu Chang patted moustache on the shoulder.

"Are you from Jinan Military Region?" Hearing this, mustache was full of excitement - as a deserter, he heard this kind of thing, and had instinctive evasive reaction.

"Well, when you told me about that, I didn't know people from Jinan Military Region, but now I'm familiar with them." Liu Chang saw a little panic on the big beard's face and comforted him: "it's OK. It's been a long time since you did that. No one will investigate."

"That's good. That's good. " Big Hu Zi sighed, "after all, being a deserter is the most cowardly thing I have ever done in my life, and I have no way."

"I understand." Liu Chang nodded and stood up. "After all, if I had been replaced at that time, I would have made a similar choice with you."

"Just understand. Let's go. I'll give you the gun." With beard came to the original basement. Liu Chang got his own pieces of meat, and then said goodbye to this old friend and went to the large-scale landing place on the sea floor.

To the place where they used to hunt by the sea. Liu Chang saw that the dilapidated port here is being expanded and rebuilt on a large scale. One by one, the sea people roam on the sea ice and sand beach, constantly directing the sea animals to carry materials. Building a house, and standing in the distance, Liu Chang did not rush into the huge military port, but fixed on watching the species of these sea animals.

After the end of the day, since the red fog, there has been a great increase in the wildness of creatures without intelligence, and there is almost no precedent for domestication - only intelligent species can cooperate with each other.

It's like humans can't use birds, but they can have affection - only intelligent creatures. In order to cooperate with each other.

Therefore, what Liu Chang now sees in his eyes are all intelligent species. Although he does not know the level of IQ, he must have possessed the most basic logical thinking ability.

So. Liu Chang wants to first analyze how many intelligent ethnic alliances Haimen have.

One by one, he saw three kinds of giant sea animals working on the shore. One was about seven meters tall, and his body looked like the combination of a giant bear and a sea lion. The body looked like a bear, but there were no claws on the palm, but the web of sea lion.

This giant beast seems to have a low status. It's a species that does heavy work on the coast.

In addition, Liu Chang saw a kind of creature which was only about 1.5 meters high with protruding eyeballs. This kind of creature seemed to have excellent eyesight. Every time Liu Chang looked at that creature, they could feel that they looked back and their four eyes met. Therefore, Liu Chang could see that the biological vision was absolutely top-notch - at least wider than his visual range.

The last creature, the largest, is a huge monster with a body size of more than 40 meters. Liu Chang thought for a long time, but he couldn't find their prototype in his mind. If he insisted, he should be regarded as a little similar to dinosaurs. However, it was much larger than the largest dinosaur, and it looked thick and hard.

And relatively, this giant beast is obviously not low in the league. As the main station personnel of the team, they are all bound with weapons and armor, and none of them participate in the work.

Of course, these are just three kinds of giant animals that Liu Chang can see on the shore. Along the way, Liu Chang also sees more and more strange species in the sea ice, but most of them can't land.

"The ocean is really profound." Liu Chang is not surprised to see that such a large number of intelligent species can be born in the sea, because the ocean is a three-dimensional environment, and it is several times wider than the land. Neither the base nor the competitive environment of life can be compared with the land.

Liu Chang has seen only three intelligent species in the area of only half of China and a few provinces - the flowing amphibian, the big willow, and Zhiqing - although he has only one, he is indeed an independent species.

Therefore, Liu Chang is not surprised that dozens of intelligent species with logical thinking ability have been born in the whole deep sea area."I don't know how these creatures got together in the first place, whether there was a fight, whether there was a gap between them." Thinking about these problems, Liu Chang went to a huge factory foundation and was stopped by a man from the bottom of the sea.

"Hey, human friends." The bottom of the sea people always speak so fresh, "the front is the construction site. If you go in there, there will be some danger, such as falling rocks and breaking ice. Those sea monsters' eyes are not easy to use. They are afraid that they will encounter you. If you want to have a look, just turn around."

"Oh, thank you for reminding me." After wandering around the port along the way, Liu Chang had a general understanding of this place, and decided to make a formal start on what to do today.

"You're welcome. People from the bottom of the sea are friends with human beings." Seafloor people laugh, just want to leave, but was stopped by Liu Chang.

"Hello, man, do you know how to find your Officer Chief?" Liu Chang walked up to the man at the bottom of the sea.

"Chief?" A puzzled look appeared on the sea floor's face - and Liu Chang finally recognized that although the facial features of this race are fuzzy, they also have a unique expression function, "what do you want to do with the chief?"

"Oh, this is a letter of introduction from the Jinan Military Region. I want to join the army. As an advanced soldier in Jinan, I want to do something to eradicate the big willow trees." With a smile, Liu Chang took out the letter of introduction with the seal of the military region from his arms and put it on the rolled up tentacles of the sea people. (to be continued)