Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 842: I'm dizzy, I need my wife to kiss me to get up

"A Bao, I heard that you had a serious cold when you were in Mount Yoshino. How are you now? How are you?" Ye Hanjun asked with concern as soon as he saw Su Zibao walking towards him, the unhappiness in his heart disappeared instantly.

Su Zibao pursed his lips, "Don\'t worry, I\'m fine. I\'ll tell you the details in a few days."

"Abao, why are you...getting together with Pei Yi again?" Fu Yihuan glanced at Ye Hanjun and asked him the question he wanted to ask the most.

Speaking of this, Su Zibao remembered that he threatened himself with the pretext of blocking the news that day, and deliberately teased her. He waved his hand and said, "It\'s not that guy Pei Yi, it\'s just... Forget it, don\'t mention him."

But this does not provide a clear answer, but it is even more intriguing.

"Abao, Han Ruoyan is looking for someone to assassinate you on Mount Jiye, and the Han family has shot at the Su Group again, causing the Su family to suffer a lot of losses. This tone can\'t be ignored." Ye Hanjun said coldly.

Su Zibao smiled, "I have already discussed with Li Han and the others to counterattack, don\'t worry, there is no trouble with the business world, so I don\'t have to trouble our Second Young Master Ye, I have arranged everything. No accident, Han Ruoyan\'s wedding will be the last of the Han family. A feast."

"It turns out that Bao has already made up his mind, so we can rest assured." Fu Yi said with a smile.

Su Zibao asked with concern, "I\'ve been busy investigating Fei Ying\'s news recently, and I don\'t know how you guys are doing. Is there any change in Ye Chenxuan? Has the second young master won the Ye family?"

"Young Master Ye has nothing to do. Anyway, the Ye family is now the second young master\'s belongings. The Ye family is very disappointed with Ye Chenxuan\'s previous behavior. How can he make waves?" Fu Yi said happily. When it comes to Ye Hanjun\'s greatness, she is full of interest.

Su Zibao smiled and said, "That\'s great. But with Ye Chenxuan\'s character, he shouldn\'t let it go. After all, there is still Mu Yunlan waiting in the cell. You still have to be careful. , can\'t follow his path at the last step."

"Well, I\'ll keep Abao\'s concern in my heart." Ye Hanjun patted his chest and deliberately put on a slightly exaggerated moving expression, "I didn\'t expect Abao to care so much about me, and I was so moved that I couldn\'t wait to show my love."

Su Zibao chuckled, "Don\'t make trouble."

In fact, Ye Hanjun was thinking just now that Su Zibao had already made a counterattack against the Han family so quickly that he didn\'t even know it.

That Su Zibao, who was working hard in his study, lit the lamp and slept on the table at night, just wanted to be closer to Pei Yi, now she has really stepped up to a higher place. However, he began to find that she no longer needed him.

He was happy for her transformation, but also worried about the distance between them. He still liked the Su Zibao who smiled at him on the snowy mountain, the Su Zibao who shared a secret with him, and the Su Zibao who hugged him and cried.

After the incident in South Asia, Su Zibao and Pei Yi are already strangers, but this does not give people the slightest sense of security. I always feel that she will return to Pei Yi\'s side sooner or later. No matter what happened, Pei Yi could always pull her back again.

"Second Young Master, A Bao is talking to you, why are you in a daze?" Fu Yihuan bumped into Ye Hanyun and asked in surprise.

Ye Hanjun regained his senses, looked at Su Zibao, and smiled, "I just thought of something, Bao, what did you say?"

"I said let\'s go sit on the sofa over there and chat. I wonder if Second Young Master has made any progress in investigating the Sakura Organization recently." Su Zibao smiled.

Ye Hanjun said, "There is no major progress, but I found some small details. Let\'s go, let\'s sit down and talk."

"Really?" Su Zibao\'s eyes lit up, and he looked beautiful in an instant...

Pei Yi\'s eyes drifted to Su Zibao over there again, and there was a thin layer of ice in his long and narrow eyes.

A certain person is really untrained. When he is with him, his face is sullen and his words are cold. Except for a polite smile, his face is expressionless. Basically, he is unwilling to say a word to him. Words are like gold.

But now, as soon as he saw Ye Hanyun, he ran over. I don\'t know why there are so many things to talk about. Not only are there topics to talk about, but the smiles are bright and moving.

She had nothing to talk about in front of him, she smiled slyly, and she did not hesitate to talk and laugh with other men. Young Master Pei\'s vinegar smell was about to drift to the other side of the river.

Pei Yi is not the kind of person who sits and watches his wife chatting and laughing with others and feels aggrieved, so he couldn\'t sit still for 20 minutes. He walked directly in front of Su Zibao, looked at her with a graceful smile, and stretched out. A hand out: "Beautiful wife, can I ask you to dance?"

The expression on Su Zibao\'s face stiffened, but when he thought of his promise to be his girlfriend today, he reluctantly stood up and handed him his hand. He turned to Ye Hanjun and Fu Yihuan and said, "Let\'s go dance first and talk back."

"Go." Fu Yi smiled happily.

Ye Hanjun looked at Pei Yi and saw that the other party was also looking at him. The two men looked at each other with clear hostility in their eyes.

At first, Pei Yi didn\'t take Ye Hanjun in his eyes at all. Four years ago, when he was so stubbornly chasing Su Zibao, Pei Yi didn\'t think he was a rival in love. Until then, too many things happened, Su Zibao went to the snow mountain alone, Ye Hanjun chased after him, Su Zibao came back as Ye Hanjun\'s girlfriend, and when Ye Hanjun was almost buried under the mine, Su Zibao cried hysterically with heartache. appearance.

Ye Hanjun and Gu Yian are different. Gu Yian takes care of Su Zibao like a big brother. Although he follows her all the time, Pei Yi can directly ignore his gender, feeling that Gu Yian takes care of Su Zibao like an old mother, ahem, elegantly speaking, he is a deacon.

But this person in front of him has an undisguised possessiveness towards Su Zibao in his eyes. Don\'t think that he may be on Su Zibao\'s side now, but he will do anything to get Su Zibao, even if it hurts Su Zibao. Just like the tip off to Mu Yunlan back then.

Very aggressive rival.

However, so what.

Pei Yi raised her lips slightly, took Su Zibao\'s hand and suddenly hugged her in his arms, leaning against her lazily.

"Why?" Su Zibao was caught off guard, and his body swayed and almost fell, but Pei Yi hugged her tightly, and she could only lean in Pei Yi\'s arms. This person suddenly put the weight of half of his body on her, which startled Su Zibao.

Pei Yi said innocently, "I\'m a little dizzy, lean on it."

"Hey, you called me to dance just now, why are you dizzy!" Su Zibao glared at him, she couldn\'t believe that this robust statue-like person was suddenly dizzy.

Pei Yi said seriously, "Maybe I saw you and was stunned by Mei."

"Don\'t be ashamed, get up, you are so serious." Su Zibao snorted coldly.

But Pei Yi ignored it and leaned on Su Zibao stubbornly, just like a drunk person, with a very intimate posture. Su Zibao looked disgusted, but he could only help him leave like this, completely ignoring to say hello to Ye Hanjun and the others.

"So many people are watching, get up, you\'re dead."

"I can\'t get up, I\'m dizzy. I need my wife to kiss me to get up."


"You touch, your face is right next to you, oh right, your hand is empty, then use your mouth, you can touch it when you raise your mouth."

"Pei Yi!"

A certain person was supported by Su Zibao and walked away contentedly, leaving only Ye Hanyun with a handsome back. Hehe, grab my daughter-in-law with me, you are still tender boy.