Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 836: To deal with the Han family or MECO? each has ghosts

Yamato, Mt. Yoshino, Nara.

"Miss, according to the news from the Imperial Capital, the first plan was successful. The old fox Han Yu has already taken the bait, and the loss of the Su Group is a little smaller than the budget." Gu Yian walked in and said.

Su Zibao\'s lips curled into a sarcastic arc, "Han Yu didn\'t believe in the plan that Han Liyu said at first, so naturally he refused to make up his mind, just deal with us casually, the loss of the budget is calculated according to the worst case, now This result is normal."

"Now there is news from the imperial capital. It is said that Han Liqi performed well in the Han family\'s business war against the Su Group. Han Yu likes him to be his son-in-law. He has already set a wedding date and is preparing for the wedding." Gu Yian continued.

Su Zibao clicked his tongue, "It seems that the old fox is afraid of me, otherwise he would not agree to Han Liyu\'s conditions so quickly. He planned to use his daughter to catch a golden tortoise son-in-law for the Han family, and now Han Liyu is cheap."

"With Han Yu\'s ingenuity, maybe he has already made up his mind to let Han Ruoyan remarry after the eldest miss. By then, the strength of the Han family will greatly increase, and you will be able to pick better ones." Gu Yian smiled slightly.

Su Zibao sneered, "You\'re right, the old fox guessed that this was what the old fox was thinking, so he agreed to Han Liju so readily. But I don\'t know how Han Ruoyan feels now that her own father has sold her."

There are no secrets with Pei Yi on Mount Yoshio. Pei Yi received news the day after Han Ruoyan was raped by Han Liya.

Su Zibao and Pei Yi were both surprised, they didn\'t expect that Han Lichu was really a daring, despicable and shameless villain, but they were happy to see it happen, and no one intervened. So Han Liya enjoyed three days on the mountain.

If Han Ruoyan had chosen to be friends, she would never have ended up where she is now. The original choice has resulted in today\'s results. Self-inflicted, karmic retribution.

"It\'s almost time, I should go back to the imperial capital, otherwise I won\'t come back if the Su Group suffers a loss. Han Yu should be suspicious. Stop by for a cup of Han Ruoyan\'s wedding wine." Su Zibao\'s lips curled into a cold arc.

Gu Yian bowed, "Yes. I\'ll make arrangements now."

After more than a week on Mount Yoshino, Su Zibao and Pei Yi returned to the imperial capital together. The sudden appearance of these two strangers who had been troubled by the Fei Ying incident surprised everyone. For some unknown reason, I thought that Su Zibao quietly ran to Yoshino Mountain, just to go on a date with Pei Yi.

But then again, apart from Pei Yi, there is really nothing on Mount Yoshio worthy of her attention. After returning to the imperial capital, Su Zibao was no longer hospitalized, and Xu Jinyao directly became a doctor dispatched from Taihe Hospital and followed Su Zibao all the time.

With such a reliable doctor to follow, everyone can rest assured that they get along every day, and the relationship between Su Zibao and Xu Jinyao is getting better and better.

When Su Zibao returned to the imperial capital, Simon came to visit again.

"Miss Su, I\'m very sorry. We have searched all the members of the royal family and found no one with the same blood type as Miss Su." Lin Mingye looked sad.

Simon also sighed deeply.

Lin Xuejiao\'s eyes instantly turned red when she heard this answer, and she was afraid that Su Zibao would see sadness, so she covered her eyes and walked out, leaning against the wall outside the door and shedding tears silently.

At this time, there is only one week left before the deadline set by the doctor. If I miss this week, even if there is blood, I will not be able to perform surgery. Su Guoqiang and Lin Xuejiao\'s expectations are completely shattered.

But Su Zibao had already prepared in his heart that Simon, the fake cousin, could find someone with the same blood type as Su Zibao.

Although she also asked Nangong Yu to look for it, she actually had a rough idea in her heart. If the parents were really alive, why didn\'t they come to her. Probably, misfortune has happened. Judging from the situation described by her father, her biological father was already in danger.

If she was still alive but didn\'t come to her, she didn\'t show up for so many years, she didn\'t show up when she got married, had children, started a family, and now... won\'t show up either.

"It\'s alright, it\'s already what I expected." Su Zibao smiled, "I would like to ask Mr. Simon and Mr. Lin to help."

Simon said, "Cousin, don\'t be polite to me, just call me cousin."

"Okay, cousin." Su Zibao changed his tune with kindness. After this period of time, Simon also felt that Su Zibao had believed in her "life experience".

Simon said, "I heard that you met Pei Yi at Yoshino Mountain this time, you guys..."

"I originally went to Nara to find clues about Fei Ying, but I didn\'t expect that it was the fake news released by Pei Yi, and I was deceived by him." Su Zibao lowered his head and said lightly.

Simon thought they were reconciled, but he was relieved to hear this. Yes, if it were me, the dearest person would run away with someone else in his arms at the moment of life and death, and leave him alone to die, it is absolutely impossible to forgive. And now cheating and lying are a plus.

"You don\'t have to worry, cousin, I will help you check Fei Ying\'s news. However, now that Pei Yi and Nangong Yu are teaming up to deal with me, I can\'t help it." Simon hinted.

Su Zibao said quickly, "I didn\'t know I was a relative with my cousin before, and I worked with Nangong Yu, but now..."

"It has nothing to do with my cousin, it\'s because Nangong Yu is too cunning. On the face of it, he cooperated with his cousin, but he actually wanted to take Pei Yi as a helper." Simon said indignantly, putting all the blame on the two of them, and clearly helped them. Su Zibao in this matter has become an innocent person.

Su Zibao was really amazed at the big guys\' ability to confuse black and white.

"So many things happened, even if it\'s not for my cousin, I want to make some trouble with him." Su Zibao\'s eyes flashed with resentment, the perfect disguise showed no flaws.

Simon said, "Yes, if you can suppress Pei Yi in business, you can also use this to coerce him to tell you about Fei Ying. It is my duty to help my cousin deal with meco."

"It seems that we are really relatives, we hit it off and we all think the same thing." Su Zibao raised his lips slightly, sighed and said, "It\'s just a pity, you should have heard that the Han family let us Su Group eat one. A big loss and the upper hand. Not to mention dealing with meco, even with the Han family, it is still unpredictable. Maybe the Su family is miserable this time, let alone the others. "

Simon didn\'t speak, but glanced at Lin Mingye who was standing beside him. Lin Mingye immediately gave him a long-term look.

Obviously, the two cousins ​​seem to be having a good time, but one wants the other to deal with meco, and the other wants to deal with the Han family first.

Simon and Su Zibao exchanged a few words before leaving. After returning this time, they will discuss whether to help Su Zibao deal with the Han family. If they don\'t do it, Su Zibao will definitely not do it to meco.

It\'s just that Simon doesn\'t know yet, no matter what they do, Su Zibao will never be the enemy of meco.