Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 832: Pei Yi, who has the upper hand, is stripped naked

"You... don\'t mess around! Pei Yi, I have an injury." Su Zibao\'s face showed a trace of panic.

But Pei Yi kept entangling her, her thin lips kissed all the way down her neck and collarbone, "I\'ll be gentle."

He was covered in sex, and Su Zibao had a skin-to-skin blind date with him, and he could feel that his desire was already high. No, according to what she thought, it shouldn\'t be like this. Does this **** Pei Yi really want to be strong?

"It\'s useless for you to lighten, I will fight to the death, and then the blood will flow all over, are you still interested?" Su Zibao turned his face away, and said coldly.

Pei Yi touched her thigh all the way up with the palm of her hand, and paused slightly when she landed on the covered wound under her skirt. The bandages were tightly tied, but they were covered by clothes so they couldn\'t see. Except for the upper part of the thigh, the wound on the abdomen has been unable to heal due to infection and festering.

All other wounds on her body have healed, but because the time is too short, you can reach out and touch many shallow scars, which will disappear after two months.

This body is covered in bruises.

Just looking at it makes him feel unstoppable. Not to mention forcing her.

Pei Yi hugged Su Zibao tightly in his arms, but he didn\'t dare to use too much force, as if he was holding a fragile rare treasure, he just held it quietly, without saying anything or doing anything.

just hold. I feel bad for her, especially very bad.

Su Zibao pursed his lips, the person on his body suddenly stopped moving, the ** in his eyes gradually subsided, the desire that had subsided, but his embrace was extraordinarily warm.

For a while, the air was quiet. The cherry blossom petals above the head are falling, quiet and warm.

It seemed like a long time had passed, and even Su Zibao himself could not describe the feeling at that moment, but in fact it was only a few minutes before Pei Yi got up from Su Zibao and walked into the hot spring next to him.

He sat beside the hot spring, the steaming water mist covered his body, and said lazily, "Who said he wanted a massage just now, come quickly."

"Come on!" Su Zibao finally succeeded in his conspiracy, and was naturally very happy. He squatted beside Pei Yi and massaged his shoulders with a pair of weak and boneless hands.

After half an hour, Pei Yi didn\'t speak and just soaked in the hot spring quietly. With his keenness, he found out that there was no extra seasoning in the hot spring. Su Zibao worked so hard to make such a show, did he really just want to take a look at it?

"Miss." Gu Yian walked over and said, his eyes indicating that everyone had arrived.

Su Zibao stood up and stretched, picked up Pei Yi\'s clothes on the cradle over there, and while Pei Yi still didn\'t know the reason, he trotted to the edge of the corridor and handed all the clothes in his hands to Gu Yi. An, said, "Take it to Pei Yi\'s room."

"Then..." Gu Yian glanced at Pei Yi who was soaking in the hot spring with a look of surprise, so let Pei Yi stay here alone wearing underwear?

In fact, Su Zibao was even more ruthless, he didn\'t even keep any underwear with him.

Pei Yi finally understood what Su Zibao wanted to do. Take his clothes while he is soaking in the hot spring. But she thought that she couldn\'t go back to the room naked?

"Pei Yi, you should have guessed what I want to do. That\'s right, I took the clothes away. If you don\'t want to stay here naked, just tell me about Fei Ying." Su Zibao was full of confidence and smiled slyly. , "I know if

If there is no one here, you can go directly to the room. But unfortunately, if you want to go back to the room, you have to go through this lobby. Unfortunately, I hosted a banquet in the lobby today and invited some rich and famous ladies in China to gather. Unless you want to go naked in front of so many people, you can only stay in the hot spring. "

"Yan said that they are not here today, and you don\'t have a mobile phone or any communication device to notify them. As long as you tell me about Fei Ying\'s weakness, I will return the clothes to you now."

Pei Yi stared at Su Zibao for a while, then said lazily, "So this is your plan. Then I\'ll soak in the hot spring here, you guys have a nice party."

"It\'s still in the morning. It\'s not too late to soak in the hot spring for a few hours at most. Do you want to soak for a day and a night?" Su Zibao threatened unceremoniously.

Pei Yi soaked in the hot spring water, his face did not change at all, and said lazily, "Do you feel bad for me? Then bring the clothes."

"Why do I feel sorry for you? Just stay here by yourself. I\'ll come and ask you every hour. If you don\'t want to tell me, just keep soaking." the lobby.

Gu Yian followed her and said, "Miss, although you have the upper hand now, but after this incident is over, if Pei Yi is angry, we will still be on his territory, and the consequences will be..."

"Whatever he wants. I\'ve made up my mind to find out about Fei Ying, no matter what reason he has, I\'ll find out. Lelie Boyina, who was implicated because of the Blue Wolf Gang, was implicated because of me. You, and myself, don\'t repay this revenge, and I won\'t be willing to die." Su Zibao\'s fingers landed on the corner of the skirt, which was covered by the bandage that was covered.

Thanks to Fei Ying for all her injuries, she almost survived, with only 20 years of life left and no way to become a healthy and normal person. Fei Ying has been provocative and provocative again and again when she and Pei Yi have come to this point. And the most cherished friends around him, Gu Yian and Lei Lie, were all affected by Chiyu.

Even if it is to force Pei Yi, she must know the news of Fei Ying. What the final result will be, she bears it herself.

"Okay, then..." Gu Yian could only helplessly smiled and said, "All the ladies are already waiting in the living room, Miss, please."

Su Zibao nodded slightly, and walked in with a bright and elegant smile, but he couldn\'t see the slightest difference. The ladies and ladies rushed forward to say hello, and Xu Jinyao, who had been helping to entertain them, immediately introduced Su Zibao one by one.

"Today I suddenly thought that there are many friends from our country on Mount Yoshino, so I invite everyone to come over for afternoon tea and say hello. Thank you for your appreciation. Time is short, please forgive my disrespect." Su Zibao said with a smile.

A few ladies hurriedly laughed and talked about nothing.

As time passed, Su Zibao had a great conversation with the ladies, and went to the hot spring pool at the back of the living room twice during the period. Pei Yi still soaked in it lazily, but refused to say anything.

As night fell, even Su Zibao felt a little helpless. This guy really soaked in the hot spring all day. If it wasn\'t for the look on his face, Su Zibao would have pulled him out long ago.

The two were so exhausted.

"Miss, it\'s raining." Gu Yian stepped forward and said in a low voice.

rain? The spring rain in March is as smooth as crispy, but the temperature at night is already low, plus the rain...

"Bring an umbrella, I\'ll go see Pei Yi."