Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 828: I have a question and answer in bed, try it

As the slender woman in front of him sorted out the current chaotic clues one by one, Han Lichu found out that Su Zibao, who was originally inconspicuous, now has the ability to drag Simon and Els into the water to help deal with the Han family together. There is also a meco in Staring at the side.

If he was Han Yu himself, he would be very afraid now. I am also worried that if these people really all unite and deal with him together. Now, this Su Group\'s business sniping plan is naturally what he wants most.

"Is this thing really fake? Han Yu is cunning and cunning. Even if it is true, he will not easily believe it."

Su Zibao\'s lip line was slightly raised, and he smiled without saying a word.

"It\'s not easy for him to believe it. You tell Han Yu the first plan in this plan directly. Even if Han Yu is half-believing, he will take precautions and bite back. Then the Su Group suffers a secret loss because of the leak of the plan. Han Yu Naturally, I believe in the authenticity of this thing." Pei Yi waved his hand casually, "Afterwards, Han Yu wants to know the contents of the plan, so you can be gentle with the conditions. If you don\'t marry Han Ruoyan, you won\'t give the plan."

Han Lichuan was stunned, "The Su Group...will they cooperate with me?"

"Miss Su threw all the planning documents to you, and asked what stupid questions." Pei Yi sneered.

Han Liya finally reacted now. He really didn\'t expect that this seemingly unattainable and dangerous woman in front of him was the daughter of a small family that he looked down on in his heart, and the legendary Su Zibao who only relied on the support of the president of meco, turned out to be such a peerless elegance and invincibility.

She is Su Zibao, so the man who can hug her intimately can only be Pei Yi, the president of meco.

Didn\'t they say they had a falling out? Can\'t see it at all.

"If Han Yu asks you how this planning book came about, I don\'t think I need to make excuses for you, right? If you can\'t settle even such a trivial matter, then I\'ll wait for Han Yu to choose another spare tire." Su Zibao said lightly He said, "When Han Yu wins a game through you, he will definitely agree to your request to marry Han Ruoyan, in order to get a follow-up plan to attack me. From today onwards, you don\'t need to contact us, I will let you know if there is anything."

It took a few minutes for Han Liquan to finally recover. According to what Su Zibao said, the planning book in his hand is a big killer.

With this thing, even if the old guy Han Yu is treacherous, he has to let himself marry his daughter.

"Then...then what do you want..." Han Liyu said. Su Zibao is definitely not a helpful person.

Su Zibao waved his hand, "Just now, you can\'t afford anything, wait until you and Han Ruoyan get married."

Even if Simon is trying to win her over to deal with the Han family, he can\'t really be cruel, at most it\'s just a small lesson. How Els will choose is still unknown. If you want to truly destroy the Han family, you must start to disintegrate from the inside.

The person in front of her is a nail she inserted.

"Thank you." Han Liqun said politely. In fact, he didn\'t thank Su Zibao at all. He also knew that it was just an exchange of interests, so he hesitated and said:

"I want to ask you a favor."

Yan Xu said coldly, "You are also worthy to ask our boss and wife to help you. It gave you great benefits, but you still want to be greedy?"

"No... No." Han Liqian was told such a lesson, and said cautiously, "I am also taking precautions before it happens. There is a bodyguard by Han Ruoyan\'s side, I am afraid that Han Ruoyan will not be able to do it now.

Bear with me, if you want to take action against me, then I will be cleaned up before I can meet Han Yu according to Miss Su\'s arrangement. Isn\'t that... Isn\'t that a waste of Miss Su\'s arrangement? "

Su Zibao was impressed by this guy. Although he is a mediocre person, he has a lot of bad intentions, and it is not too easy to deal with the old guy Han Yu.

"Obviously, I wanted us to help you get rid of Han Ruoyan\'s bodyguard, and he said that he was doing errands for my family\'s Bao." Pei Yi tutted and said lightly, "But you don\'t have to worry about this, because the person you mentioned, Never again."

Han Liyu\'s face changed, and she immediately understood what Pei Yi meant. Has it been solved by them? It seems that Han Ruoyan has provoked these two evil stars.

Then Han Lichuan didn\'t dare to say anything more. Pei Yi\'s frivolous words were like a wake-up call. They could make such a master disappear without knowing it. If they wanted to deal with themselves, it would be easier.

After Yan Xu took Han Liqi out, only Su Zibao and Pei Yi were left in the room.

"I appeared in Yoshino Mountain, and even Han Ruoyan, who I met by chance, couldn\'t help but kill me. Pei Yi, why do you think Fei Ying didn\'t move at all?" Su Zibao suddenly raised his head and looked at him with a half-smile.

Pei Yi\'s lips lifted slightly, "The world can be learned, I really have no contact with her, so I don\'t know her plans."

"Originally, I didn\'t believe that Bo Ye could get real information from you so easily, and now that I meet you here, I don\'t believe it. Others didn\'t know that I would come to Mount Yoshino, but I deliberately told Major Bo Ye Fei Ying. The clue is in Yoshino Mountain, you don\'t know it." Su Zibao leaned forward slightly, staring at Pei Yi, his thick eyelashes were numerous, and his smart eyes flowed, "It was an accident that I met Han Ruoyan here, but It\'s no coincidence that I met you."

Pei Yi pursed her lips, this woman is getting smarter now. At first, the situation was unclear because of the assassination sent by Han Ruoyan, but all the current clues were quickly sorted out.

The reason why he didn\'t plan to see Su Zibao in the first place was because once Su Zibao saw him, many things could be inferred.

It\'s really troublesome for women to be too smart.

"But you didn\'t lie to me, Fei Ying\'s clue is indeed in Yoshino Mountain." Su Zibao poked his index finger between his eyebrows, his tone was determined with a hint of a successful smile, "It\'s you, Mr. Pei Yi."

Although there is no Fei Ying here, there is Pei Yi, who currently knows the most about her.

"Smart." She saw through Pei Yi\'s layout, but he didn\'t panic at all, he praised him, and instead of retreating, he leaned forward and whispered into Su Zibao\'s ear, "A vulgar person like me, think It is very simple to know the news from my mouth. It is enough to be a beauty. If you sell your color, I, a person who has no resistance to beauty, will definitely become your captive. "

Ambiguous and **** temptation, revealing a certain hint.

"I\'ll teach you a trick. I can answer every question in bed. Try it?"

Su Zibao glared at him angrily, it seemed that Su Zibao was willing to go to bed with him, so he said everything. But it\'s not. Because Pei Yi knew that Su Zibao would never do this, he said this, making it clear that he would not tell her anything. Not to mention that Su Zibao\'s current body is a porcelain doll put together. If he really does this kind of strenuous exercise, he will bleed into a river halfway.

Pei Yi is naturally clear. Even if Su Zibao really wanted to, he wouldn\'t agree.

Clearly teases, but in fact refuses.