Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 826: It's not an eye disease, it's an involuntary

Han Lichu didn\'t expect to receive a strange text message, asking him to meet at a hot spring bath in Houshan at 8 o\'clock tonight. Han Lijue ignored this kind of spam text messages, but the content of the text messages was rampant.

If you want to get the Han family, come quickly, don\'t wait when it\'s too late.

This made Han Liyu hesitate for a whole afternoon. I arrived in Nara with Han Ruoyan yesterday, and they went up the mountain together during the day. Han Ruoyan got rid of him directly, which made Han Lijue very angry. In the evening, Han Liyu was still wondering if she would go to the hot spring with Han Ruoyan... The public bath outside was mixed with men and women, and they all wore swimsuits. Even if they were not a couple, it would be good for the two of them to soak in the hot spring alone.

But this is purely because Han Lichu thought too much, Han Ruoyan ignored him at all, directly refused his invitation and scolded him for wanting to eat swan meat and go further.

With Han Ruoyan\'s self-cultivation, she has always been a lady\'s style, and she is rarely so direct. It can only be said that Han Lichuan is too entangled. The reason why Han Ruoyan insulted him so much was because he hoped that he could not bear it and quit voluntarily to relieve the pressure of the clan\'s pressing step by step.

I didn\'t expect that Han Lichu was not a fool, even if he was scolded by Han Ruoyan several times, he fought for the position of the head of the family. Anyway, no matter how ugly Han Ruoyan said, he had a lot of meat, but he was full of resentment towards this woman.

And now, this text message just scratched his heart. Although he felt that it was impossible for someone to help him get the Han family, wealth was fascinating, and it was less than eight o\'clock in the evening, and Han Liyu passed an hour earlier.

The building of this hot spring bath is very hidden. Han Liyao walked around there for a while and couldn\'t find it until about eight o\'clock when a man in a white suit came out. Han Liyao stopped him and asked, " Did you know there\'s a hot spring bath nearby?"

"Han Liqun?" Yan Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, took a glance to confirm his identity, and said, "Mr. and Mrs. are waiting for you inside. Please come with me."

Han Liyu couldn\'t help complaining, "What the hell, I can\'t find it at all. I\'ve been looking for it for almost an hour."

"That can only mean that you are really blind." Yan Xu looked warm.

Han Lichuan said angrily, "Who are you, how can you scold people!"

"I\'m just stating a fact. If Mr. Han insists on thinking that I\'m scolding people, as a helpless **** who has no money, no rights, and can\'t marry a daughter-in-law, so what if I scold you." Yan Xu lip line Wei Wei picks up, "You can have a private ancient building on this mountain. As long as you are not stupid, you should know that my boss is more powerful than your Miss Han. Are you sure you dare to offend me?"

Han Lichu originally wanted to scold, but was forced by the momentum of the remarks, but did not dare to say anything. At this time, he had reached the front of the yard, and Han Liyao\'s eyes unconsciously became a little more nervous.

Shi Xiu just bent the corners of his lips. He used the agitation method well and added a fire. This guy has been suppressed by others. If there is an opportunity to turn over, he will definitely not miss it.

Pei Shao and Miss Su\'s eyes are as vicious as ever.

Crossing the threshold, Yan Xu walked in, Han Liqian followed behind him, bypassing the porch and pond, and arrived at the living room.

"Mr. and Mrs., the guests are here." After he finished speaking, he stood aside.

Only then did Han Lijue go to see the person who asked him to meet. Sitting on the main seat is a couple, the man is handsome and languid

In the sofa, there is a lazy and calm temperament. Beside him is a woman in a red and white kimono, **** and elegant, with long legs like white jade under the skirt that covers her thighs, which makes people unable to help but be moved.

"Look, I don\'t want eyeballs anymore, right?" Pei Yi snorted coldly.

Han Liyu quickly retracted her eyes, feeling nervous for a while. He hadn\'t attended that kind of high society party before, and he was only picked up by General Han Yu\'s dwarf a month ago, and he was thinking wholeheartedly about how to get Han Ruoyan into his hands, but he really didn\'t know Pei Yi and Su Zibao.

But just based on the aura that Pei Yi exudes, I feel that this person must have a great background.

"If you don\'t watch it, you will be fascinated." Su Zibao said lukewarmly. This **** is too embarrassed to talk about others, when did he take his eyes off her.

Pei Yi said with a smile, "I have eye problems, you know. It looks like I\'m looking at you, but I\'m actually looking at him."

"I\'m ashamed to mention that when you hid your identity and played in front of me, why do you have an eye problem, you are clearly staring at me intently!" Su Zibao was angrily.

Pei Yi wrapped her arms around her shoulders and looked very happy, "I didn\'t expect the baby to have such a deep memory of our good memories of the past, and he would come up with words. Well, I admit, it\'s not an eye problem, it\'s a situation that I can\'t help myself."

Su Zibao\'s face was still sullen, but his ears turned red involuntarily. As long as this guy sees her, he ignores everything around him and **** her anytime, anywhere. It really hasn\'t changed at all.

Don\'t talk about Han Liyu, even the words and descriptions are silently recited in my heart, invisible, invisible, invisible to me, invisible to me.

Su Zibao realized that he was really not his opponent, so he simply ignored him, turned to look at Han Liya, and said, "You are Han Liya from the Han family branch. I heard that your ability is outstanding, but the family environment is not good, but Han Yu does not value this. , so he chose you to be his son-in-law. But unfortunately Han Ruoyan didn\'t agree, embarrassed you secretly and secretly, and wanted to force you to retreat. I didn\'t expect you to stalk and make Han Ruoyan hate you so much, but You are still her follower. Tsk, this information is a bit appalling to read."

"Who are you, and what do you mean when you say you have the Han family?" Han Liyu asked straight to the point.

Su Zibao said, "It\'s very simple, help you marry Han Ruoyan, get the Han family, and become the controller of the Han family."

"You...why do you want to help me?" Han Liyao asked cautiously, not stupid.

Su Zibao didn\'t hide it at all, and said directly, "Han Yu is too cunning. If you mess with him, it will be easier for me to destroy the Han family."

"You..." Han Liyu was choked, thinking that this woman would ask for money and shares, but she didn\'t expect that she meant that she would use herself to make trouble with the Han family, and she didn\'t really want to cooperate with him at all.

"You tell me, aren\'t you afraid of my rejection?" Han Liyu said angrily.

Su Zibao looked at him with indifferent eyes, "I will give you a chance to be the son-in-law of the Han family, are you sure you want to refuse?"

"I..." Han Liyao didn\'t answer. He wants to turn over, no matter whether it will be an empty draw in the end, but he also wants to turn over once.

For those who are ambitious and unwilling, as long as it is an opportunity, they will not refuse by any means.