Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 798: Explosion, Su Zibao seriously injured

"Miss, looking at this situation, this door can\'t be opened. There is no fingerprint lock, password lock, magnetic card lock, and no mechanism on this door, and the alarm will be triggered when you touch it, indicating that it is opened in a way that absolutely does not require touching the door. It should be remote control. Without the remote control, it is impossible to open the door." Gu Yian listened to the sound of the alarm, but still said calmly, "It\'s good that we can escape the building now, we can only temporarily give up the detoxification solvent. , must be evacuated."

Su Zibao bit his lip and clenched his fists while looking at the door of the secret room. It was just a door apart, but she couldn\'t get the antidote to save Lei Lie.

But there is no way, the detoxification solvent is too precious, and it is not so easy to get. The original purpose of her coming to Nanya was to save Gu Yian, but now that the purpose has been achieved, it was just an accident to find the detoxification solvent here.

Su Zibao is also not greedy, just accept it when he sees it, and said to Gu Yian, "You are right. I can\'t go to the doctor to get the remote control, so I can only think of a solution next time. This time I\'m looking for you. , I\'m satisfied to be able to take you back."

"Miss, have you noticed a slight vibration under your feet?" Gu Yian\'s face suddenly changed.

Su Zibao also felt the tremor, "Could it be that a large number of people rushed up? But it\'s not quite right..."

"No, there is an ambush! Get out of here quickly..." Gu Yian said quickly.

"Boom boom boom!" The sound of the explosion directly overturned Su Zibao and Gu Yian.

Finally know what\'s wrong. There are no guards on the seventeenth floor, not because the door replaced the bodyguard, but because there are bombs buried under this corridor!

Once you touch this door, the system knows that you are not an intruder, and immediately activates the destruction device while sounding the alarm. Of course, bodyguards would not be arranged at such a time, otherwise, wouldn\'t he have killed his own people.

No wonder there are no patrolling bodyguards on the seventeenth floor, so it turned out to be the case.

Su Zibao knew that the detoxification solvent was very important to them, but he didn\'t know that it could be so dangerous.

So Pei Yi didn\'t want Su Zibao to have any relationship with the people of the Cherry Blossom Organization at all. Those people are desperadoes who can do everything, and they are terrorist organizations.

A slight error, worrying about life.

Su Zibao felt that all his internal organs were shattered, and his throat was bitter and sweet, and he couldn\'t help spitting out a mouthful of blood. Her body was covered with fragments of bombs, and her body was full of burning wounds, as if there was a big hole, and blood was dripping. The pain seemed to return to the time when the car accident exploded, and she was covered in bruises.

"Miss!" Gu Yian screamed when he saw Su Zibao like this.

Su Zibao was very unlucky and stepped on the bomb. The bomb blew Su Zibao away directly, while Gu Yian was pushed out by the air wave and was less injured. He also thought that Su Zibao had only suffered a little skin trauma, at most two or three bomb fragments were blown in like him.

But when she turned her head, Su Zibao\'s face, arms, legs and legs were all covered in blood. The fragments of the bomb left her covered in bruises. There were finger-long holes in her thigh arteries and abdomen, and blood was splattered. Her clothes were instantly stained red, and the ground was dripping. A big pool of blood, and it is still spreading, more and more.

"Miss, you must bandage immediately. If you bleed too much, you will die." Gu Yian quickly covered Su Zibao\'s wound with both hands, but it was useless. The two big openings could not be blocked, and blood overflowed the gap between his palms and flowed out again. , instantly dyed his hands red.

"What nonsense, quickly retreat. The alarm has been sounded, those people will come soon, go out first

Say it again. "Su Zibao\'s face was pale, and his speech was incoherent.

At this moment, Ye Hanjun, who came to join them, saw this scene. Just when they were at the entrance of the stairs, they heard an explosion upstairs, and when they came up, they saw Su Zibao lying in a pool of blood.

"A Bao!" Ye Hanjun rushed over like crazy, and hugged Su Zibao in his arms, both angry and worried, "Why is this happening?"

Gu Yian said, "If you touch the door of the secret room, the alarm and the bomb will be triggered. We don\'t know. The position where the eldest lady stood just now is right above the bomb. Fortunately, she took a step, or she would die. But now it must be Hurry up and find a bandage to wrap it up, or you will die if you lose too much blood."

"Okay, immediately go to bandage, and then take out these bomb fragments." Ye Hanjun immediately agreed, seeing Su Zibao like this, his whole heart lifted.

Su Zibao said with difficulty, "Get out now! I\'ll talk about my wounds after I go out."

"No, I have to stop the bleeding first." Ye Hanjun sternly said that even if he wanted everyone here to be buried with Su Zibao, he would never tolerate everyone going out, but Su Zibao died of bleeding in the end. So even if he was caught by others making dumplings if he stayed here, he had to stop the bleeding with Su Zibao first.

He doesn\'t care about the lives of others. If the sacrifices of others can save Su Zibao\'s life, he will not hesitate to give up the lives of these people, including himself.

Su Zibao immediately saw his plan, this guy, with such a bad personality, hasn\'t changed at all for so long. But why do you feel so moved?

"Don\'t forget my purpose, if I can\'t save Yi\'an, I won\'t come in." Su Zibao bit his lip and said, "I must withdraw first."

Gu Yian said, "I won\'t withdraw, I will stop the bleeding first."

"Did you see, his attitude is the same as mine." Ye Hanjun snorted coldly and said angrily, "Didn\'t I tell you that detoxification solvent is very important, and according to your plan, the success rate of successfully rescuing Gu Yian is 80%. But if you insist on getting the antidote, the failure rate becomes 80%!"

Detoxification solvent is their cash cow, how can it be so easy to get.

"But it\'s a door apart. If I don\'t give it a try, I\'ll be sorry for Lei Lie." Su Zibao said stubbornly.

I didn\'t get it, but I tried my best. Not to regret after leaving that I had a chance, but I gave up.

Instead, she is willing to fight.

"Where is the medical equipment for bandaging?" Ye Hanjun couldn\'t understand with Su Zibao, looking at Gu Yian and asked. He knew that Su Zibao was very smart, and if he wasn\'t smart, he wouldn\'t have come up with such a way to save people, and the rescue went smoothly. But she also has her own perseverance, and a person like him who is ruthless and unscrupulous will probably never be able to understand her importance of love and righteousness.

Gu Yian pointed upstairs and said, "Upstairs is a row of laboratories with dressing tools!"

"Go over immediately." Ye Hanjun picked up Su Zibao and rushed up the stairs.

Su Zibao reluctantly wanted to argue with reason, so he heard the female bodyguard say, "Miss Su don\'t need to be angry, now all the soldiers downstairs are surrounded by chasing soldiers, if we go down, we will be wiped out, it is better to go up and delay. Just a moment and wait for the people outside to rush in."

"Okay. Then you all pay attention to the movement outside. Once rescue arrives, withdraw immediately." After Su Zibao said this, he felt his head suddenly dizzy.

This is a sign of excessive blood loss.