Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 794: It's fun, you feel it slowly

South Asia, Isa Group.

Looking at the video on the surveillance camera, the doctor couldn\'t help but feel that the eldest lady in such a small family was very ridiculous. Do you think you can cover up your identity by wearing a hat and mask in the middle of the night?

Today, I deliberately revealed Gu Yian\'s location. That night, she sneaked in and brought two people, one of whom was the second young master of the Ye family, and the other was a bodyguard. In this way, three people wanted to be in his office. It was a dream to rescue people from the building.

Sakura also reminded me to be careful again and again, but the doctor really felt that there was nothing to be careful about for such a woman who was hooked at any time.

Just put the bait out and she\'s hooked.

"Boss, they have entered the first floor, what should we do next?" the assistant next to him asked, "Would you like me to take someone to arrest them."

The doctor said lightly, "Don\'t worry. We just came in, and we may find them dead. If Su Zibao, whose cherry blossoms want to live, is accidentally killed, she will stop our research funding in the future. Will you sell it?"

"My subordinates know what\'s wrong, I understand!" The assistant\'s face turned pale. The reason why the boss listened to Fei Ying so much was because his research and experiments were funded by the Sakura Organization.

Regarding the request made by her sponsor, although the doctor has a bad relationship with her, she will comply with it.

"There is anesthesia spray in the corridor on the thirteenth floor. When they faint, you can just go and drag people." The doctor stretched and said boredly, "It\'s really boring, I\'ll continue to do my experiments."

The assistant said, "Don\'t worry boss, I will keep an eye on them."

The doctor came out of the monitoring room, walked slowly to the elevator and entered the exclusive research room on the eighteenth floor. The news he deliberately released was that Gu Yian\'s group was locked on the thirteenth floor, but they were actually hidden on the twenty-third floor. Su Zibao and the others couldn\'t find anyone at all. When they entered the thirteenth floor, they were waiting to be captured alive.

On the eighteenth floor, Tang Yuqing was closed. Although doing experiments, the doctor prefers to face a beautiful woman rather than a rough man like Gu Yian.

Among this group of people, Tang Yuqing is excellent in both body and appearance, and it is only pleasing to the eyes of such beauties.

Sakura only said that Tang Yuqing would be alive in the end, but didn\'t say that she couldn\'t do anything, as long as she didn\'t play dead, it was really a little expectation.

The doctor opened the electronic door, and Tang Yuqing, who was tied to the chair, scolded him when he saw him, "Bastard, pervert, bastard!"

"It all fell into my hands, and my mouth is still so hot. It seems that I won\'t do anything to you. You don\'t know what a pervert is." The doctor smiled pervertedly.

For a doctor who likes to do human experiments, there is nothing more perverted than him.

Tang Yuqing\'s face turned pale when she heard this, "What are you trying to do, don\'t come here, help, indecent!"

"Hahahaha..." The doctor was amused by Tang Yuqing\'s behavior, and said with a smile, "Don\'t worry, I am a doctor with professional ethics, and I will not do anything beyond the scope of medicine to my clients. Although you are now tied to this Posture and some body games look good too, but I\'d prefer something else."

Tang Yuqing\'s face became even paler. This guy looked like he was wearing a white coat and a pair of glasses, but how could he smile so penetratingly.

"I\'m studying a virus recently, let me see how the injection works in your body." The doctor said to himself, took out a metal-sealed jar from the bottles in the row next to it and unscrewed it. , skillfully matched, and after a while, he took a needle with a light green inside and walked to Tang Yuqing.

Tang Yuqing was completely frightened by him. Never encountered such a battle. Don\'t talk about her, even if it is replaced by other people who have been in the society for many years, they will still be frightened.

"Help!" Tang Yuqing burst into tears.

The doctor aimed at her wrist and directly pushed all the light green liquid in the needle tube, and said with a smile, "Let me see the effect, not bad."

There was no unexpected pain, it was like being injected with a common cold, but Tang Yuqing felt cold all over. God knows what the **** this perverted doctor injected into his body.

"Okay, it will take a while for the effect to work. Then I will study your body carefully." The doctor reached out and patted Tang Yuqing\'s face, and untied the rope tied for her, saying to himself, " If it\'s tied so tightly, it affects the blood circulation and affects the observation value. What do you like to eat, I\'ll have someone bring it in for you. Weakness will also affect it. Gee, it\'s much more convenient to keep a fat white mouse."

Tang Yuqing was already frightened by him. Although he was released, he felt that he couldn\'t lift himself up, and said weakly, "What did you do to me? What is that?"

"Don\'t worry, a virus, I\'m just studying its pathological changes and its effects on the human body. Don\'t worry, there is an antidote, Sakura doesn\'t want you to die, and I won\'t kill you either. I\'ll kill you at best. Half-dead, and then I will save you." The doctor\'s relaxed words were like the most terrifying demon.

Tang Yuqing couldn\'t help shaking and said, "This... this virus, what will I become?"

"In the beginning, there was a problem with the five senses and seven orifices, and then you will faint. But don\'t worry, you will wake up in pain after passing out. Just repeating this, this little guy with the virus is very active." The doctor smiled. Said, "It\'s fun, you take your time."

The assistant in the monitoring room stared at the picture of Su Zibao and the others moving forward, almost dozing off.

Aren\'t these people being too cautious and slow as a snail, don\'t they know that dawdling on the enemy\'s territory is a very deadly behavior? Do you understand that it is so slow, are you afraid of not being discovered by the other party? Only the blind can see you.

In normal rescue, it would take half an hour to reach the thirteenth floor, but these three people only reached the fifth floor in an hour.

The reason is naturally because there are people patrolling every floor of the building, as well as ubiquitous cameras, infrared detectors, and some poisonous gas organs.

Although they walked slowly, they were very careful, avoiding all patrols and camera detectors that could be seen on the bright side, and none of those agencies were caught. However, the assistant is very calm. If they want to enter the secret room on the thirteenth floor, they must go through the corridor, and once they enter the corridor, they will definitely be stunned.

These people in the front are just small obstacles to hide from the public.

He was dozing off when he saw it, and wished he could recruit all the guards downstairs, then turn off all the infrared rays and detectors, and let them go to the thirteenth floor as soon as possible to die.