Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 786: By the way, you can't keep him

Su Zibao and Xu Jinyao directly deceived Liang Bulian and Liang Qianqian, and then beat them hard.

At first, the two of them didn\'t say anything. Su Zibao and Xu Jinyao beat them for a whole day. By the end of the night, the two of them couldn\'t stand it any longer. Su Zibao was completely dead. Don\'t worry if the Liang family will take revenge on them if they beat them to death.

Just crazy.

"I said, I said everything! It\'s true that I hired the killer! Don\'t beat me!" Liang Bulian screamed with a bruised nose and a bruised face.

Su Zibao\'s legs softened and he almost fell to the ground, trembling and said, "Then Ian... was killed?"

"No. The killer I was looking for said that he couldn\'t kill people in the imperial capital. He also said that there was a shortage of people to be slaves, so he took him away." Liang Bulian said with a sad face, "They said that Gu Yi\'an would not survive for more than a month, so it counted as killing him. Now, you still have to charge me five times the commission, which is really cruel..."

Su Zibao stared at him, "You\'re telling the truth? You\'re looking for a killer, but the killer doesn\'t listen to you, so you\'ll pay back the money?"

"There\'s no way, that group of people is too fierce. I can\'t beat a tiger. They say it\'s a human-trafficking organization, and they make it into a slave. They promise to live for only a month, but I don\'t believe that if you live to see people die, you will see corpses. How do I know if Gu Yian is dead? So I said I don\'t want you to kill me, and I\'ll go find someone else, but that person threatens me, and if I don\'t want to pay five times the money, I\'ll be taken as a slave. "

Liang Bulian was frightened, and now they were still trembling in advance, "I didn\'t want to die, so I just listened to them and paid them. I didn\'t expect that they really lost Gu Yian."

Human trafficking, dark organizations, killers, commissions.

"How could you be so cruel? You guys really want to kill him! He\'s your brother! Brother!" Xu Jinyao said in disbelief.

Liang Qianqian snorted, "Who is a brother with that kind of illegitimate son of unknown origin, this kind of person also wants to join the Liang family, and now he is a slave, he deserves it!"

"Crack!" Xu Jinyao\'s fiery temper raised his hand and slapped him, "I\'m so **** off, I\'ll slap you to death!"

Su Zibao stopped her and said, "Don\'t be in a hurry. Let\'s ask separately, you ask Liang Qianqian, I\'ll ask Liang Bulian, and finally check the answer to see if they say the same thing. Be sure to ask Gu Yian\'s whereabouts. Now he He just disappeared, and it\'s still too late. Even if he was caught in a human trafficking organization, he should still be floating at sea by now."

"You\'re right. The most important thing is to find Gu Yian\'s whereabouts quickly." Xu Jinyao nodded.

So Xu Jinyao took Liang Qianqian to the next room for interrogation. Su Zibao\'s face was gloomy as if the sky was about to collapse. This was not the first time Liang Bulian had been planted in her hands. Although he hated Su Zibao, now he saw her. I feel heartache.

"Come on, what is the name of the human trafficking organization, which route do they take, and where do they finally send people?" Su Zibao drank coldly.

Liang Bulian said with a bitter face, "I don\'t know, I really don\'t know anything."

"Don\'t you think that I dare not do anything to you, at most I will be beaten, so I will bear it, right? Liang Bulian, listen to me clearly, if something happens to Gu Yian, I will let you bury him. I Don\'t tell me anything about the Liang family, don\'t tell me about breaking the law, I don\'t care, I just care about his life!" Su Zibao\'s voice was as cold as a **** demon, from her ruthlessness Liang Bulian had already seen in her eyes that she really dared to do this.

Liang Bulian was frightened and burst into tears, "Help! I\'m not lying, I\'m telling the truth! Some big families in the imperial capital can contact some international assassination organizations. If you don\'t believe me, you can ask Li Han, Li

Home can also connect with people. But what is the origin of the killer contacted, I really don\'t know. No one knows, those killers don\'t want to cause trouble, how could they deliberately sign up, isn\'t that courting death! Everything I said is true, even if you kill me, I don\'t know. "

"You mean, if Li Han goes to contact, he can contact the person you contact?" Su Zibao asked calmly. She knew that Liang Bulian didn\'t lie.

Liang Bulian said, "I don\'t think so. There are so many killer organizations in the world, so many people, even if I go to hire again, I\'m not sure which organization I find."

The Sakura Organization is deeply hidden, except for very few people who know it, even if others have dealt with them, it is not clear. How could someone like Liang Bulian know who he was.

If they were so easy to find out, Su Zibao wouldn\'t be able to find them all the time.

"Then where did they take Gu Yian, you should know?" Su Zibao gritted his teeth.

Liang Bulian cried, "I really don\'t know. I was afraid of them later, how dare I ask more, I will never dare again, it\'s really scary. I\'ve never seen such an unruly killer."

He does not mean that. Although Liang Bu didn\'t even know anything, Su Zibao already had a clue. That\'s this organization, it\'s awesome, it doesn\'t follow the rules.

A human trafficking organization that can scare Liang Bulian into such a state must be the world\'s top, and it is relatively strong. It is also a casual threat to the wealthy and expensive, and it is not afraid of retaliation after intervening in the internal business struggle of the Liang family.

These clues add up to a bit of an eye.

Su Zibao tried again several times, and the result from Xu Jinyao\'s side was the same, indicating that they really didn\'t lie.

"What to do now, these two **** don\'t know anything, they wasted us for so long, and they don\'t know what happened to Gu Yian now." Xu Jin said angrily.

Su Zibao said, "Investigate first. Although I don\'t know who it is, the exposed clues are not without a trace."

"Oh yes, when it comes to tracing, meco\'s intelligence network is the most powerful. Su Zibao, go find Pei Yi." Xu Jinyao said immediately.

Pei Yi.

As soon as the name came out, Su Zibao\'s face became embarrassed. She is still in a cold war with Pei Yi, and now Su Zibao is ignoring him for Fei Ying\'s sake. Do you want to find him?

This thought only appeared in Su Zibao\'s mind, and she came to a positive answer.

Of course go.

Compared with Gu Yian\'s safety, everything else comes first. She couldn\'t give up Gu Yian\'s life just because she was angry with Pei Yi.

For Gu Yian\'s sake, Su Zibao is willing to give in first.

"Okay, let\'s go to Century Building now." Su Zibao said.

All the way to the Century Building, just after getting out of the car, Su Zibao\'s mobile phone received a text message.

The letter was from an unfamiliar number, but the content already explained who it was.

"Su Zibao, I asked Pei Yi to go to Maldives for a week, and he promised me to come over tonight. Don\'t you think he loves you the most? Why don\'t you try to prevent him from seeing my old lover. Su Zibao, you can\'t stop it, because You are not the only one at all, don\'t fantasize too much, Pei Yi is not someone you can tie down with a little woman. It\'s nothing to tell you this, just to show off, by the way, you can\'t keep it he."

Su Zibao\'s fist clenched instantly.