Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 783: MECO and Cass, join forces to settle

"Our lord wants to cooperate with Mr. Pei Yi and become an ally in the business world. This is a specific contract." Qin Hexiao handed the contract that he had prepared to Pei Yi and said, "If Mr. Pei and Sir By joining forces, both parties will be able to maximize their benefits.”

Yan Xu said with a smile, "Cas and meco have been **** for tat for so many years. Since the rise of the boss, Mr. Huangfujing has spared no effort to suppress meco, forcing meco to the brink of bankruptcy several times. With such a deep hatred, why should we cooperate with you? Anyway, no matter who Cass ends up being the head of the house, the last battle is inevitable."

"How can you say it\'s inevitable. If Els is the head of the family, he has already allied with the Han family and completely offended Su Zibao. Naturally, there is no way to reconcile, and it will inevitably kill you and me. If I are the head of the family and cooperate, then the war will be avoided." Huangfujing The lips pursed slightly, "Pei Yi, what do you think?"

Pei Yi\'s index finger tapped rhythmically on the table, and there was no expression on his handsome face, "After I broke with the Han family, you didn\'t cooperate with the Han family. Did you expect today\'s result?"

The Han family forced Su Zibao away and almost killed his wife and children. Pei Yi would fight them to the end. Els ran to win over the Han family without hesitation, but Huangfujing, who could also do the same, did not move.

"I\'m not God, how can I calculate today\'s situation. It\'s just my hunch that you won\'t give up on Els. The chess game between us has changed. But I didn\'t expect you to make such a big fuss. It\'s such a miserable situation. Mu Yunlan is indeed a ruthless character." Huangfujing\'s tone was very calm, and he was not impatient because of the current situation, nor was there any embarrassment because he was an enemy and now wants to cooperate with others. , "You look at the contract first, you must like the price I offer."

Pei Yi raised his lips slightly, "You don\'t need to read the contract. I only have one question. I predict that the partner chosen by the old owner of Cass should be Simon. If you go to him, he will definitely be happy. Why come? Find me?"

"How do you know it\'s Simon?" Huangfujing asked conditioned reflexively, and then reacted, "That\'s right, you should be able to guess. Now in the entire global economic circle, there are almost no people who are willing to intervene in the infighting of our Cass family. Simon is an exception, because he and Nangong Yu are the same, I want him as an ally, he helps me deal with Els, I help him contain Nangong Yu, just get what they need. However, I have been fighting with you for so many years, how can I say It can be regarded as showing affection. I know you better than Simon."

"You should also know that I basically don\'t need to pay anything to cooperate with Simon, because he also relies on me. When you cooperate with you, you are a greedy and shameless profiteer, and I have to pay more." Huangfujing was helpless. He shrugged, "However, you are already on Nangong Yu\'s side. I choose Simon, that is, I\'m facing you again. I haven\'t beaten you for so many years. I don\'t think that with Simon as an ally, I can take care of you at the same time. and Els."

"Of course, the main reason is that I think I\'m stronger than Simon. So, of course, I have to choose you." Huangfujing said with a narcissistic tone of course, "I only cooperate with the strong."

You think you are better than Simon, so what is the logic of choosing our boss... Hey, no, Huangfujing means that he thinks he is better than Simon, and the boss and Huangfujing have been fighting for so many years, Evenly matched, that is, boasting that the boss is stronger than Simon.

It was the first time I found that Huangfujing was quite awkward and arrogant. After talking so much, I just wanted to talk about Simon and the boss. He felt that the boss was stronger than Simon, so he naturally wanted to cooperate with the strong.


p; This guy even compliments his boss even if he compliments himself, and he is extremely arrogant.

"Okay." Pei Yi\'s lips lifted slightly, as if he had already made up his mind, and without hesitation, he extended a hand to him, "Happy cooperation."

Huangfujing did not expect that Pei Yi would agree so neatly, and Qin Hexiao behind him was even more stunned. The Lord just praised himself so casually, and Pei Yi agreed to cooperate?

"Happy cooperation!" Huangfujing stood up and shook hands with him.

The two consortium rulers who have been at war for many years now have a truce and become allies.

"You didn\'t even read the contract I gave you, so you agreed so neatly?" Huangfujing said deliberately. It was obvious that he had come to cooperate with Pei Yi himself, but he felt that the initiative had gone to him.

Pei Yi smiled, "Isn\'t it just to carve up Els\'s power together, and by the way, join forces to do those projects that we have coveted for a long time, I trust your vision."

"Although it was you who started the battle, I wanted to fight Els for a long time. The reason why I faced him now is my choice!" Huangfujing said again, wanting to regain his momentum a little. It showed that he was not being led away by Pei Yi.

It\'s not that Huangfujing has no other solution, but he really wants to take action on Els, and what Pei Yi does is to let him push the boat, rather than rush the ducks to the shelves.

"So I gave a push, no thanks." Pei Yi smiled brightly.

Huangfujing silently muttered in his heart, how could this guy be so shameless.

Under such a situation, the two big men who made the imperial capital turbulent shook hands and made peace. Huangfujing flew back to Western Europe after discussing cooperation, and the "fight" between Cass and meco that lasted for many years finally came to an end here.

Yan Xu said, "The boss can also not intervene, let Huangfujing and Els lose both, and then take advantage of the fisherman."

"Els is not Huangfujing\'s opponent. Even if Huangfujing finally crippled Els and the Cass family\'s power shrinks, it will not be our turn to be fishermen. Not to mention those who have not yet appeared while sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight. , the Western European economic circle alone will not let outsiders pick it up." Pei Yi said lazily, "It\'s not better to be able to easily make a profit."

Yan Xu asked, "Why is the boss so sure that Els is not Huangfujing\'s opponent? Most of the outside world is optimistic about Els. After all, the old owner is dead, and Huangfujing is still too young."

"Because Els is not my opponent." Pei Yi said lazily.

It took him a choking to react. As expected of his old enemy for so many years, this kind of narcissistic rhetoric is the same.

Els is not Pei Yi\'s opponent, and Huangfu Jingneng and Pei Yi have been fighting for so many years and haven\'t been defeated, so Els is not Huangfu Jing\'s opponent. Therefore, Pei Yi is optimistic about Huangfujing, because he has confidence in himself, and also has confidence in Huangfujing.

Now he understood why the boss cooperated with Huangfujing, they were really the same kind of people!

But this is also very good. For meco, it can finally stop for a while, and the foundation of meco is getting more and more stable.

At this moment, Pei Yi\'s cell phone rang suddenly, and a hoarse voice came: "Boss, something happened, Tang Yuqing is missing."