Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 781: This hurdle can't be crossed

Pei Yi seemed to want to say something, but remained silent for a while. Su Zibao didn\'t want to talk to him anymore, he turned around and left.

The last day on the island ended with such a cold war.

The group returned to the imperial capital. Since the Cass brothers both returned to Western Europe, the faces of those in the business world of the imperial capital have changed.

In addition to playing with the two little dumplings, Su Zibao\'s heart fell into the cooperation with Nangong Yu. The group under Nangong Yu\'s name is called the Yate Consortium, and now Morxi has become his spokesperson.

The snow in the sky, which was worth tens of billions of dollars and stirred up the situation, became a decoration on Su Zibao\'s dressing table.

Su Zibao introduced Morxi to Li Han and Chen Xi. With such a good overseas economic cooperation group, he would naturally not forget his good friend.

The fight between Nangong Yu and Simon has nothing to do with them. To put it simply, neither the Li family nor the Shen family are qualified to participate in the battle at their level.

Even if the Yate Group collapsed, there would not be much loss to them. They were originally a hundred-year-old business giants with a profound background, but they just lost a boost for development. Unlike Su Zibao, whose foundation is too shallow, if Yate falls, the Su family will definitely be implicated.

Many high-tech products in Huading Company made Mori excited, but this is under the name of meco. If it wasn\'t for Pei Yi who already said that he would support Nangong Yu, there would be no way to cooperate. Now it\'s time to talk, Morxi and Shen Xi can talk very well.

And Mo Xi felt that it was Li Han who could talk. As a well-known talented girl in the business world of the imperial capital, she is the head of the family at a young age, and the controller of the Li family group.

He had seen a lot of vases, and there were a lot of beautiful women abroad, but a woman as talented and beautiful as Li Han, with such a special personality, was the first.

Mo Xi was astonished and expressed his love for the first time. Foreigners are direct, not reserved at all.

Li Han was more open-minded only in front of familiar friends, and was tangled like a little girl only in front of the team. For Morxi, who was defined as an outsider, he was always arrogant and too lazy to say a word. It\'s just that Morse likes iceberg beauties.

"Miss Bao\'er, you are elegant and moving today, very beautiful..."

Su Zibao raised a hand, "Stop, Mo Xi, Li Han didn\'t go to work in the group today, and is resting at home. Her house is in the Li family compound, you can go out and find a taxi driver to know the location."

"Thank you, beautiful Miss Bo\'er. Your heart is as beautiful as your face." Morse smiled gracefully and floated away like a flower and butterfly.

Shen Xi, who was sitting on the sofa next to him, looked at this scene and smiled, "I didn\'t expect Morxi to be so interested in Li Han and fall in love at first sight. It seems that Li Han has been in trouble recently."

"Li Han is hiding from Morxi, so I didn\'t go to the company today." Su Zibao said while flipping through the documents, "Li Han said that Morxi is waiting downstairs in her company on time every day, and she deliberately didn\'t go to the group today. At first glance, people who didn\'t wait for Li Han came to ask me."

" sold Li Han without saying a word." Shen Xi looked embarrassed.

Su Zibao said with a smile, "Li Han and I are about the same age, but my two little dumplings are five years old, and she is not married yet. Her elder sister is also worried about her marriage, so I will help her by the way."

"So, are you matching Morxi and Li Han?" Shen Xi

He said to himself, "Morxi is the crown prince of the Western Odyssey royal family, and the seventh king of the King League. He has a distinguished status and strong strength, but I don\'t know how many rules of their royal family are. The wife of the crown prince should not be himself. It can be decided. Besides, the intrigues in the royal family must be more ferocious than those in the business world, and Li Han’s character was only afraid of being at a disadvantage in the past.”

Su Zibao raised his head and said, "Who said I matched them? I\'m stimulating someone to make him act quickly, so don\'t disappoint Li Han\'s infatuation."

I really don\'t know what the **** Si Jinjian is doing, Su Zibao can see that Li Han likes him, but he is just like a dumb wood.

"A piece of infatuation? Li Han has a sweetheart?" Shen Xi said in surprise.

Su Zibao was silent. So men are so dull?

"I really don\'t know if you are blind. You can\'t even see it. Even you didn\'t see it. Wouldn\'t Si Jinjian not see that wood?" Su Zibao closed the document in his hand and handed it to Shen Xi, "Forget it. Now, it\'s their own business, so I\'ll just push it, and the rest depends on their fate."

Shen Xi said while taking the information, "A Bao, you should also worry about yourself. You and Pei Yi have been in a cold war for more than a week. As long as you are together in a good spring, it will turn into a severe winter in an instant. Watching you all the way. It\'s not easy to walk, let\'s each give in one step."

"Shen Xi, you are my man, how can you speak for him?" Su Zibao changed his face angrily when he mentioned Pei Yi, and then said, "No way, I am a fan of the authorities and a bystander."

Shen Xi smiled gently and lightly, "You also know that this is a fan of the authorities."

"Yeah, you can say something very easy from the outside, and you won\'t know until you\'re there, you just can\'t get over this hurdle." Su Zibao laughed to himself.

I have heard so much truth, but I still have a bad life. Seeing through so many feelings, but still trapped in their own love.

She is just a mortal.

"Okay, let\'s not mention it. These data are the latest research data from the laboratory in the past two weeks. It is the first time that everyone has encountered such a virus. There is no direction and progress is slow. I guess there is no hope of conquering it. Big." Shen Xi\'s voice became a little more serious.

Su Zibao said, "It\'s hard work, it\'s alright, I\'m just trying in many ways. This time out, I have asked Ye Hanjun to help find out about the Sakura Organization, but I don\'t have any clues. It would be great if I could find their people, maybe I could. Get the antidote."

"I think it would be better to wait for the research on Yunwu Mountain. This is the first time I heard about the Sakura Organization, but it is really dangerous from your previous introduction. I hope you can\'t find them." Shen Xi said worriedly. .

Su Zibao bent the corners of his lips, "I don\'t believe that my luck has been so bad. Didn\'t they just use it when they developed the virus? Sooner or later, they will act, I\'ll wait."

Shen Xi looked at Su Zibao like this and couldn\'t help but feel a little worried. If you really meet someone from the Sakura Organization, the result will be unpredictable.

"Shen Xi, Tang Yuqing didn\'t come to the company today?" Su Zibao suddenly realized that one person was missing.

Shen Xi came back to his senses, "Well. Miss Tang said a few days ago that she would study the formula, but probably won\'t come over in the next few days. It used to be a single brew, but now it\'s a batch, and there are still some areas that need to be improved."

"Yeah. This is the first time for Miss Yuqing to come to the Imperial Capital. She is not familiar with it. Her grandfather entrusted her to me. Please help me to take care of her." Su Zibao said.

Shen Xi smiled, "Don\'t worry, she is teacher Pei Yi\'s daughter, are you still afraid that someone here will dare to bully her?"