Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 762: Sakura organization, what is the purpose

"Since Mr. said it was a deal, what can I get?" Su Zibao asked frankly.

Nangong Yu glanced at her in surprise. Ordinary people would curry favor with him if they had the opportunity to serve him, and would not make a request directly. Even if he wants to give something in return, those people don\'t want it, they just want to leave some favor in front of him.

But from this we can know that this woman doesn\'t want to please him, she doesn\'t want to get closer to him, and she doesn\'t want him to owe her favor, she just wants to make it clear.

Trading, of course, is the same for the same. After the transaction is over, the two are cleared.

"The Ouli Group intends to take action against you, and I will take care of them before they take action." Nangong Yu said lightly, "If you refuse, I can take care of them after they have taken care of you."

Su Zibao bit his lip and knew that their plan to take action against Ouli Group had nothing to do with him.

"Do you think I will be solved by them?" Su Zibao was slightly dissatisfied.

Nangong Yu\'s eyes fell on her face, stared at her carefully for a while, and said, "Not sure. Maybe they can\'t solve you, but what I asked you to do is a small effort, and I will take care of them. Equivalent exchange. If you don\'t want to, then forget it."

"I do." Su Zibao said immediately, "Thank you."

Indeed, as he said, it was a hands-on effort for both parties. He was going to deal with the Oli Group, and solve them before Isa started to attack the Su family. There was no conflict with his purpose, it was just a matter of time. As for Su Zibao, she was going to photograph a product for the final private banquet. She was a little bit worried about wasting 200 million US dollars on a flashy luxury item, but now he has saved her the money.

"No thanks, it\'s just a transaction." After Nangong Yu said this, he turned around and left, as if he didn\'t know Su Zibao at all.

Su Zibao put the diamond card in his hand into his purse. I really didn\'t expect that Isa, who gave her a headache, would be solved so quickly. Such a big man will not go back on his word, and he only needs a high price to get the Snow from the Sky back.

Participate in the private banquet, sign the contract, return to the imperial capital, and accompany Pei Yi and Cass to the death battle. Yes, everything went well.

In the luxurious VIP box of the yacht, just after Nangong Yu came back, the man with the red wine immediately greeted him and said, "Yu, I heard that Fei Ying is looking for you. What did that woman do to you? Did she succeed?"

"It\'s alright, I\'ll use the disinfectant spray to clean it up." Nangong Yu glanced at his body, unscathed, it looked like there was no wound, but he injured Fei Ying, but the most powerful thing about Fei Ying was the elusive toxin.

Mo Xi said with a smile, "I really don\'t know why Fei Ying has to trouble you. Didn\'t their Sakura organization always accept missions of our level? Could it be that who paid a lot of money to make them all excited?"

Mo Xi said, holding something like a moisturizing spray at Nangong Yu for a while, "Could it be that she likes you? Then you have to be careful, this woman never spit out bones when she eats men. , there is a smell in the air, it seems that this woman is really poisoned, when did she do it?"

"I don\'t know." Nangong Yu didn\'t care, but was sprayed by Morxi, frowning.

Mo Xi sprayed Nangong Yu up and down and said, "Sakura is getting more and more rampant now.

. According to the news that came some time ago, they actually developed a biochemical virus in a country in the east, and it was taken. However, the virus has been successfully developed. It seems that the next step is to go to the Middle East to join in the fun. Would you like to intervene? "

"I\'m not interested." Nangong Yu frowned and looked at Mo Xi, who was very happy, and lowered his face, "Stop!"

Mo Xi angrily withdrew the spray, and Nangong Yu silently took out a handkerchief and wiped his face.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, the auction came as promised.

On that day, in a hall like an opera house, there were many people who came to participate in the auction, and there were some VIP rooms around. However, with Su Zibao\'s net worth, it would be nice to have a place in the lobby, and the VIP room was an extravagant hope.

The auctioneer said a few simple opening remarks and started. Everyone bids one after another, and one by one things that used to belong only to legends appeared on the auction table. It\'s no wonder that good things come to auction. Things with a market price of five million US dollars can be auctioned here for at least ten million US dollars.

Su Zibao has never been interested in antiques, but his grandfather likes it. Su Zibao took a fancy to a string of beads made of unknown materials. It is like jade but not jade, like stone but not stone. Some people say it is a meteorite from outside the sky, and some people say it is some kind of jewelry.

There are a total of one hundred and eighty, the beads are brown as clear as crystal, round as the size of lotus seeds, and each bead is engraved with a Buddha image. Moreover, the movements and demeanor of each Buddha statue are different.

This string of Buddha beads is not worth much compared to Snow in the Sky and Jade Clothes of Gold Lobster. Su Zibao estimated that it was worth about 80 million US dollars, so he just took it back and gave it to his grandfather.

It was the only thing she saw. As for those antiques worth hundreds of millions of dollars, it\'s not that Su Zibao can\'t afford them, but she really has no interest in spending hundreds of millions to buy something that can\'t be used at home.

At this time, it was finally the turn of the Buddha beads. The auctioneer introduced them above, and immediately aroused everyone\'s interest. The price went from the starting price of one million US dollars to 60 million in just a few seconds.

Seeing this situation, Su Zibao understood that if he didn\'t press down in one breath, the price would continue to soar, and immediately shouted out his psychological price, "Eighty million!"

The increase of 20 million US dollars made the venue stunned for a while. It is not that everyone can\'t afford the money, but this thing is almost worth the price, and there is no need to fight, unless it is a special favorite.

But just as the auctioneer began to count down, a female voice suddenly came from the VIP box, "Eighty-five million!"

"Han Ruoyan." Ye Hanjun frowned.

Su Zibao raised his eyebrows, "Eighty-six million."

"Ninety million." Han Ruoyan immediately followed the price.

Su Zibao can now be sure that the other party is deliberately making trouble and preventing her from buying what she wants to buy.

Very good, in that case...

"One hundred million." Su Zibao said decisively, with a tone of impending success.

Han Ruoyan did not hesitate, "Two hundred million!"

The people around were silent for a while. It doubled at once. Which giant is this?

"It seems that she also has to take 200 million to participate in the final private banquet, and this Buddhist bead is just enough to grab what you want, killing two birds with one stone." Ye Hanjun said in a low voice.