Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 740: Reunion dinner, good news

New Year\'s Eve.

Su Zibao and Pei Yi\'s itinerary is twelve o\'clock at noon, and everyone will have dinner together at the villa in the imperial capital. Then they each returned to their families and went to Haicheng for a new year.

In the morning, everyone came one after another. Gu Yian arrived first and brought Xu Jinyao with him. It turned out that the Miss Xu family had never spent the New Year outside, so she just joined in with her. Shen Xi and Ling Qingluo came together, and now the Ling family is also a partner of meco, and they have a good relationship. Everyone from meco company arrived, and everyone was very happy to talk and laugh.

Until twelve o\'clock noon, Lei Lie and Bai Yina hadn\'t appeared, and they were the only two people who were absent.

"It\'s strange, why didn\'t the two of them come." At this time, everyone had been sitting around the barbecue machine, Su Zibao muttered to himself.

Song Yingjie said with a smile, "I heard that Young Master Lei and Miss Bo Yina went to track down a certain gang, and there is no news about them after that. Could it be that this New Year\'s Eve is also busy with business and is working overtime?"

"I had a phone call with Yina, and it was half a month ago that she said that they were going to disguise their identity and enter the gang to search for some information, as if the gang had some secrets. Yina usually shuts down when she is performing tasks. I haven\'t heard back." Li Han said, "I guess they are still investigating the case. Once the case is investigated, there is no news for a few months. She often does. Now it is estimated that only the people from the Fire Gang can know a little bit of the inside story."

Su Zibao nodded, "When I get back to Haicheng, I\'ll go to the heaven and earth to ask. I\'ll visit Mr. Lei again. Lei Lie hasn\'t heard from him for so long. The old man must have found him. There should be news about him."

"You found out the news and let me know." Li Han said, "If you don\'t come back during the New Year, the next time you see her, you must punish her."

Song Yingjie coaxed, "Fine drinking, let them both drink together."

Everyone laughing and laughing, cooking meat and barbecue together.

"Mom, I want to eat this, this, and this..." Forsythia pointed to a row of meat skewers, smashing it.

Su Zibao smiled and put the skewers on it, "Okay. Forsythia, stay away from the grill, don\'t burn it."

"Stay away too, I\'ll bake." Pei Yi next to her said, taking the skewer in her hand.

Su Zibao pursed his lips and smiled.

Seeing the scene of the two, Li Han tutted, "What did I see? Reconciliation? Just like the enemy a few days ago, the eyebrows were cold, and they reconciled so quickly. Look at this loving... tsk tsk... "

"This pair is spoiled when they are sweet, but when they quarrel, a comet hits the earth. No one persuades them." Song Yingjie laughed and joked, "I thought you two would never get along with each other. The meat is roasted. Pei Shao, your flirting skills are full marks."

Lu Yanzhi said, "Song Yingjie, you are married to Pei Shao\'s cousin, and you still call your brother. Miss Shishi, you see Song Yingjie doesn\'t even call your brother, so don\'t let him enter your door tonight. , who made him not recognize this brother."

"Slips of the tongue, isn\'t it a habit? Good my fault, I will punish myself with a glass to honor the third brother." Song Yingjie cleared his throat and hurriedly raised the glass in front of him to honor Pei Yi.

Song Yingjie and Pei Shishi received their certificates in a low-key manner, and only invited relatives and some friends from both ends to the banquet.

"Just a cup?" Pei Yi raised his eyebrows and said with a black belly.

Yan Xu immediately took over the words, "At least one bottle. Everyone said it was right, even I don\'t even recognize my brother, at least one bottle!"<


So under the booing of the crowd, Song Yingjie, who said the wrong thing, drank a bottle, and Pei Shishi, who was next to him, covered his mouth and smiled, with a shy blush on his cheeks.

"Xinxin, don\'t you like meat the most? Why don\'t you eat it today." Su Zibao said, looking at Su Jiaxin, who was sitting obediently over there.

Forsythia said in a tender voice, "Auntie, my mother said that I, like Auntie, are both foodies. Why don\'t you eat it, Auntie? Did my uncle not bake it with you? Forsythia sent you the meat skewers!"

The named Lu Yanzhi smiled innocently, "It\'s not that I don\'t let her eat it, she doesn\'t like to eat oily meat recently."

"Don\'t like eating oily meat?" Su Zibao said to himself, reacted suddenly, looked at Su Jiaxin in surprise, and said, "Xinxin, are you pregnant?"

Su Jiaxin smiled shyly, "Yes."

"Why didn\'t you tell me earlier! It\'s been a few months? You sit farther away and don\'t lean against the oven." Su Zibao immediately got up from his seat and walked over to Su Jiaxin, holding her hand in the face, with eyes wide in the eyes. is a smile.

Su Jiaxin pursed her red lips and said unhappily, "The first thing people wanted to tell my sister was, but at that time my sister\'s mobile phone couldn\'t get through, and I didn\'t know where to find her. Later, my sister didn\'t tell me when she arrived in the capital, and I was also angry. Well, I won\'t tell you, hum!"

"Okay, it\'s my sister\'s fault. You, you\'re already a mother, why are you acting like a child?" Su Zibao tapped her nose, feeling happy from the bottom of his heart, "As you say, it\'s already been done. It\'s been more than two months?"

Su Jiaxin couldn\'t help being a little shy, and said with a smile, "Well, it\'s been two and a half months."

After a pause, he said, "Sister. You won\'t walk away like this next time, right? You don\'t know that your parents and grandpa are very worried about you."

"I won\'t leave. When I go back this time, I\'ll make amends to my parents and grandpa, which will make them worry." Su Zibao sighed.

Seeing Su Zibao\'s expression, Su Jiaxin hurriedly said with a smile, "Alright, alright, the older sister is not allowed to sigh. Hurry over to have a barbecue, and my brother-in-law is looking at you. I\'m afraid my sister will sit for a while, and my brother-in-law will come over. I took my sister in my arms."

"He can\'t hold it, his foot is injured." Su Zibao smiled.

Pei Shishi and Luo Bingwan said in unison, "What\'s wrong?"

"Bitten by a tiger..." Su Zibao said.

Pei Shishi said in surprise, "Third brother, how could you be bitten by a tiger? Could it be that there are tigers in the imperial capital now?"

Yan Xu chuckled and explained the ins and outs of the matter in general.

"Did you find out who it was in the end? If it wasn\'t for Pei Yi\'s presence, A Bao would have been killed this time. In front of everyone\'s eyes, he was so bold and vicious!" Li Han said angrily.

Su Zibao comforted her and said, "Don\'t be angry, I haven\'t found anyone yet. If they dare to act so blatantly, they won\'t leave behind the blame. But it\'s absolutely necessary. I\'ve raised vigilance, and it won\'t be so easy for them to succeed in the future."

The crowd discussed the circus tiger wounding incident for a while, and Su Zibao quickly diverted the topic away.

It was the first time for Su Zibao that so many people gathered together.

In her rebirth, she had Pei Yi, two small dumplings, family members, and so many friends. Along the way, although there were many dangers and difficulties, it was full of gains.