Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 737: MECO stops cooperation with the Han family

"Pei Yi, what are you kidding. Now the battle between meco and Cass is in full swing, but you want to drive our Han family out, and you have to pay a liquidated penalty for this. Why! If you really don\'t want to go to the Han family. I\'ll have a good talk with my father, if you don\'t go, you won\'t go. Why are you so angry?" Han Ruoyan said quickly, trying to save the situation.

She still didn\'t understand why Pei Yi had to stop cooperating with the Han family, thinking that it was just because Pei Yi was forced to attend the annual meeting, which made Pei Yi unhappy.

However, how could someone like Pei Yi who made a move after a plan speak angry words.

"Miss Han, you have misunderstood. Let me reiterate once again that stopping cooperation with the Han family has nothing to do with whether or not to participate in the annual meeting. It is meco\'s decision to suspend all cooperation with the Han family. Please pass on meco\'s decision to Han. Mr. Yu. Later, meco will send the liquidated damages. Yanshuo will discuss with the Han family all matters concerning the termination of cooperation. If you have any questions, just contact him directly." Pei Yi said calmly.

Han Ruoyan froze in place. Their Han family has always appeared in the image of helping meco, and now... other meco does not need to cooperate with them.

Nothing to help, but self-righteousness.

Su Zibao took a deep breath, it would be unwise to drive away the Han family now. Compared with Cass, meco has a shallower background, and now he is weakening his own power.

Su Zibao struggled to come out and stop Pei Yi, but he pressed her head tightly to prevent her from coming out. Su Zibao felt that the two of them were going to talk about it. If they continued like this, the cooperation between the Han family and meco would really be over. He was cruel and bitten.

Pei Yi was caught off guard and was bitten, and almost cried out, barely holding back, his body was stiff and his face was very strange.

And Han Ruoyan looked at Pei Yi\'s really cool expression. Could it be... what\'s the matter?

Thinking of this, Han Ruoyan instantly felt extremely aggrieved. Pei Yi is too much, Su Zibao is too shameless. When talking to themselves about stopping cooperation, the two of them were still doing that under the covers!

He really doesn\'t take their Han family seriously, and he really doesn\'t take her Han Ruoyan seriously.

Thinking of this, Han Ruoyan felt aggrieved and couldn\'t stay any longer, she turned around and left, leaving her place to the "dog man and woman".

After Han Ruoyan went out, Pei Yi lifted the quilt, looked at Su Zibao lying on his lap, and said, "Let go."

"Hey, you!" Su Zibao finally got out of the quilt and wanted to stop it immediately, but found that Han Ruoyan had already run away, and said quickly, "Hurry up and chase Han Ruoyan back. You really told her to go back and talk to the Han family. Stop cooperating?"

Pei Yi said indifferently, "She has already run away, and I won\'t chase after her."

"Pei Yi, what are you thinking about? You finally have a help, why push it away by yourself." Su Zibao got up and was about to get off the bed, "You rest, I\'ll find Han Ruoyan."

Pei Yi hugged her tightly, "Why are you looking for her? Su Zibao, I said that meco will stop cooperating with the Han family. Don\'t you tell Han Ruoyan if you don\'t stop, you can stop. Can you make a decision for meco?"

"I..." Su Zibao suddenly reacted.

Yeah, what you say doesn\'t work at all. Only Pei Yi\'s words are meco\'s decision. It was useless for her to chase Han Ruoyan back, and it would be useless for anyone to come if Pei Yi didn\'t change her mind.

"Then...why do you say such things..." Su Zibao pointed at Pei Yi, really not knowing what to say


Pei Yi stared at her, word by word, "Su Zibao, you remember clearly, you can\'t make decisions for meco, let alone make decisions for me. I\'ll handle the affairs of the Han family naturally, you just stay here for me honestly. ."

"I..." Su Zibao bit his lip. How could things be like this, her mind was a mess.

Pei Yi looked at her and said, "You are so cruel."

"Ah? Was it bitten? Let me see." Su Zibao instantly thought that someone had been bitten by her just now, and hurriedly reached out and ripped off his pants.

Pei Yi cooperated very well to let Su Zibao take off her pants. There was a clear tooth mark on her thigh. Fortunately, there was no bleeding. She didn\'t bite hard, but the tooth mark was still very clear.

"I didn\'t mean to bite you, who told you to keep me covered in the quilt and keep me from talking." Su Zibao pursed his lips.

Pei Yi said, "I just won\'t let you talk, let you spoil the situation."

"Hmph, if you really don\'t want me to hear, don\'t let me stay here. If you are locked in the room and talking to Han Ruoyan, I won\'t know." Su Zibao glared at him, "You actually stuffed me under the quilt. ."

Pei Yi put her index finger on her forehead, "Stupid. I said I won\'t let you disrupt the situation, and I won\'t listen to you. What if I and Han Ruoyan are locked in the room and someone gets jealous and misunderstands? The cooperation of the Han family is to let you know."

"Ah? It\'s none of my business." Su Zibao felt a little guilty.

Pei Yi curved the corners of his lips, but didn\'t say anything, "The place where you bitten hurts a bit, so I need to rub it."

Su Zibao was stunned for a moment, but when he saw the frown, he hesitated and reached out, rubbed lightly on the place where he was bitten on his thigh, and said, "I\'m sorry..."

Pei Yi\'s lips lifted slightly, "If you feel sorry, then give me a kiss."

"Rogue, don\'t kiss!" Su Zibao refused.

Pei Yi raised his eyebrows, "When someone stripped my pants just now, he was neat and unambiguous. Who is more rogue!"

"You..." Su Zibao choked, and the rest of the words were blocked in his throat by Pei Yi\'s kiss.

When Su Zibao woke up again, it was already dark outside. This guy is injured and his energy is not good. He is tired enough.

Looking around, I found that Pei Yi was not on the bed and didn\'t know where to go.

Su Zibao sighed. The development of things was completely out of control, and Pei Yi actually stopped cooperating with the Han family. Is it because of your own presence? When she didn\'t return to the imperial capital, the relationship between meco and the Han family was very harmonious. But since her appearance, problems have arisen on both sides.

I originally planned to leave after the New Year\'s Eve, but it was too late. Leave now, leave immediately, as long as the Han family knows that she is leaving, then the cooperation with meco is still possible.

Otherwise, Pei Yi really lacks a helper.

Originally wanted to spend the New Year with Pei Yi, the last New Year, but now it seems that she is too greedy.

Su Zibao thought of this, got up from the bed, picked up the clothes on the hanger and put them on. Taking advantage of Pei Yi\'s absence now is a good time to sneak away.

By the way, before leaving, let\'s take a look at Aochen and Forsythia.

Su Zibao thought about it and quickly put on his clothes.