Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 712: Live, I'll save you

Ye Chenxuan just looked at her like this and didn\'t speak, Mu Yunlan smiled and stopped laughing.

The four looked at each other, speechless.

"Live." Ye Chenxuan said suddenly.

Mu Yunlan sneered, "Will you live to bear the consequences of your own? In such a dark place, people are inferior to animals?"

"Live, I\'ll save you." Ye Chenxuan said, handing her a contract he was carrying, "Sign it."

Mu Yunlan glanced down, and it turned out to be a... divorce agreement.

"Divorce? Ye Chenxuan, do you regret it now? You regret meeting me, you regret marrying me, and you regret that I ruined you, don\'t you." Mu Yunlan clenched her fist unconsciously, she hated Ye Chenxuan\'s forced marriage **** the most , Since marrying him, this agreement is what she wants most.

When she got married for the first time that year, she did everything she could for this divorce agreement.

But now, when the divorce agreement was in front of him, Mu Yunlan suddenly realized that he was not as happy as he thought.

She has nothing left. The last person in the world who will come to visit her in prison is only Ye Chenxuan. And now this man wants to leave her behind.

Isn\'t this what she wanted to get, but she wasn\'t happy at all.

"Are you sad?" Ye Chenxuan raised his eyebrows lightly.

Mu Yunlan raised his head, "How can I be sad, I can\'t ask for it. Divorce is divorce. Even if I die, I don\'t want to write the tomb of your Marven Ye\'s wife on the tombstone."

"Don\'t be sad, why don\'t you dare to look at me, you look into my eyes and talk." Ye Chenxuan stared at her big beautiful eyes and said.

Mu Yunlan was imprisoned after Su Zibao smashed a glass bottle last time. There is no plastic surgery hospital here to help her remove the scars on her face, so there are two scars that look like earthworms on the originally flawless skin, except for the pair of autumn-like eyes, which are still so beautiful.

"Why don\'t I dare, I\'ll stare into your eyes and say it now!" Mu Yunlan looked at Ye Chenxuan and said, "I can\'t ask for a divorce with you."

However, the tears could not be held back at all and were shaky.

Marven Ye sighed, looked at her like this, and hugged her in his arms.

"You let me go! Let me go! You let me go!" Mu Yunlan struggled desperately.

Marven Ye was as steady as Mount Tai, but he hugged her tighter, and said in a low voice, "Don\'t let it go, I won\'t let it go in this life."

Without waiting for Mu Yunlan to speak, he added, "You are right, if I am not the heir to the Ye family, I am useless. I cannot save you. So I want to go back and get back what belongs to me. This divorce agreement , is my sincerity to go back."

Mu Yunlan froze all over, looked up stupidly and looked at him, "What did you say?"

"I said, live well, and when I take control of the Ye family, I will take you back. You are mine, and mine will be mine for the rest of your life." Ye Chenxuan\'s tone was unbearable.

Mu Yunlan\'s eyes blushed, "You lied to me, I\'m a criminal now, I have nothing left, and even my face is disfigured. You, the eldest son of the Ye family, why do you want me?"

"This is what you owe me. I want to take you back, take you back and torture you for a lifetime. It\'s only a few years now, and it\'s not enough." Ye Chenxuan\'s lips lifted slightly, "You are not allowed to escape in your life. out of my palm."

Mu Yunlan just stared at him blankly, this time, he couldn\'t say a word again.

After coming out of prison, Ye Chenxuan got the divorce agreement. It\'s just that he didn\'t plan to take this agreement out now, so as not to cause

Ye Hanjun\'s vigilance.

Now that the heir of the Ye family is Ye Hanyun, he is so contented that he thinks that his elder brother is no longer a threat.

Ye Chenxuan doesn\'t care about the position of the heir, but if you can\'t control the power, you can\'t protect the person you want to protect.

Mu Yunlan and Ye Hanyun, choose one of the two, and must sacrifice one.

If it wasn\'t for the fact that Mu Yunlan had fallen to where he is today, he would not have wanted to break with Ye Hanjun to this point. However, because of deep love, even a single thought becomes a devil.

"Help me find someone." Ye Chenxuan called.



Imperial City, Qingjing Villa.

Su Zibao was playing building blocks with the two little dumplings when suddenly the door was pushed open, and Pei Yi came all the way.

"Daddy, let\'s play together." Forsythia jumped up from the ground, walked to Pei Yi and hugged his thigh, said in a milky voice.

Pei Yi touched her little head and said, "Wait, I have something to do with your mother."

"Oh..." The forsythia man rolled his eyes, walked to Su Zibao\'s side, took her hand and handed it to Pei Yi, and said with a smile, "Then Forsythia will temporarily lend your mother to you."

Su Zibao was stunned when the soft and white hand was held in the palm of his hand. He wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that the other party held it so tightly, and there was a burning heat in his eyes that made her feel uneasy.

"What are you... doing? Tell me if you have something to say." Su Zibao had to be pulled by him after he earned it.

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao for a while, then dragged her into the bedroom next to her, and closed the door.

"Why? There\'s something you can\'t say outside, you have to close the door before you can say it." Su Zibao looked at him warily. Since the last time he was alone in a room, he was forced by him, and now Su Zibao is a little afraid of being alone with him.

It\'s not that she is afraid of his simple and rudeness, but that she herself will be in his arms, unable to restrain herself and lose herself.

"I know why you left." Pei Yi said firmly.

Su Zibao\'s face froze, "The reason for leaving? What are you talking about? Didn\'t you always know the reason for my leaving. I said, we are not suitable, I don\'t want to be with you."

"Also, you make it up, you continue to make it up." Pei Yi raised his sharp eyebrows lightly.

Su Zibao felt a little uneasy in his heart, and said coldly, "And I am Ye Hanjun\'s girlfriend now. I am very happy to be with him."

As soon as the words fell, Pei Yi hugged her and lowered his head to seal her lips.

"Woooooo..." Su Zibao twisted and struggled, but he wasn\'t his opponent at all.

I have long known that I can\'t get along with this man alone, otherwise... there is no room for concessions at all.

After the strong kiss, Pei Yi looked at her with burning eyes, "You say it again."

"I..." Su Zibao was afraid that he would kiss him again, so he didn\'t dare to say anything, so he could only say with a stiff face, "Is it interesting that you threaten me in this way? Even if you threaten me with something, it\'s not my truth. "

Pei Yi lowered his head suddenly, his face was almost close to hers, "What you are saying now is not the truth. Su Zibao, it\'s so hard to hear the truth from you."

Without waiting for Su Zibao to refute, Pei Yi said lightly, "You know Han Yu, right?"

"I don\'t know." Su Zibao denied it reflexively, and then said after a pause, "But I saw it in the ward a few days ago. It\'s considered to be seen. What do you mean by this?"