Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 707: True love stands the test

"Okay, don\'t go if you don\'t go." Pei Yi looked back at the chasing soldiers, and raised his lips slightly, "You said not to go. Then from now on, stay with me and don\'t go."

There is still a little clue as to the reason that I have been trying to find out, but now, Pei Yi has no doubts.

At this time, this crying and pitiful woman, no matter why she left him, the relationship between them has never changed.

As he always believed.

"Where are we going?" Su Zibao asked.

Pei Yi said, "Just after you came in, the door has been locked by Mu Yunlan. The alloy door has no combination lock, so it can\'t be opened with force. Our people have already entered from the back, so we don\'t need to go out. When we are caught, and when everyone arrives, it is time for us to counterattack."

"Then... where are we going?" Su Zibao asked again.

Pei Yi smiled, "Look for where Han Ruoyan is. I asked the Blood Wolf to rescue her before, but I haven\'t found her whereabouts yet. To prevent her from becoming a hostage, save her first."

"Okay, I\'ll listen to you!"

The two little hostages were finally rescued. If Han Ruoyan becomes a hostage again, then everything will return to the original point.

But the difference is that this time the Han family will be the one who negotiates with Mu Yunlan.

Han Ruoyan went in for the two little guys, and the couple must rescue her for this favor.

"What a loud music." Su Zibao said, pointing to a room next to him.

Pei Yi glanced at the chasing soldiers behind, and was about to catch up. But this room is very suspicious. If you don\'t go in and explore, you may miss it.

Thinking of this, Pei Yi raised his foot and kicked the door directly.

The door was kicked open, and both of them were stunned by the picture that came into their eyes. There was music playing in the room, and five men were having **** with a woman. The picture was extremely **** and nauseating.

Those people were all taking drugs to add to the fun, and with the sound of music covering up, they didn\'t know that the chaos outside had turned upside down.

At this time, the chasing soldiers also chased after them. Pei Yi closed the door directly and packed up the mercenaries. Su Zibao stood aside watching this scene and sighed.

I really didn\'t expect Han Ruoyan to be so miserable.

Mu Yunlan was really insane. This Miss Han family, a lady of the imperial capital, met her for the first time, and she even let people take the turn.

Compared with those mercenaries with guns, these people were solved by Pei Yi in three or two strokes. Han Ruoyan was still awake. Seeing Pei Yi and Su Zibao, she couldn\'t say a word, and only cried silently.

Su Zibao took off his jacket and put it on her.

With the passage of time, the scale of victory finally tilted towards Pei Yi and the others. Several people were injured, and Su Zibao also had many wounds on his body, including bruises and bloodstains, but luckily there were no gunshot wounds.

The situation was finally brought under control.

Han Ruoyan was sent to the hospital. Her eyes were dull and dazed. This blow was too severe for her.

Mu Yunlan was caught and tied.

"A Bao, how are you?" Ye Hanjun looked up and down and asked worriedly.

Su Zibao shook his head slightly, "I\'m fine, just some skins.

trauma. Just rub some medicine. "

"Fortunately, you\'re all right. If it wasn\'t for the inability to walk because of a foot injury, the Second Young Master would have rushed in with you just now." Fu Yihuan said with a smile.

Su Zibao and Ye Hanjun looked at each other, grateful for his protection.

"Mu Yunlan, it\'s fine if you target me. Han Ruoyan has nothing to do with me, why did you destroy her?" Pei Yi said coldly.

Mu Yunlan laughed, "It\'s okay? Isn\'t she the woman you want to marry in the future? How can you call it okay. Now that your future wife is dirty, do you still want it?"

"I never planned to marry her." Pei Yi said indifferently.

Mu Yunlan glanced at Su Zibao next to him and sighed, "Yes, I guessed when I saw you both appearing together, what you said to me before must be all lies. It\'s just that I was stupid, so I actually believed it stupidly. Your words. No way, I think I\'m good at acting, but I didn\'t deceive you at all, but let you deceive. It\'s not wrong to lose in your hands. "

"Han Ruoyan is self-inflicted. I didn\'t want to do anything to her at first, I just wanted to see what that woman can do to marry you. It\'s a pity that she killed herself and showed off her power in front of me. Dare to be here before she is married to you. I\'m showing off in front of me, so I\'ll let her show off enough." Mu Yunlan sneered, "The person I actually want to deal with is Su Zibao. It\'s a pity, it\'s so bad."

As soon as Mu Yunlan finished speaking, the expressions of the two men in the room changed.

Pei Yi grabbed Mu Yunlan\'s neck, his face was cold and temperatureless.

"You really...sure...cough, you still like Su Zibao. I asked Han Ruoyan to turn you around and you just asked, I haven\'t told Su Zibao what to do, but you want to strangle me. Pei Yi...cough Cough, I lost, but you...cough, but you were abandoned by the woman you love the most.\'s funny..." Mu Yunlan\'s face turned blue, it was difficult to speak, and she coughed hard.

Su Zibao immediately rushed over to stop her, "Pei Yi, although she is a criminal now, killing a criminal is also a crime. Let go and hand it over to the law."

Only then did Pei Yi\'s hand loosen, and he glanced at Mu Yunlan in disgust, then turned and left.

"Pei Yi, don\'t go! Don\'t you want to know why I\'m like this? There\'s still a lot to talk about between us..." Mu Yunlan shouted hastily.

But Pei Yi didn\'t even look back and walked out of the villa. He didn\'t want to see Mu Yunlan at all now.

Mu Yunlan shifted her gaze to Su Zibao with a look of resentment, "So what if you win, you are not with Pei Yi, and Han Ruoyan is definitely not a good person. Even without me, you can\'t live happily with him. Together. I didn\'t get what I wanted, but you didn\'t get happiness either!"

"I never cared about winning or losing as you said. So what if you can\'t be with him. What you want is vanity, material possessions, and success, but what I want, I always have." Su Zibao said lightly.

Meeting Pei Yi and falling in love with Pei Yi is her happiness. As long as she still loves, that is happiness. It has nothing to do with whether they can be together, or whether they can possess Pei Yi or not.

"Now your fate is like no one, and you are doing your own fault." Su Zibao dropped the last sentence and walked out.

This grievance has finally come to an end. The appearance of Mu Yunlan caused Su Zibao and Pei Yi to have a lot of problems, misunderstandings, twists and turns, and calamities, but these did not stop them from loving each other, but strengthened their relationship.

True love can stand the test of fire.