Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 649: Chi family quit, served

"Now that even the Chi family has lost, no one can stop meco\'s strength?" Mu Yunlan looked at the news broadcast on the TV, the Estee company had been closed down, the Guo family had collapsed, and the Chi family had withdrawn from the commercial battlefield.

Just like the Ling family at that time, once such a wealthy family lost, they could only return to protect themselves, and would never be able to participate in business battles again.

If you still want to make a move, it is to risk your life with your own foundation. The Chi family will not let Chi Xihuan be so aggressive, and being steady is the way for every family to survive.

From this moment on, the Chi family completely withdrew, and Cass was already at the disadvantage of being completely suppressed.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yunlan felt a chill in his heart. I thought I could influence the relationship between Pei Yi and Su Zibao, but it failed. I thought I could suppress meco, but it still failed.

Losing all the time, and she doesn\'t seem qualified to play against them anymore.

However, she would never give up so easily.

In the cafe at the corner, Chi Xihuan and Pei Yi sat opposite each other, and Su Zibao stayed by Pei Yi\'s side. There was a battle with the Chi family just now, but the two sides sitting together now have a harmonious atmosphere, and there is no feeling of smoke filled with gunpowder.

"Your reaction was much faster than I thought. When I first laid out the layout, I thought you would definitely lose. Yuyanluo would definitely end, and the Su family would definitely collapse. Even if meco was behind me, it was just meco. Drag it down. This was our initial plan. We started with the Su family and dragged down the meco. But the Su family didn’t lose, and the meco made a lot of money because of this time. Your counterattack was sharp and fierce. I thought you were powerless, and I despised you." Chi Xihuan looked at the couple in front of him with complicated eyes.

He had already overestimated Su Zibao, but in the end he still lost. He missed Pei Yi, he didn\'t even know that Pei Yi was the president of meco. Even though he was very cautious about them, he still despised them.

If we can pay more attention, maybe, we won\'t lose to the point where there is no room for manoeuvre at all.

"You didn\'t know me before, you didn\'t know your enemy, it\'s normal to lose." Pei Yi said lightly.

Chi Xihuan sighed, "I didn\'t expect that our Chi family would be the first family to withdraw from this battle in the imperial capital. I originally thought that this was a prosperous age that belonged to our Chi family, and we could use the east wind to rush into one of the five giants in one fell swoop. Column. But now it seems that it is not easy to maintain the reputation of the top ten giants."

"I thought that Mr. Chi\'s ruthless personality would definitely kill us. I didn\'t expect you to retreat. The Chi family lost, but they haven\'t lost to the end, haven\'t they?" Su Zibao raised his lips slightly.

Chi Xihuan looked up at her, "Is Miss Su planning me to lose everything? I\'m sorry, I\'m going to disappoint you. Although I\'m arguing with you, I won\'t gamble on the life and death of the whole family. You win too. It should be, Pei Yi can risk his life and there is no way out, but I don\'t dare to gamble."

This is admirable even as an opponent. Pei Yi is different from them. Chi Xihuan, like Cass, is blessed by the family behind him. The family behind Cass can make Duke Cass squander, even if he loses a mess now and goes back, there is also the blessing of the family.

Chi Xihuan is the same. He lost, suffered a big loss, drained all the liquidity of the Chi family, and his status in the family was also affected, but he still had the blessing of the Chi family behind him.

Pei Yi did not. If meco loses, his life and death, the current ease and peace, will all be in vain.


nbsp; Chi Xihuan can still make his last bet. Take the entire Chi family as a bet, but he doesn\'t dare, and few people in this world dare.

"From this point of view, I finally believe that the outside world said that the Chi family has Chi Xihuan, and it is expected to rush into the top five giants in the business world within 30 years. It is not a lie." Pei Yi looked at Chi Xihuan with a calm tone.

Chi Xihuan smiled bitterly, he really lost too badly. He doesn\'t know his opponent at all, but the opponent, who has already defeated him, can still see his strengths and strengths at this time. No arrogance, no disdain for him.

He said that he didn\'t dare to gamble, and that ordinary people would only humiliate him for being cowardly. But Pei Yi agreed that he had a unique vision, was willing to let it go, and gave him a high evaluation, which is the evaluation he was proud of from the outside world.

With him in the Chi family, within 30 years, he will definitely rush into the top five giants.

Such vision and mind, such bearing and calm, losing to Pei Yi is not wrong at all.

"Thank you for the compliment, but our Chi family has become like this now. I don\'t dare to take this sentence seriously." Chi Xihuan said.

Su Zibao smiled playfully, "That\'s not necessarily the case. The Chi family has quit now, who knows if other wealthy families will bury themselves. And 30 years, it will be a long time in the future, as long as they don\'t become enemies with meco, this sentence If so, it could very well become a reality.”

"Hahaha, Miss Su is outspoken, I really will not be an enemy of meco again." Chi Xihuan only relaxed at this moment. Of course, he didn\'t come to see the couple for nothing, but to test whether they wanted to die with the Chi family.

Now it seems, no. The meaning of Su Zibao\'s sentence is that as long as the Chi family doesn\'t trouble them, this battle will end here. But if the Chi family is still entangled, they will never tolerate it.

Pei Yi\'s strength made Chi Xihuan completely admit defeat. He had fought against Su Zibao so many times before, and he kept losing, but this time, he lost.

Backed by Cass, the right time and place are suitable for people and people. By surprise, they made a killing game, or they turned it around. Chi Xihuan asked himself, if he moved to another place, he would not be able to save such a situation. They are better than him.

But in his opinion, Duke Cass, who always had a bright smile, was a person no less than Pei Yi. The future battlefield is theirs, who wins and who loses. Who knows.

After walking out of the coffee shop, Su Zibao said to himself, "Chi Xihuan is indifferent, selfish, and he will do anything to achieve his goals. I thought he would struggle to the end, but I didn\'t expect him to quit."

"Self-interest is a derogatory term, but a businessman is selfish so he chooses to protect himself. This is in line with his character, and it is not surprising at all." Pei Yi said lightly, he saw people thoroughly.

Su Zibao smiled and said, "That\'s right. Desperate for everything, this is something that only those playboys would do. Chi Xihuan is a businessman, an out-and-out businessman. Although he despised his conduct, the matter can come to this point. It\'s over, really nice."

With that said, Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi next to him, "The Chi family has already withdrawn, why have you become so overwhelmed? Could it be that the Chi family\'s affairs are still repeated."

"It doesn\'t seem to be repeated at the moment. I\'m not thinking about this. Let\'s go back." Pei Yi said.

Chi Xihuan said inadvertently just now that they originally planned to start with the Su family and drag meco into the water. The Su family has turned the situation around, but Pei Yi seems to know Huangfujing\'s ultimate goal in his heart.