Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 647: Pei Su and his wife, love each other

"I know you need this information now. Thanks to your reminder for Zhu Ziqi\'s birthday party last time, otherwise our Xu family will lose all face, so you can take this as my thank you." Xu Jinyao spoke to the phone The person inside said, paused and then said, "The side effects of Estee\'s products are now raging. I have seen her medical records, and it is indeed the same as those with allergies. If Chi Yaoyi is cured, she will go out again. Tell everyone that Estée products have no side effects, then more people will suffer. To some extent, our doctors have become the accomplices of the Chi family, causing more people to suffer.”

Gu Yian smiled slightly, "Miss Jinyao is very righteous, I am very grateful, then I will thank Miss Jinyao instead of those innocent consumers."

"I did this mainly because you helped me last time, don\'t make me say so noble, let\'s **** for tat, it\'s even." Xu Jinyao pursed her lips.

Gu Yian said with a smile, "Okay. Miss Jinyao said that arguing is equalizing, although I didn\'t take that day\'s affairs to heart. I still want to thank you, not for others, but for myself."

This time, Xu Jinyao didn\'t say anything. The two exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

Gu Yian really wants to thank her for himself. This medical record is the last blow to the Chi family. As soon as this medical record comes out, there will be a lot of excitement, and more people are waiting for Chi Yaoyi to come out.

However, Chi Yaoyi\'s face grew so naturally that she didn\'t dare to come out. The previous photos, plus this medical record, are enough.

Estee has side effects, it\'s a foregone conclusion.

In this round, the eldest lady won, so he can rest assured.

Villa with sea view. Outside, the world was turned upside down because of Yashi, but their house was calm. The biggest advantage of Pei Yi\'s announcement of his identity is that his parents and grandfather don\'t have to worry, and the outside world won\'t say that Su Zibao cheated, but he feels that the mysterious CEO who has been hidden for so long has walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage for his wife. L.

As winter approaches, the weather is getting colder. It\'s rare to be free, and a group of guests came to eat and drink at home, and everyone sat in a circle around the hot pot.

"Come on, add more spinach, you\'ll be full of energy!" Yan Xu said while throwing a handful of spinach into the pot.

Bernard\'s face was flushed by the spicy, but he still gave a thumbs up and said in Chinese with a European accent, "Hotpot, great!"

"Eat more if you like." Su Zibao said with a smile. A large group of people gathered around to cook the hot pot, giving her a very warm feeling.

Gu Yian also sat next to eat together, glanced at the dishes and said, "I\'ll go to the kitchen to get some more. If you like to eat, report it."

"I want quail eggs, crispy bones, potatoes, winter melon, tofu, beef, tenderloin..." Forsythia immediately counted with her fingers.

Gu Yian said with a smile, "I know what the young lady and the young master like to eat, and I won\'t forget them. Don\'t worry. This is mainly about asking Yanxu, Bernard and Mr. Shen Xi."

"Oh, yes, I knew Uncle Yi\'an remembered it." Forsythia\'s tender voice was particularly cute.

Sitting next to her, Aochen was eating chicken wings in a leisurely manner, and even eating hot pot tasted a kind of western elegance. Looking at his hot and sweaty sister, he still had the usual cool expression, "Food."

But he handed the beef just cooked in front of him to the bowl of Forsythia.

"Me? Vegetables, let\'s have more vegetables. Bernard loves meat, just get him more meat." Yan Xu said.

Shen Xi smiled slightly, "I\'m not picky eaters, I\'ll eat what you take."

Gu Yian nodded, "Okay.

. "

"Boss, the Chi family is really wilting now. Since Chi Yaoyi\'s medical record came out a few days ago, the crowd has been so excited that everyone has to see Chi Yaoyi to give an explanation. But Chi Yaoyi is like this now, I dare not see it. The media, so everyone also believed the photos and medical records. But this is not a **, just this morning, I don\'t know where a group of people blocked Chi Yaoyi\'s car and took her out of the car. Forced to come out, the camera is directly facing her terrifying face, everyone is speechless now, and the complaint call of the Industry and Commerce Bureau is going to blow up." Yan Xu laughed.

Bernard nodded and said, "I watched the live broadcast, the crowd was so terrifying, and Chi Yaoyi was beaten!"

"Yes, she was beaten badly. This video is now being broadcast on major news." Yan Shu said.

While adding vegetables to the hot pot, Su Zibao asked curiously, "Chi Yaoyi\'s face has become like this, what is she doing here? Doesn\'t she know that people are looking for her everywhere now?"

"I heard that she plans to go abroad and have plastic surgery to see if she can solve the appalling situation on her face." Shen Xi said.

Gu Yian came back with the dishes and asked, "The matter is so turbulent that the Industry and Commerce Bureau has not seized Yashi?"

"If it was just the Guo family\'s company, a sentence would have been sealed. But behind this is the Chi family holdings, and the Chi family is a guaranteed family, involving the top ten giants in the business world. Whether it can be done monthly or not is one thing. But if some special departments intervene, it will be much faster. It depends on how big the trouble is and whether some special departments will be involved.” Yan said Said, took a bite of spinach, and praised, "That\'s right, the hot pot base is good, and the taste is great."

Pei Yi, who had not spoken, said lightly, "Within three days, Yashi will be seized."

"Ah?" Yan Xu was stunned for a moment, then laughed and laughed, "It seems that the people\'s grievances are too serious, so they speed up the handling. Boss, why should we have a drink for such a happy event?"

Bernard lifted the glass in front of him and grinned, "Cheers!"

Several people picked up the glasses in front of them and touched them together. Although it was cold in early winter, the house was exceptionally warm.

Everything in front of the hot pot was hazy, as if in a dream, Su Zibao tilted his head to look at Pei Yi next to him, and then looked down at the two little ones, eating hot pot with a warm heart.

Those ferocious conspiracies have been resolved, the precarious situation has been broken, the opposing enemies have been defeated, and everything is slowly getting better.

At this moment, what belongs to them is only warmth and comfort. Such beauty, real and accessible.

Su Zibao hopes that such days can continue forever. There is no conspiracy, no crisis, only sweetness and long-term companionship.

"What are you staring at me for?" Pei Yi suddenly tilted his head and looked at Su Zibao who was staring at her in a trance, his long and narrow eyes were clear.

Su Zibao\'s cheeks flushed, and he lowered his head and pretended to be serious about picking vegetables. He casually put a radish into his bowl and said, "I...I didn\'t look at you, I was looking at the hot pot, picking dishes!"

Pei Yi pursed her lips slightly, stretched out her chopsticks, picked up the radish in her bowl and ate it by herself, without saying a word.

But Su Zibao\'s face became even hotter. He said that while watching the hot pot, he chose a dish that he didn\'t eat at all, and he didn\'t break it, but he was very accustomed to sandwiching the radish and eating it himself.

It\'s a very natural movement, as if the old couple is in love with each other, and they both understand each other\'s habits and preferences.

very nice.

A peaceful little day.