Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 641: MECO President is me Pei Yi

"Wait a minute!" Su Zibao, who had finally caught up with him, rushed into the press conference. She was wearing a white off-the-shoulder wide-neck knitted sweater, and her long wavy hair was loose and loose.

Because of running all the way, he was panting and holding the column of the venue at this time, his fair face was flushed, his **** collarbone trembled with the breathing after the strenuous exercise, and the big eyes of Shui Ling were like a lake of ink, clear and translucent. .

"Su Zibao!"

"Isn\'t this the heroine in the scandal? I heard that she cheated on the president of meco, and was dealing with two men."

"It\'s her, she\'s the woman who cheated in marriage!"

Su Zibao\'s appearance instantly attracted many media\'s eagerness, and they all picked up the microphone and rushed over to interview her.

"Miss Su Zibao, you are suddenly appearing at the meco press conference. Are you trying to explain the love triangle between you, the president of meco, and Pei Yi?"

"Miss Su Zibao, now that the authenticity of the photo has been confirmed, when did you start cheating in marriage? Does your husband Pei Yi know about this?"

"Miss Su Zibao, I heard that the president of meco is married. Are you ashamed of your behavior as a mistress who destroys their family?"

Su Zibao hid in the villa and didn\'t see the media. These people couldn\'t even see her face. Now when they saw Su Zibao, it was like seeing banknotes.

Gu Yi\'an was around her to prevent the media from crowding her, but the scene was out of control.

Su Zibao did not expect that her appearance would cause such a sensation. The scene was so chaotic that she could not even hear her own voice. It was as if he had returned to the time when he was Su Zi long ago, when he squeezed the subway, like sardines being squeezed into a ball.

"Get out of the way!" There was a sudden shout, loud and loud.

Su Zibao looked up and saw that Pei Yi had appeared beside her at some point, hugged her tightly in his arms, stared at the media with cold eyes, showing that you dare to take a step and I will beat someone up. fierce.

"Mr. Pei Yi, Miss Su Zibao..."

The media had just started, and Pei Yi said coldly, "Shut up! The reason for holding a press conference today is to announce one thing to everyone. I refuse to answer any questions until I finish the announcement."

"Is it possible to ask questions after the announcement?" A media immediately asked.

Pei Yi\'s lips raised a cold arc, "At that time, you should have nothing to ask."

After finishing speaking, Pei Yi put his arms around Su Zibao\'s shoulders and walked all the way through the media reporters to the rostrum. Su Zibao tugged at the corner of his shirt and shook his head at him, "Pei Yi, don\'t say anything."

Pei Yi looked at her and smiled, picked up the microphone in Yan Xu\'s hand, and said to all the media and cameras, "I didn\'t think it was necessary to explain to you the issues that you have always been concerned about, my family affairs, but, you guys His verbal attacks have seriously affected Po\'s reputation and normal life."

"A woman who cheated on her has a bad reputation, do you still have to blame others?" Mu Yunlan said strangely.

Pei Yi\'s eyes fell on her coldly, "Get out!"

"Hurry out and interrupt our President Pei\'s speech, you are not welcome here." Yan Xu walked directly to Mu Yunlan to chase people away.


nbsp; Mu Yunlan had to say something else, Yan Xu beckoned, and the two security guards dragged her out. But Mu Yunlan didn\'t leave, just stood at the door and watched.

Seeing Pei Yi\'s ferocious attitude, the others dared not say anything and waited for him to speak.

"As for the cheating you have been mentioning, I would like to make it clear that my wife, Ms. Su Zibao, has never cheated. We have a very good relationship and a harmonious family and marriage. Thank you for the careless people." A sneer appeared on Pei Yi\'s lips. , "The person in the photo you mentioned is me."

Su Zibao clenched his fists unconsciously, but Pei Yi still made it public. Pei Yi spoke too quickly, and his unstoppable aura made it impossible to stop him.

Feeling Su Zibao\'s nervousness, Pei Yi held her hand tighter and looked back at her with gentle eyes.

The person in the photo is me.

As soon as these words came out, the entire venue fell silent. What\'s the meaning? And Mu Yunlan had already vaguely understood that it was so, it turned out that "President of meco, it\'s me, Pei Yi." Pei Yi looked at the gate, his face didn\'t change, but there was a little more cruelty in his eyes, "Huangfujing, this answer. ,satisfied?"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the venue opened wide, and a handsome western European and American man walked in, Qin Hexiao followed behind him, and a row of mercenaries behind him.

Their group was very popular, and the media tacitly stepped aside. Huangfujing walked all the way to Pei Yi, looking at him with a bright smile, "First meeting, Mr. Pei Yi, the president of meco, please give me more advice in the future."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and made a handshake gesture.

"First meeting, Duke Cass, welcome to the imperial capital." Pei Yi shook hands with him expressionlessly, each other\'s eyes glowing with cold light.

The media below exclaimed, and the cameras clicked, instantly obliterating countless films.

From South China to the imperial capital, the two big bosses of meco and Cass, who have fought for several rounds along the way, actually met publicly for the first time at this moment.

This is simply the biggest news in the business world! No, no, such news can only be second to none. The biggest news today is that the mysterious president of meco is Pei Yi.

Below, Qin Hexiao looked at Pei Yi on the stage, and said to himself, "I didn\'t expect to see the president of meco, but I didn\'t recognize him."

"That\'s because you\'re blind." Yan Xu fought back mercilessly.

At this time, after Huangfujing and Pei Yi on the stage shook hands, they looked at Su Zibao next to them, "Beautiful Miss Su, it\'s nice to see you here."

"Yes, but I\'m not happy to see you at all, Duke Cass." Su Zibao\'s eyes were as cold as a cellar.

Pei Yi suspected that Huangfujing was the Duke of Cass, and there was no substantial evidence, and he had not told Su Zibao, so Su Zibao did not know until now that he turned out to be the Duke of Cass.

The insider she once thought was a good match turned out to be an enemy!

"Miss Su is as straightforward as always, with clear love and hate, straightforward and cute." Huangfujing didn\'t think it was a pestle, and praised with a smile.

Su Zibao turned his head, didn\'t bother to pay attention to him, and looked at Pei Yi next to him. Now that Huangfujing appeared, and Pei Yi seemed to have anticipated it, Su Zibao finally understood at this time that this photo incident was not only Mu Yunlan\'s immortality, but also Huangfujing\'s help.

Mu Yunlan wanted to provoke the relationship between Pei Yi and Su Zibao, and Huangfujing wanted to make sure that Pei Yi was the president of meco, and also wanted to completely cut his way back.