Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 633: Begin, remind Xu Jinyao

Zhu Ziqi\'s birthday banquet, staggered, chatting, laughing and feasting.

Gu Yian stood in front of the long dining table, holding a dessert plate and choosing exquisite western-style pastries. Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder, and when he looked back, it was Xu Jinyao.

"Miss Jinyao?" Gu Yian looked at her with a hint of surprise in his eyes, looked up and down and smiled, "Miss Jinyao is very beautiful today."

Xu Jinyao usually wears very simple clothes in the hospital. Today, she is wearing a pure white swaying evening dress, which is grand and dignified, with a noble temperament, elegant and intellectual.

Gu Yian knew that Xu Jinyao\'s family background seemed to be good, but he didn\'t expect to meet her at the Zhu family\'s birthday party today.

"Why are you here?" Xu Jinyao asked suspiciously, "The Zhu family has always been low-key and has no friendship with the Su family. Mr. Gu doesn\'t seem to be someone who likes to join in the fun. Meeting you here today makes me a little bit. Surprised."

Gu Yian smiled lightly, "I am also surprised to see Miss Jinyao here. Could it be that Miss Jinyao belongs to the Xu family?"

"Yeah, I thought you always knew." Xu Jin looked at him from a distance and said.

Gu Yian smiled, "Miss Jinyao has never introduced it, how would I know. I heard that the Zhu and Zhu families are planning to marry, and a certain son of the Xu family will also attend today. Is it Miss Xu\'s brother?"

"It\'s my cousin. You are well-informed, and you are indeed planning to get married. Today, the Zhu family is making such a big show, and the big guys in the circle are widely invited to announce the news of their engagement." Xu Jinyao said.

got engaged? It turned out that they were planning to announce their engagement at Zhu Ziqi\'s birthday party. It seems that the two have already negotiated almost.

"I suggest that you\'d better push the engagement news back." Gu Yian reminded.

Xu Jinyao raised her eyebrows lightly, "Why? Push it back, does it make any difference?"

"What\'s the difference, Miss Jinyao will know after the fact. If Miss Jinyao believes me, don\'t rush to announce the marriage of the two families at the beginning of the banquet. If Miss Jinyao doesn\'t believe me, then feel free. Say it." Gu Yian said directly.

If the marriage is announced first, then it will not only be Zhu Ziqi who will be embarrassed, but the Zhu family and the Xu family.

But if it has not been announced, there will be nothing to do with the Xu family. I believe that after this incident, they will no longer be willing to marry Zhu Ziqi.

After Gu Yian finished saying this, he didn\'t say any more. He smiled politely at Xu Jinyao with the cake, turned and walked to the sofa on the side.

Xu Jinyao looked at the back of him leaving, and didn\'t understand what was going on, but in his heart he felt that Gu Yian was not a person who would talk nonsense, so let\'s talk to his father first. Anyway, later or earlier, it makes no difference.

Gu Yian put the cake in front of Su Zibao and said with a smile, "Miss, the people at the banquet are coming one after another. The banquet should start soon."

"Yeah." Su Zibao nodded, looked around and said, "Hey, why didn\'t you see Li Han today?"

Gu Yian said, "I saw Miss Li Xiyi when I went to pick up the cakes just now. It seems that Miss Li Han has something to do, so Miss Li Xiyi is here today."

At this moment, Su Zibao also saw Li Xiyi greet her. After a few words of greeting, when it came to Li Han, Su Zibao knew that the other party was no longer in the imperial capital.

"Yaobei District, what is she doing there? There are mines there." Su Zibao asked.

Li Xiyi said, "Li Han goes

Checking the accounts over there, the accounts of the Lai Group are now all frozen, and the accounts of the mining area have not been settled. "

"It\'s good to send someone for this kind of thing. Sister Li, is it because the Li clan has always put pressure on Li Han, so Li Han left the imperial capital and went to the Yaobei District." Su Zibao said sharply.

Li Xiyi concealed and said, "No, no, Li Han just went to check the accounts..."

"I knew it must be like this, because of Yuyanluo\'s matter, it made Li Han very embarrassed." Su Zibao bit his lip.

Li Xiyi said with a smile, "Miss A Bao is serious. This is Li Han\'s own decision. Li Han doesn\'t want you to worry, so I won\'t let us tell you. She should be in the Yaobei District by now."

Li Han.

Su Zibao silently kept this friendship in his heart.

"Miss Su, long time no see." Han Ruoyan, who was wearing a blue evening dress, came over and smiled, "Congratulations to Miss Su\'s Yuyanluo, who is now selling well."

Su Zibao immediately stood up and said sincerely, "Thank you Miss Han for your help, thank you very much."

"You\'re welcome, it\'s just a little effort, haven\'t you helped me too?" Han Ruoyan smiled.

Su Zibao said earnestly, "That said, there is a lot of busyness. We only helped a little last time, but Miss Han helped a lot this time. Pei Yi and I are very grateful to Miss Han and the Han family."

"Okay, Miss Su must thank you, then I will accept your thanks now, but don\'t mention it again in the future. Among friends, there is no need to care about this kind of thing so clearly, or Miss Su doesn\'t want to. Be my friend." Han Ruoyan said with a smirk, looked around and asked, "Why didn\'t you see Pei Yi?"

Su Zibao replied, "Meco is busy with business, so he didn\'t come."

"Yes. Even an outsider like me can see that the battle between Cass and meco has heated up. He must be very busy recently." Han Ruoyan nodded.

Although Han Ruoyan asked Su Zibao not to mention it again, but Su Zibao\'s grievance is clear, and she will remember the Han family\'s righteous action this time.

Zhu Ziqi is dressed brightly and radiantly today, just like a proud peacock. Seeing Su Zibao and Sister Su Jiaxin attend, she and Zhu Fuchang hated them so much.

"I didn\'t expect you to come to my birthday party." Zhu Ziqi walked up to Su Zibao and said disdainfully, "Now the level of invitees from the Zhu family is really getting lower and lower, and everyone is invited in."

Su Zibao smiled flawlessly, "Yes, the Zhu family\'s grade is getting lower and lower, it seems that Miss Zhu is still very self-aware."

"When did I say that our family\'s grade is low, I said that inviting you to bring down our family\'s grade!" Zhu Ziqi realized that she had misunderstood what she said, and quickly clarified.

Gu Yian smiled and said, "The invitation letter was sent to our eldest miss by the Zhu family. If Miss Zhu Ziqi is afraid of seeing our eldest lady feel ashamed, she can completely remove our eldest lady\'s name from the invitation list. Wait, I received an invitation, so I tried my best to attend to show my courtesy to the Zhu family. But what Miss Zhu did makes people feel very rude. Who is of a lower grade? There are so many people here, with sharp eyes and clear eyes. "

Li Xiyi and Han Ruoyan both glanced at Zhu Ziqi and didn\'t say anything, but those eyes made Zhu Ziqi feel that they also felt that she was of low grade and that the Zhu family was very ungracious.

These two people are famous ladies from the top ten rich and powerful families, especially Han Ruoyan is more noble than her status, such eyes make Zhu Ziqi feel embarrassed.