Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 631: I'm still happy

"You\'d rather lose a sum of money in vain than destroy our Zuo family!" Zuo Guangzong pointed at Pei Yi, his voice trembling, "You... you are doing harm to others and not yourself!"

Pei Yi raised his eyebrows, "I\'m happy. And Mr. Zuo thinks too much. There are countless people in Central China who want to see Zuo\'s family fall. They will help me. In fact, the price I pay is not as much as you think. Of course. Now, even if it is a wholly-owned investment, I am still very happy to give this breath for A Bao."

"Chairman, it\'s not good! Two senior executives of our group, I don\'t know what\'s going on, they asked the media to speak ill of our company, saying that the company\'s cosmetics were shoddy, and they even added excessive hormones without authorization. Now the TV is live. !" Another assistant hurried in and said.

Zuo Guangzong shook his body and fell directly to the ground.

"Dad! What\'s wrong with you? Dad, what\'s wrong with you!" Zuo Liang rushed over and supported him. Zuo Guangzong\'s face was pale in shock and anger, and he didn\'t breathe out as much as he came in.

"Driver, hurry! Take my dad to the hospital!" Zuo Liang ignored Su Zibao and Pei Yi now, and greeted the two assistants to carry Zuo Guangzong out.

At this moment, only Pei Yi, Su Zibao and Guo Niwei were left in the living room of Zuo\'s house.

The fate of the Zuo family made her feel a chill in her heart and shuddered. Seeing Pei Yi\'s handsome and handsome face, the hairs all over his body stood up, and he felt very dangerous.

Attacking the Zuo Group in the stock market, and bribing the executives to sell the company, all these costs money, and they are not good for meco, nor for the Su family.

The people who benefited were just other colleagues of the Zuo family in Central China. Judging from what Pei Yi said just now, he did find one or two families to contribute money these days, but time was running out and those families didn\'t trust Pei Yi, so the investment was natural limited.

Then he himself, definitely made a lot of money. Moreover, it is impossible to bring down the Zuojia just by having money, and there must be a skilled trader who can stir up the situation in the financial market.

He only took three days. It only takes three days to bring down a family.

This is the end of going against Su Zibao. Pei Yi used absolute strength to tell those self-righteous people, don\'t think that the Su family\'s current precarious situation is easy to bully. With him there, unless the top ten giants in the business world directly act, other wealthy families, it is best to keep your eyes open to see if they can have the capital to bear his revenge.

He can spend money for this woman, and he will bring down your family.

The prodigal\'s style doesn\'t look like a business elite at all, but rather like a dude. But what kind of prodigal is there, with such ruthlessness and strategy.

Going against Su Zibao and against the Su family, at this moment, watching Pei Yi like this, watching the fate of the Zuo family, Guo Niwei was a little scared.

"Pei Yi, you... Actually, you don\'t have to take action against the Zuo family, we..." Su Zibao looked at him, but didn\'t know how to say the rest.

Between their husband and wife, there is no need to say thanks. However, she was very moved and happy with everything he did for her.

Pei Yi looked at her and smiled, the sharpness and indifference towards the Zuo family just now was replaced by this spring breeze and rainy smile, only gentleness and tenderness remained, "I didn\'t waste time, I didn\'t destroy your original plan, what you want to do Everything is within reach.”

"Who said you wasted time, I don\'t mean it." Su Zibao bit his lip. Asshole, how could she think it was a waste of time for him to avenge her.

Of course Pei Yi knew it, but he just deliberately teased her, and twitched his index finger.

On her forehead, "Let\'s go, my eldest lady."

If the Zuo family just refused to cooperate with Su Zibao, of course Pei Yi would not do it. Everyone\'s choice is different, and he would not ask others to cooperate with Su Zibao.

But he obviously didn\'t want to cooperate, but dragged Su Zibao in the name of cooperation and prevented Su Zibao from discussing cooperation with others, his heart was very sinister.

This is already dealing with Su Zibao as an enemy, and Pei Yi will never be soft on the enemy.

The couple ignored Guo Niwei who was on the side and walked out of Zuo\'s house directly. And it wasn\'t until the two of them left that Guo Niwei breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure just now cannot be described in words.

Between Pei Yi\'s understatement, the Zuo family was almost gone, which was terrifying.

The Zuo family will still exist, but it will no longer be the leading family. Once it starts to fall, it\'s basically over.

The Chi family doesn\'t need a useless Zuo family, and she should go back to Chi Xihuan\'s life. It was only at this moment that I suddenly began to worry about the final fate of the Guo family.

No, no, with the Chi family covering us, our Guo family will never make the same mistakes again.

After leaving Central China, the rest was as expected. There was no accident and everything went smoothly.

When the agreed half-month period ended, everyone returned to the imperial capital one after another. The promotional video prepared by Li Han was finished, and the ice cream was sold nationwide.

At this moment, he was finally standing on the same battlefield as the Chi family, so he wouldn\'t lose before he even entered the battlefield. The Chi family is half a month earlier than them, but Ningxue Cream has a long history and a certain mass base, which is half a catty.

What follows is a needle-to-point battle against Maimang. As Su Zibao expected, when consumers had not fully accepted the price of Yashi, Ningxue Cream was born, giving them more choices. Some people think that Estee\'s price is very reasonable, and Ningxue Cream deliberately makes a profit. Some people think that the cheap is not good, or the cream is safer.

The two sides competed for each other\'s market, and sales in various regions were booming, and the speculation was in full swing.

In the early winter of this year, the most lively topic in the business world was the battle between the Su family and the Guo family, or the war between meco and Cass.

Until this moment, some people suddenly realized that meco had already dealt with Cass.

The battle started off guard, but after Su Zibao and the others resolved the initial crisis, the entire battlefield calmed down strangely. There was no winner or loser between the two sides, and the situation was deadlocked. Everyone thought that this battle was a draw between the two sides.

But in fact, undercurrents are surging, and everything is still going on.

"My lord, the slaying game that was finally created, was forced into a situation of five to five equal shares by them. Now, for a while, there is no way to bring down the Su family." Qin Hexiao said.

Huangfujing looked at the photo in his hand and raised his lips slightly, "This is Chi Xihuan\'s business, what are you worrying about."

"Isn\'t the Lord going to take advantage of Yashi\'s opportunity to take down the Su family in one fell swoop?" Qin Hexiao asked in surprise.

Huangfujing looked up at him, "What am I going to do with the Su family?"

"The formula of ice cream! Didn\'t the lord say that that thing can monopolize the whitening market?" Qin Hexiao found that he had not kept up with the duke\'s rhythm.