Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 626: But how great you are, I already know

Fu Yihuan said nothing. Although she didn\'t know much about these things, she felt that what Ye Hanjun said was very reasonable. He said which one would rise and which one would decline, and Fu Yihuan felt that it would really develop like this in the future.

Compared with Ye Chenxuan, Ye Hanjun is too low-key. No, he is very high profile. He is a well-known **** in the imperial capital. He is no worse than Pei Yi\'s previous play name in Haicheng.

But no one knows that this **** who does not participate in the official career is very insightful and sees everything clearly. Others only know Ye Chenxuan, a rookie in the political arena, who will definitely be the second Uncle Ye in the future. But Fu Yihuan felt that Ye Hanyun, who never showed off his beauty, was no worse than his brother.

It\'s just that he is frivolous and unscrupulous. Many things are not whether he can do it or not, but whether he wants to do it or not.

Fu Yihuan thought to himself, if he entered the official career as early as Ye Chenxuan, Ye Hanjun\'s current achievements would not be worse than Ye Chenxuan\'s.

"Let\'s not talk about them. Although the ranking of the top ten giants will change, no matter how they lose, the background will be there. Fighting with A Bao, I think they will become the sunset now." Ye Hanjun said coldly.

Fu Yihuan whispered, "Obviously it is Su Zibao who is in danger now. The price of Yashi is half lower than that of Ningxue Cream, and the ingredients and materials are similar. Even if Su Zibao is lucky enough to open the national market, it is difficult to maintain a draw. What\'s more, She has not even opened the national market yet."

"Even if A Bao loses this round, I still think that if the Chi family gets on A Bao, he will definitely go downhill in the future." Ye Hanjun said indifferently.

Fu Yihuan chuckled, "Unless you, the Second Young Master Ye, are against the Chi family. I don\'t know how powerful Chi Xihuan is, but I already know how powerful you are."

Ye Hanjun raised his lips slightly and did not speak. Dare to bully Abao, he really won\'t let it go.

The plane rushed into the sky and carried Ye Hanyun towards the Yaobei District.

At night, Pei Yi was sorting out the information obtained from the dark gold team and listing the local giants that he felt were the most suitable partners for cooperation.

A preferred family and two alternative families are listed for each zone. And if these three families fail to cooperate successfully, then this area can basically be abandoned.

Because this is the most accurate information obtained after passing through the dark gold team.

"Jingle Bell…"

Pei Yi picked up the phone and heard a sweet female voice inside, "Pei Yi, I heard that you are in a little trouble now, I have a friend who I know has a good relationship, and their family is... I will call and tell over there. After that, the other party has already agreed. Although I haven\'t seen the contract, I have guaranteed that Mr. Pei\'s contract will not make them suffer. Then you can send a contract directly. I wish you a happy cooperation. "

Unexpectedly, it was Han Ruoyan\'s call. There was only a short two-way relationship with her. The first time was when she was robbed of her mobile phone by a thief in Yangcheng, and the second time was when they reunited at Mu Huashang\'s wedding banquet. The friendship is not deep, but the other party is very enthusiastic to help.

"Thank you Miss Han for your help. I didn\'t expect to be familiar with Miss Han, but Miss Han is willing to help." Pei Yi said politely.

Han Ruoyan smiled and said, "Mr. Pei is too polite. If it wasn\'t for Mr. Pei\'s help last time, I would definitely have had a lot of trouble. The grace of dripping water will be reciprocated by the spring, and I will too.

I don\'t like to owe favors to others, and I\'m very happy to be able to help this time. "

Pei Yi added another addition to the list.

After hanging up the phone, Han Ruoyan walked into the living room and said with a smile to the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa, "Dad, I didn\'t expect you to agree to help me this time. You never liked letting the Han family get involved in the business world. fight."

"If you don\'t want to thank them, you will always be thinking about it. And you will never go out alone next time. Fortunately, you just met a thief. What if you encounter a robber? Next time you will be caught by a thief. If you stole it, don\'t chase after yourself, just call the police." A middle-aged man who looked dignified and stoic, looked at Han Ruoyan and said earnestly. He is Han Ruoyan\'s father, Han Yu, the head of the Han family.

Han Ruoyan sat down beside him, took his arm and said affectionately, "Dad, I thought you wouldn\'t find out if you got the phone back, but you guys will know about it. Okay, I know, I Next time, I will never run out alone. Anyway, I am very grateful to my father this time. If my father hadn\'t come forward, my uncles and the others would not have agreed so readily. I don\'t have such a big face as my father. But why didn\'t my father let me To say it was our Han family came forward, obviously it was my father\'s help... I feel so embarrassed to say that it was me."

"What\'s so embarrassing about this, if it wasn\'t for your precious daughter, how could I possibly take care of the Su family\'s affairs. Although the top ten giants are fighting within each other, they are of the same kind, and it is inconvenient for the Han family to come forward. But Pei Yi is a smart person. , he will know the friendship of the Han family." Han Yu smiled lightly, and didn\'t say more.

The Chi family with Chi Xihuan there will be expected to break into the top five in the next 30 years, which is not a joke. As the top five giants, no one should want to see the rise of the Chi family.

And this time in the battle between Cass and meco, he is indeed more optimistic about the latter. Now he should form a good relationship first, and then look at it later.

It was getting deeper into the night, and Su Zibao was still reading Yashi\'s materials. Yashi whitening series, similar to the effect of ice cream, which makes Su Zibao feel very abnormal.

How could it be similar? Su Zibao always pays attention to the secret formula of Ningxue Cream\'s century-old palace secret formula, but it is not ruled out that some machine identification can analyze some of the raw materials.

This Yashi still made Su Zibao feel uneasy.

So I called Shen Xi again and asked their laboratory to compare the difference between Ningxue Cream and Yashi, whether they were really similar.

But if the formula is really leaked, it is even more impossible for Yashi to sell it at such a low price. Selling the cream at the current price would definitely be a loss.

There is something hidden in it that she doesn\'t know.

Or, it will be the key to turning defeat into victory this time around.

Shen Xi said that he would investigate carefully, but it would not be possible to get results so quickly in a short time. Now everyone\'s focus is on how to open the national market.

The next morning, Pei Yi had sorted out the list. Excluding Li Han\'s East Third District, South China District, Xibei District on Ling Qingluo\'s side, Ye Hanjun\'s Yaobei District, Lan Ruo\'s Cangxi District, and Huaizhong District where Han Ruoyan helped solve, there are still nine districts left.

Everyone allocated, Yan Xu, Bernard, Gu Yian, Xiao Xiaodai, Song Yingjie each went to one district, and the remaining four districts Pei Yi and Su Zibao scored two or two points. It is reasonable to say that for a contract, the shortest one is needed. Weeks left Gu Yian and the others relatively ample time, while Pei Yi and Su Zibao needed faster speed.