Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 624: Everyone works together to help Su Zibao

"Hmph." Bai Yina snorted coldly, if it weren\'t for the important thing now, she would definitely have a fight with him. He even called her Sailor Moon again!

"Then here in South China, I\'ll ask Leilie and Miss Yina." Su Zibao looked at the two and said.

Bai Yina said boldly, "You\'re welcome, it\'s my duty as a people\'s police to clean up these restless factors that disturb social stability!"

When talking about the restless factor, he even glanced at Lei Lie, the meaning in his eyes was very obvious.

Lei Lie shrugged, with a look of what you can do to me.

"Abao, I said before about guaranteeing Ningxue Cream, but I think there is a better way now. Chi Yaoyi guarantees Yashi on behalf of the Chi family. We have my guarantee here, and we are just on par with them. To completely overwhelm them, I think it\'s possible to add a few more people. They don\'t need to guarantee anything, they just need to express their blessings or recommend the cream. Of course I believe that the cream is fine, I have been using it, but even if there is a problem, The responsibility is also for you and me, and they will not be implicated." Li Han is indeed a business genius girl, and immediately perfected the proposal.

Bai Yina said immediately, "That\'s me. Taking the Bai family\'s guarantee is too involved, the family can\'t let me do this. But if it\'s just my personal recommendation, no problem, I\'ll be the first to respond!"

"And me." Shen Xi said.

Lei Lie laughed, "Shen Xi, do you still use a whitening mask? I see that you are so white, isn\'t that really the reason why A Bao gave you a whitening mask?"

"Leilie, don\'t talk nonsense." Su Zibao couldn\'t help laughing, "Shen Xi is very white, but I did give Shen Xi a series of ice cream products to use, and Shen Xi is also our product experiencer."

Lei Lie touched his face and said, "I won\'t smear you like this. Otherwise, others will think that your whitening products have no effect at all."

After speaking, he himself laughed first, and everyone in the living room couldn\'t help laughing, and the sullen atmosphere just now was swept away.

"Abao, you leave this matter to me. I have some friendship in the circle, and I can find a few more people. Oh, by the way, Xinxin and Yanzhi will join, and their influence will not be small. When our promotional video comes out, that\'s called shock. Let them see what it is called a must-have for ladies and gentlemen, and it is recommended by the wealthy and wealthy!" Li Han couldn\'t help laughing when he thought of the joy.

Chi Yaoyi set the precedent, and Li Han far surpassed her!

"Okay, I\'ll leave everything about the promotional film to you." Su Zibao and Li Han didn\'t need to be polite, the sisters looked at each other, and everything was silent.

The Chi family found a gangster to disrupt Yuyanluo\'s normal sales, and Lei Lie and Bo Yina worked together to solve it. The Chi family asked Chi Yaoyi to shoot a guaranteed promotional video to increase the trust of consumers who are unfamiliar with the new product, and Li Han decided to lead a group of wealthy and entertainment bigwigs to recommend Ningxue Cream to set them off the limelight. .

Now that both problems are solved, there is one last problem left, which is also the hardest step.

The Chi family\'s national sales channels have already been set up. If Su Zibao can\'t make Ningxue Cream on the same starting line with them within half a month, in the same battlefield, it will be too late.

However, how difficult it is to lay out sales channels within half a month.

"The national sales channel is the most difficult hurdle. Estee takes low prices as its main weapon to attack

I think our price is high, but I don\'t plan to have a price war with them. The price of Ningxue Cream is very reasonable, and I intend to focus on promoting safety, effectiveness and quality assurance. No matter how they attack our prices, I\'m not going to cut them. If we can successfully open up national sales channels, then the two sides will face each other, their price will be the advantage, our safety and effectiveness will be the advantage, and the outcome will still be between five and five. But if you can\'t even open the sales channel, then naturally it hasn\'t started yet, and you\'ve already lost. "Su Zibao said in a deep voice.

Even if Su Zibao and the others opened up the national market, the outcome would only be five or five. And now what Su Zibao has to do is to give himself the opportunity to fight them.

If you can\'t open up the market, you are not qualified to go to the national battlefield.

"Abao, this is the sales cooperation plan for the third district in the east. As long as you sign, Yuyanluo\'s products can be delivered to the third district immediately." Li Han looked at Su Zibao and placed a document he brought with him on the In front of Su Zibao, "The property of the Li\'s Group has been frozen, all I can get through is the sales channels in these three districts."

Su Zibao looked at Li Han deeply, of course she knew how rare this document was.

"You old members of the Li clan..." Su Zibao had just started talking, and Li Han had already planned for her, and said, "Don\'t worry, I have everything."

The two sisters looked at each other and understood each other\'s meaning. Back then, Su Zibao could take the blame on himself in order to protect Li Han, and try his best to help her get back to the Li family. Similarly, now that the Su family is in danger, Li Han also wants to do everything he can for her.

How could it be so easy? Whether it is to guarantee the ice cream, or to open up the sales channels in the three districts, it is not easy.

The old Li clan definitely didn\'t want the Li family to be in trouble, and also hoped that the company that the Li family could unfreeze first was Yinhe Mining, which was the foundation of the Li family. However, Li Han never mentioned the pressure she would face, she just gave everything she had.

Each other can spare no expense for each other, this is the meaning of girlfriends.

"Don\'t worry about Cangxi District, I will find Sister Lan Ruo." Pei Yi said.

Shen Xi hesitated and said, "I heard Ling Qingluo say before that the Ling family is closely related to the wealthy family in Xibei District, I can ask Ling Qingluo for help. Ling Qingluo has always been grateful to Pei Yi and A Bao, I Thought she would help if there was nothing wrong."

"Shen Xi, then please ask Ling Qingluo first. We will never let our partners suffer for the cooperation plan. It is a win-win situation. I also believe that Yuyanluo will create wealth for all of us." Su Zibao said.

Shen Xi nodded, "Well, just give me a copy of the cooperation contract, and I\'ll take it to her."

Gu Yian said, "Wait a minute, I\'ll prepare the contract immediately."

"East three districts, South China district, Cangxi district, Xibei district, these are six districts, and there are eleven districts left." Su Zibao said, "These places can only run away with contracts. If We split up and everything went well, and it might be too late within half a month.”

Pei Yi looked at her and said, "Just go directly, I don\'t know who to find, and it will be too late in half a month. However, if there is a document, it will be much simpler."

Having said that, Pei Yi walked up to Si Jinjian, hooked his shoulders and said, "Captain Si, all of you have already arrived at my house, and you haven\'t handed over your things yet."

"What?" Li Han didn\'t know why. She thought that Si Jinjian came with her, but she didn\'t know that Si Jinjian actually brought something with her.