Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 622: Cass' ultimate move, Su Family Crisis

The Chi family is different from the Li family. In addition to mining, the Li family\'s biggest business is a cosmetics company. In order to sell their own products, the Li family spent a few years building a nationwide sales channel. After working with them, Su Zibao took a ride with the Li family and exported the products across the country very easily.

But the Chi family had never been involved in the cosmetics market before, and it was not so easy for them to pave the way for Estee. It takes time to cooperate with sales channels all over the country, and the preparation time is very necessary. If Su Zibao\'s attention is attracted, Su Zibao and the others will make corresponding plans, so as not to let the current situation of one-sidedness appear.

As for Duke Cass, he successfully attracted everyone\'s attention with a Mu Yunlan. No one knew that he had dealt with meco openly, and had already pointed the finger at the Su family secretly.

Now the property of the Li family has been frozen, and almost the entire Li family group has closed down. During the period of rectification and auditing, Li Han can\'t help Su Zibao at all. Cass\' timing was very accurate, because in a few months, after the troubles of the Li family were resolved, Su Zibao only needed to cooperate with Li Han to solve the current troubles.

But it just so happened, because of the Mu Zifan case, all the property of the Li family was frozen, and all sales channels were blocked.

"Ms. Su, there are still many people who come to our store to fight, smash and loot, saying that we are making huge profits. The effect is the same as that of Ase, but the price is twice as high as theirs." Bai Fangfei hurriedly called Su Zibao and said. , "Yuyanluo\'s sales performance has plummeted since today, and it has fallen to the lowest point, and the stock has also depreciated. If it goes on like this, Yuyanluo will go bankrupt."

Su Zibao took a deep breath and said calmly, "Don\'t worry. For those who beat, smash, and loot, call the police directly and hand it over to the police. Let the employees pay attention to their personal safety, as long as they are fine, clean up the damaged items and call the police. Demand compensation!"

"Okay." Bai Fangfei was affected by Su Zibao\'s calmness, and her mood became calmer, but she was still anxious, "Miss Su, if the product cannot be sold, the capital chain will be broken, and now the stock is depreciating all the way, Yuyan Luo\'s loss cannot be estimated, I\'m afraid that to fill this hole, we have to get into both of us."

Of course Su Zibao knew this very well. Now there are rumors all over the country, Estee sells at low prices across the country, but Yuyanluo can only hide in South China, and from this point on, he has lost. I don\'t know what will change in the future market, but if it continues like this, Yuyanluo is the defeat of Yashi.

The stock depreciates, the products cannot be sold, the capital chain is broken, and there is a huge loss. Filling in all the liquidity will not be able to maintain the operation of Yuyanluo. Instead, it will pull the Su family and the Bai family into the abyss.

Now the one who can\'t handle it well and go bankrupt is the Su family. It is impossible for Su Zibao to tear down the east wall to make up the west wall. This problem must be solved fundamentally.

"Don\'t worry, pay attention to safety. It is impossible for stocks to depreciate in one day. Even if the product cannot be sold, Yuyanluo can still maintain it for a while. I will definitely come up with a remedy. You wait for my news." Su Zibao said.

Bai Fangfei breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, if Miss Su has a solution, then I\'ll stabilize the situation first. Now everyone is panicking, waiting for Miss Su\'s arrangement."

After hanging up, Su Zibao clenched his fists. In fact, there is nothing she can do now, she has just learned the news.

How could Cass use Mu Yunlan as a bait to attract their attention and lay out the game so easily.

"Generally, the best way to save the devaluation of stocks is to raise funds. If meco can inject capital now... However, this time the situation is special, I don\'t think meco\'s capital injection can save Yuyanluo\'s bankruptcy." Gu Yian frowned.

Su Zibao said calmly, "We have lost since they established the national market. We can find a way to clarify the rumors, and not everyone believes them, but the key is that they will take the lead in occupying the national market. Poetry products, determined their price, and then sold the cream, which is similar to the Estee product in their opinion, at twice the price. Who would accept it? It is impossible for anyone to accept it. Because it has been formed in their hearts A value is such a thing, it\'s only worth that price. Why even if Estee dumped at a low price in South China, it didn\'t work at first. Because consumers in South China are accustomed to the price of Ningxue Cream, now there are more If the price of cream is so much lower than similar products, they will feel that they are cheap and not good. This is the most basic part of this battle."

The more precarious it was, the calmer she became. Even Gu Yian was a little "sick and rushed to the doctor", thinking that financing could save the stock market defeat, because he was too worried about Su Zibao, and he was confused when he cared. But for Su Zibao, it was just a return to the familiar battlefield.

Just like when she first entered the Emperor Jue, there were many difficulties, but she was able to crush it all the way.

"The focus of this business battle is who can win the national market first, and who can make consumers agree with the product and price. The advantages of Estee are here, and the Chi family guarantees that there is no need to worry about product problems. The price is low, and it is easy to be sold by large Some people accept it. Yuyanluo\'s advantage is also here, that is, there are a group of hidden consumers who agree. The Ningxue Cream series products were sold nationwide before, but after you and Li Han left four years ago, Mu Zifan was in charge. In order to suppress the rise of the Su family, there was no real nationwide sales, and only a small number of sales channels were opened when the contract was placed there. But despite this, it also gave Ningxue Cream a certain mass base. There has never been any accident. In other words, Ningxue Cream is much safer than this Yashi that suddenly appeared. This is the result of time." Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao and said, "This is the biggest Ningxue Cream. The most important thing for skin care products is safety. As long as it is absolutely safe, the price is a little more expensive.”

The Chi family can make the price of the black congealing cream high, but does he dare to blacken the cream is not safe? Does he dare to have a quality problem with the blackening cream?

Pei Yi pointed out the advantages of both parties at once, and the most important thing now is how to expand his advantages and compete with the Chi family to grab the national market.

If Yuyanluo wins, the Su family will take off. And if Yuyanluo loses, the Su family will face the danger of bankruptcy.

Success or failure is a matter of thought. The rise of the market, its peak or its decline, a small introduction is enough.