Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 613: Actually I'm very happy

On the street in the middle of the night, Mu Yunlan lost his soul, and Ye Chenxuan followed her all the way, never leaving.

"You should hate me now. Knowing that I am such a person, treating Pei Yi like this, and being so heartless to the people I once liked, no, you must think that I don\'t deserve to like people at all. People like me, What are you doing with me? Let me fend for itself!" Mu Yunlan looked at Ye Chenxuan, her emotions gradually collapsed, and she became hysterical, "You go, you go!"

Ye Chenxuan sighed deeply and hugged her into his arms.

"Let go of me, people like me, what are you doing with me? Let me go." Mu Yunlan said, tears couldn\'t help falling, so touching.

Ye Chenxuan hugged her tighter, "Mu Yunlan, I\'m very happy. Because I just learned today that you don\'t like Pei Yi as much as I thought. That\'s right, this is the Mu Yunlan I know, She is not a woman who can do anything for love. She has never been and never liked others enough to give up everything. Now I know that you chose to marry me seven years ago because you gave up Pei Yi for me. It seems that seven years ago I beat him."

"Aren\'t you angry? Don\'t you think I\'m disgusting?" Mu Yunlan stared at him blankly with tears in her eyes.

"You\'ve always been annoying." Ye Chenxuan smiled, "Did you just find out today?"

"However, I like you very much." Ye Chenxuan still smiled, the handsome face had always been deeply hidden from the city, but this time the smile was so real.

For the first time, Mu Yunlan discovered that Ye Chenxuan looked so beautiful when he smiled.

"Ye Chenxuan, I lost. I lost completely." Mu Yunlan hugged him and cried, "Ethan was taken back by Pei Yi, the Mu family can\'t belong to me, I have nothing, for Cass, I It\'s already a piece of shit."

Ye Chenxuan stroked her hair and said comfortingly, "Then are you going to stop? If you want to end it, you are still the eldest young lady of the Ye family, and you are not nothing."

"I don\'t want to! I don\'t want to! I\'m not reconciled, it\'s just a little bit to succeed, just one step away. I didn\'t know that Pei Yi knew my origin before, but now, if I can do it again, I will never lose. "Mu Yunlan said through gritted teeth.

If she could give up easily, she would have given up four years ago.

"Since you don\'t plan to stop, cheer up. The Mu Yunlan I know will not be completely decadent just because of one failure. Before you were in the bright spot, your every move was under the surveillance of Pei Yi. But now it is They are bright, we are dark. Are you still worried that there is no chance?" Ye Chenxuan asked, and said, "You know a lot about Cass, and they will not give up on you easily. Wait, although you left meco, but, There is so much more that can be done.”

Mu Yunlan took a deep breath, "Yes, you\'re right. I\'m in the dark right now, the outcome of meco and Cass is still unresolved, I still have a chance!"

Ye Chenxuan looked at her and smiled, "Well. Go back and have a good rest for a few days. If you want to take revenge on Li Han, leave it to me first."

In this round, she lost, and she was Pei Yi when she succeeded, and Pei Yi when she lost.

But there is still a long way to go. Pei Yi, you let me spend four years of hard work making wedding dresses for you, and I won\'t just let it go. Su Zibao, if you **** hadn\'t talked nonsense in front of Pei Yi, how could he have prevented me from getting the Mu family. I\'m just a little bit closer to succeeding, but because of you

Success or failure is close to success, I will remember this account, and I will definitely get it back.

This night was a sleepless night for many people. Those in the political circles waited for the news of the Ling family\'s withdrawal and then began to attack the Mu family. The Mu family secretly gathered their strength to prepare for a desperate fight.

However, the final news has not come.

Until the next morning, there was still no information that the Ling family had withdrawn, but another shocking news fell from the sky.

The Ling family has cooperated with meco and reached a settlement. The two parties agreed to jointly develop the e-commerce industry and finance cooperation in order to build a peaceful and stable market situation. The e-commerce industry under Lingjia was all merged into Ethan under meco. Since then, Ethan has been the undisputed leader of the e-commerce market.

The Ling family owns 40% of the shares in Eisen.

The smoke of the war was extinguished in an instant, and this reversal surprised everyone. Then the invitations for the banquet were sent to each family, and everyone finally understood that the Ling family really cooperated with meco this time.

This is the second family among the top ten giants to cooperate with meco.

The crisis of the Ling family was lifted, and the plight of the Mu family was resolved. Pei Yi is only responsible for taking back Ethan, what happens to the rest of the political circles, it is not his intervention, and someone above will naturally solve it.

"Duke, this is an invitation from meco to invite you to the reception tomorrow night." Qin Hexiao handed a gilded black invitation to Huangfujing.

Huangfujing took the invitation and put a smile on his lips, "That\'s right. Pei Yi had already seen that something was wrong with Mu Yunlan. When Mu Yunlan was acting, he planned it, and even I was deceived by him. It\'s not wrong for Yun Lan to lose."

However, Pei Yi, do you really think that this is my killer move?

"Old Qin, how are the preparations over there?" Huangfujing asked.

Qin Hexiao glanced at Huangfujing\'s face, and answered cautiously, "It\'s still... a week. The scope of this action ordered by the Duke is too broad, and everyone has speeded up, but after all, the momentum is huge. If you want to think of the time, you need to respond in advance and prepare in advance. Time is essential. But Sir, don’t worry, neither meco nor Su Zibao noticed our change.”

"Naturally, you won\'t find out that Mu Yunlan is helping you attract firepower in the imperial capital. If you can\'t do it without knowing it, then Qin Hexiao, you can also resign and get out." Huangfu Jing snorted coldly, the beautiful blue His eyes shone brightly, "Pei Yi, don\'t you think this is the end? The battle between you and me has just begun."

"Speed ​​up, the longer it takes, the easier it will be to be discovered. But we are lucky this time. That stupid woman, Zhu Ziqi, will continue to attract Su Zibao\'s attention." Huangfujing tilted his head, looking at Qin Hexiao and raising his lips With a bright smile, "Go down and make arrangements."

Qin Hexiao shuddered, don\'t look at Huangfu Jing\'s brilliant smile, but he was talking about hiding a knife in his smile!

"Yes. Does the lord want to attend this reception? If you don\'t go, meco still thinks that you have lost a game, lord, and you can\'t hold your face."

Huangfujing said lightly, "Then let them think so. Pei Yi is becoming more and more elusive. I\'m afraid that when he sees me, he will know that we have other plans or not go."

He doesn\'t care about the opinions of outsiders, he only cares about the final result.