Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 610: It's time to end, Pei Yi takes action

A trace of contempt appeared in Mu Yunlan\'s heart. Indeed, if Ethan really belongs to meco, Mu Yunlan wins, meco\'s strength increases greatly, Pei Yi\'s power is stronger, and Su Zibao wins. Mu Yunlan lost, Su Zibao was happy to see jokes, and also won.

However, Ethan does not belong to meco, but belongs to her Mu Yunlan. But of course she wouldn\'t tell Su Zibao or Pei Yi about this.

At this moment, Mu Huashang, who was holding a glass of red wine, suddenly walked up to Mu Yunlan, looked at her and said, "Sister, I am getting married today, and the person who should be most grateful is you."

As soon as the words fell, Mu Huashang poured a glass of wine on Mu Yunlan\'s face, looking at her with a full of hatred smile, "This glass of wine toast to my sister, thank you for letting me have today. From now on, I will Remember, everything in my future is thanks to my sister. I will never forget you in my life. "

The deep hatred in his eyes completely suppressed the momentum that Mu Yunlan was about to get angry, and said, "Mu Huashang, what are you doing! Your marriage to Zhu Fuchang is the arrangement of the Mu family, what does it have to do with me?"

"You know best what it has to do with you." Mu Huashang sneered, turned around and left.

Mu Yunlan shouted to her back, "Mu Huashang, it\'s you who can\'t bear the glory and wealth of the Mu family, it\'s none of my business. If you have the guts to run away from home, or rather die than marry, who can the Mu family have? Forced you? You are cowardly, why do you blame me. Marrying Zhu Fuchang today is your own fault, no one else to blame!"

Mu Huashang heard what she said, but did not stop.

After watching an unexpected scene, Su Zibao glanced at Mu Yunlan, whose face was covered in red wine, and said lightly, "Because it is easier for people to blame others than themselves. Are you not the same as her? Back then. If you would rather die than marry, at most you will end up running away from home. Who can force you? But you don\'t just go back and marry Ye Chenxuan, but instead blame the Mu family and Ye Chenxuan for the misfortune caused by this marriage. Even, you were more fortunate than Mu Huashang, because there was a person beside you who was willing to pay for your willfulness, and the person you wanted to marry also threw Zhu Fuchang out of the eight streets. But in the end, you have come to this point, and you are blamed by others. , you don\'t and have never blamed yourself. Fifty steps are not qualified to laugh at a hundred steps."

Su Zibao dropped these words, returned to the banquet scene, and accidentally found an acquaintance.

It was the woman they met on Yangcheng Street, who was wearing a long blue dress and was talking to Pei Yi. From the beginning, I saw that this person has an extraordinary origin, and now he can appear at this banquet, as expected.

"A Bao, I didn\'t expect to meet Miss Han here." Pei Yi said to Su Zibao, pointing to the woman in the blue dress, "This is Miss Han Ruoyan, the daughter of the Han family."

Pei Yi was also just when Han Ruoyan came to look for him, only to find out that they were acquaintances, and then exchanged names.

The top five families in the business world are more low-key, and the Han family is almost invisible, but in fact, the Han family is stronger than the Liang family and the Zhuling family, which are also the five giants, but they never participate in the outside world. strife.

"Hello, Miss Han, my name is Su Zibao." Su Zibao smiled and said politely.

Han Ruoyan smiled and said, "Hello, Miss Su. I thought I would never see the two of you again, but I didn\'t expect to see you both at the wedding today."

After Mu Huashang\'s wedding ended, the atmosphere in the imperial capital gradually became solemn. All the forces were eager to move, all staring at the battle between the Ling family and meco.

And Mu Yunlan\'s actions were more frequent, the Zhu family was settled by Ye Chenxuan, and now she only needs to defeat the Ling family. The people in Ethan are all ready. Once they defeat the Ling family, they will become an e-commerce company.

The leader in the business market immediately transferred the entire Eason company to Cass.

At the Cass consortium, Qin Hexiao was also ready to respond.

So now all the spies in meco are moving, and Mu Yunlan is pressing step by step, unable to sleep at night in order to defeat the Ling family. The Ling family only retreated step by step, still holding on to the final position. But now even the stupidest person could see that the Ling family couldn\'t hold on anymore.

The Zhu family watched from the sidelines, and did not intend to intervene at all. Ye Chenxuan attacked Mu Yunting, but fortunately, Ye Hanjun did some small damage behind his back, which managed to stabilize the one-sided situation.

However, the political enemies of the Mu family also have their eyes open. The last blow, a life-and-death struggle, will wait for Mu Yunlan to defeat the Ling family. At that time, it will be a good time for them to attack the Mu family together.

In this battle, I don\'t know how many people will be involved.

"Miss Mu, the Ling family can\'t hold on any longer! Judging from the data, the most suitable time has come!" Secretary Xiaoyan said happily.

Mu Yunlan clenched his fists, "The last blow, mobilize all funds and implement plan g!"

"Yes." Secretary Xiaoyan said.

Ye Chenxuan looked at Mu Yunlan, "As soon as the Ling family falls, those who are ready to attack will definitely move to attack Mu Yunting together. But what is strange is that this time it seems to be too smooth, and the political enemies of the Mu family are still Do you really grasp the timing, or is someone secretly contacting?"

"Don\'t look at me. I know it, you all know it. I\'m only responsible for bringing down the Ling family, I don\'t know about the rest." Mu Yunlan pushed cleanly.

Ye Chenxuan smirked, "I didn\'t expect you to answer, why are you nervous. Isn\'t it because Cass has some people in there? I\'m not blind for such an easy-to-see matter. Anyway, the Ling family quits tonight, and everyone will be there tomorrow. You will start attacking the Mu family, and when you become the Mu family\'s controller, don\'t forget to promise me the first thing."

"Isn\'t it just to make Li Han pay the price? Like you, I want to take revenge for the child. Of course I won\'t forget it." Mu Huashang looked at him and said, "When we join forces, I\'m afraid we won\'t be able to take care of a Li Han?"

After half an hour, the secretary has not come back.

Mu Yunlan was feeling strange when she saw Xiaoyan hurriedly walked in and said, "Miss Mu is not good, we can\'t transfer Ethan\'s funds, and all the property has been frozen."

"How is that possible? The funds in the company\'s account have been used since the very beginning of the attack on the Ling family. The funds transferred by plan g are from those other private accounts. Meco doesn\'t know about those accounts, so how could it be frozen? !" Mu Yunlan couldn\'t believe it.

Xiaoyan was about to cry, "Miss Mu, it\'s really frozen, and I can\'t move anything. Whether it\'s the company account, a few private accounts, or all of Ethan\'s current funds, they\'re all frozen."

"Before the plan started, I asked you, and you said that Pei Yi didn\'t know about Ethan\'s specific situation, and could not intervene." Ye Chenxuan looked at Mu Yunlan and frowned.

Like a thunderbolt from the blue, Mu Yunlan stood there blankly, "He can\'t know, he can\'t..."

At this time, Pei Yi and Su Zibao stepped out of a car at the door of Ethan Company, with Gu Yian and Yan Xu following behind them.

"Boss, this is your first time to Ethan, right? It\'s the first time since you handed over this project to Mu Yunlan four years ago." Yan Xu said, looking at the skyscraper in front of him.

Pei Yi said lightly, "Well. It\'s time to end."