Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 442: Pei Yi, handsome with Su Zibao's face

Taking the key that he found, Shen Xi opened the box. Sure enough, the bottles and jars in a row were all patents of the Shen family\'s research laboratory.

Roughly counted, there are twenty or thirty, all of which are a series of bioengineering. It seems that Shen Fangbin took out this batch before, intending to invest in a certain aspect of production, but it has not yet had time.

Facing the pile of bottles and jars, there was a ruthless look in Shen Xi\'s eyes.

Back then, Shen Fangbin kicked Shen Xi out and slandered Shen Xi\'s mother for having an affair, but after Shen Xi came back, apart from correcting his mother\'s name, he didn\'t take any other action against Shen Fangbin.

Judging from the events of that year, the cause of death of Shen Fangbin and Shen Xi\'s parents was not directly related, but they just took advantage of their deaths to get down and annex the family business of the second family of the Shen family.

Therefore, although Shen Xi came back, his biggest wish was completed for his mother\'s name, and he was not in a hurry to take back the second property of the Shen family. He planned to take it slowly. Because he himself is a person who doesn\'t care much about money and is indifferent to fame and fortune.

If it wasn\'t for not taking home birth, I\'m sorry to my parents, he doesn\'t even want that.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Shen Xi cared for a bit of family affection in the end, did not tear up with Shen Fangbin to the end, and did not use all means. But now, Shen Xi understood that, with Shen Fangbin\'s greed and viciousness, it was not the first time that he treated himself, the only son of his own younger brother, with such heartlessness.

He didn\'t have the slightest affection at all, and Shen Xi didn\'t need to care about the last blood relationship.

"Bastard, Shen Fangbin, an old bastard, actually framed you like this, Shen Xi, what are your plans?" Su Zibao stared at the box, indignant.

Shen Xi always sneered on his gentle face, "Tit for a tooth! But the most important thing is to get this thing out first, otherwise it will be discovered immediately."

"On the way in just now, I found some people watching outside. Shen Xi, you must lead these people away first." Pei Yi looked down at his watch, "There are still twenty minutes left. You immediately hold a When going out of the box and books, be sure to take a larger box, make sure that the large cardboard box that can fit this silver box is full of books."

As long as this is the case, those who know the inside information and are in charge of monitoring Shen Xi will doubt whether Shen Xi has discovered the box under the bed and plans to throw the box out in this way.

Su Zibao didn\'t realize that something was wrong with people outside, but Pei Yi was different. He was a professional expert in tracking and anti-tracking, surveillance and counter-surveillance.

"Then you tell me where Shen Huan\'s room is, and I\'m responsible for hiding the box in Shen Huan\'s room." Pei Yi glanced at the box and looked at Su Zibao, "A Bao, you only need to be responsible for keeping Shen Huan from Lead him out of his room and hold him for a moment. I\'ll hide the key on him when I come out after putting the box away."

He discovered the current situation in the house, and immediately made decisions and division of labor.

In the first step, Shen Xi went out to attract the attention of the watchers, so that Pei Yi could go out with the box. And at this time, it is true that only Pei Yi can carry the box to Shen Huan\'s room.

In the second step, Su Zibao led Shen Huan away. And the most important and most difficult highlight, the first hidden box and the second hidden key, were all handed over to Pei Yi himself.

"I\'m fine!" Su Zibao said immediately.

Shen Xi also nodded, "I\'m fine too. It\'s not difficult for Po and I to do. It\'s mainly your side. It\'s too dangerous."

"It\'s okay. Not much to say, there are only 18 minutes left, act now!" Pei Yi waved his hand vigorously.

Shen Xi patted Pei Yi\'s shoulder solemnly, "Thank you!"

The time is short, and the three people in the room dare not delay

After a while, the three of them packed a large cardboard box full of books, and then Shen Xi walked out.

Just now, neither Shen Xi nor Su Zibao noticed that there were people watching outside, but at this time Shen Xi came out with this big box that seemed to contain something wrong. Several servants around who seemed to be busy with housework immediately surrounded come over.

"Master Shen Xi, what\'s in here? It\'s so heavy? I\'ll move it for you! You\'re the young master of the Shen family, how can you do this kind of work." A servant said enthusiastically.

Another servant immediately echoed, "Yes, yes, just carry it for us."

However, Shen Xi held his box very preciously, and concealed, "It\'s all old books. I don\'t plan to ask for them anymore, so I moved them out and threw them away."

"Master Shen Xi, so many books, what a pity to throw them away, or would you give them to me?" the servant said with a smile.

Shen Xi\'s face froze, and he faltered, "No, I can only throw it away. This is my book, and there is a diary in it, oh yes, I plan to burn it, burn it!"

In this case, let the two servants in charge of monitoring immediately understand that there must be something in the box that Mr. Shen explained that Shen Xi could not take out.

"Then let\'s help Master Shen Xi move it!" "Yes, we threw it away for you and burned it for you."

The two of them looked like they really wanted to please Shen Xi, and they were scrambling to get the box of books, but Shen Xi kept walking out, and the two of them followed quickly. He left the area in front of Shen Xi\'s door.

And just before they left, Pei Yi and Su Zibao, who had already prepared, slipped out silently. In Pei Yi\'s hand, he was holding the silver-white box.

"Bang dang!" The two servants deliberately made a mess, turning over a box of books and knocking them all upside down on the ground.

The two said apologetically, "Master Shen Xi, let\'s pick it up for you!"

Shen Xi looked at this scene with an indifferent expression, and simply stood by and looked at them, and said, "Okay, trouble."

They turned over the books one by one and repacked all the books in the box. They didn\'t find the box that Mr. Shen said, so they were relieved. Originally, Shen Xi really just wanted to throw a box of books, but he didn\'t find the mystery under the bed at all.

Also, unless Shen Xi was sick, he had to check the inside and outside of the room every hour, otherwise it would be impossible to find out.

And Shen Xi looked at the box of books, inadvertently lowered his head and glanced at his watch, there were ten minutes left.

Abao and Pei Yi, are they in time?

The Shen family\'s house is very large and magnificent, and every time you go in and out, from Shen Xi to Shen Huan\'s room, you have to pass through several yards. Get lost and have no way to reach your destination.

But unfortunately, for Pei Yi, compared to the complex terrain of the desert forest, this place is simply too simple.

"Pei Yi, you\'re walking so fast, you\'re familiar like you\'ve been here before. I remember you\'re here for the first time. I stayed at Shen\'s house for a few days last time, and I haven\'t figured out the direction yet. Shen Huan\'s room is indeed Are you here?" Su Zibao asked in a low voice, being led by Pei Yi as he quickly shuttled through the garden.


Pei Yi was holding the suitcase in one hand and Su Zibao in the other. At this moment, his handsome face did not have that lazy and sloppy smile. When he was doing business, he returned to the state of performing tasks. He was cold and wise, calm and careful. He exudes a very strong and fascinating aura all over him.

Let Su Zibao just take a casual glance and feel that the current Pei Yi is so handsome, so handsome that she is in a mess.