Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 415: Fear of losing Su Zibao

"Abao, you\'re here!" Ye Hanjun saw Su Zibao, his eyes lit up.

Although she didn\'t dress up specially, she was also very eye-catching. Dressed in an aqua green slim dress, she was slim and graceful. The seaweed-like long wavy hair is charming, without too much jewelry, it looks sober and quiet. Slightly thin makeup, delicate and elegant.

Not as flamboyant as she was at several banquets, now Su Zibao is like a pretty girl next door, so beautiful and soothing.

"Well, happy Qixi Festival, Mr. Ye." Su Zibao smiled slightly, handed him the gift box in his hand, and sat opposite Ye Hanyun.

Ye Hanjun opened it, and his face instantly stiffened.

Although I thought that Su Zibao might give him some unexpected gifts, but this thing is too unexpected...

Lying quietly in the gift box at this moment was a stack of facial masks, and it was also the famous whitening facial mask, Snow Cream.

Have you ever seen someone who gave a man a gift and a mask on the Qixi Festival? And a whitening mask?

Su Zibao looked at his expression, and the corners of his lips rose slightly unconsciously. She was really confused about what to give to Ye Hanjun, whether it was a watch, tie, clothes or jewelry, it seemed that she had something special for him.

Especially those things like watches and ties, if Ye Hanyun carries it with him in the future, Su Zibao will always feel weird when he sees it.

Those who didn\'t know they thought they were in love with each other and gave each other gifts.

Therefore, Gu Yian suggested to send some consumables.

Then, I finally chose the Ningxue Cream Mask. The reason for choosing this is because it is the product of the Su family\'s ancestral secret recipe, and it is also the representative of the Su family. No matter how precious a gift Su Zibao gives, it is better to give this mask representing the Su family, which is more representative.

And for the sake of sincerity, this is a batch of hardcover editions that Su Zibao specially asked the workers to customize. The effect is several times better than the ordinary editions on the market.

"A Bao\'s gift is really..." Ye Hanjun smiled bitterly, "It\'s unique."

How does it feel, when things come to an end, he is still tricked by her.

Su Zibao smiled, "The products of the Ningxue Cream series are the heirlooms of our Su family, and the secret recipe has been passed down for centuries. Although the price is average, it is full of meaning. I hope Mr. Ye likes it, and Mr. Ye can try it when he goes back, or give it to relatives and friends. It\'s also good. s Choice."

"Thank you. But I still feel that four years later, I still feel like I\'ve been tricked by you." Ye Hanjun put the gift box aside and said.

Su Zibao stretched out his hands and placed them in front of him, smiling with frowning eyes, "What about mine?"

"Here you are." Ye Hanjun took out a packaged palm-sized box, and Su Zibao took it and opened it, which contained a portable hard disk.

You don\'t need to check, you know that this is Mu Yunlan\'s information.

Finally got it. Next, she needs to analyze and investigate carefully, and she also wants to tear up Mu Yunlan\'s true face as soon as possible.

"Thank you." Su Zibao smiled even sweeter.

Sitting in the car, Pei Yi couldn\'t see what was in the box. He could only see Su Zibao giving a gift to Ye Hanyun, and then he asked him for a gift with a smile. After getting the gift, he was very happy.

Looking at this scene from a distance, Pei Yi suddenly began to wonder, can he really go back to four years ago with Su Zibao now?

Spend the Qixi Festival together, give each other gifts, and have a sweet date. Originally, he thought it should be himself and Su Zibao, but now it was Su Zibao and Ye Hanyun. He could only watch from afar, holding the repaired bracelet in his hand, but he had no chance to send it out.

The more she smiles at others, the sadder Pei Yi is.


Such a smile belongs to him alone. But now, Su Zibao has always been so indifferent to him, but he is dating Ye Hanjun.

Does she already, don\'t love him? Have walked out of the past feelings, choose to start over?

But he has been staying at that time point four years ago, deeply immersed in the feelings of liking her, unable to extricate himself.

If someone else deliberately bumped into Mu Yunlan\'s miscarriage, he would definitely make that person pay a heavy price. But this person is Su Zibao, but he can\'t even get angry.

The next four years were so kind to Mu Yunlan, which was partly because of this.

I thought I wouldn\'t like her, but I gradually became attracted to her while getting along, but I fell in love unknowingly.

It was as if something was pressing heavily on his chest, making it hard to breathe, and even breathing became difficult. The blue veins on the back of his hands burst out, his fists creaked, and there was no emotion in his long and narrow eyes, only the deep darkness without a trace of warmth.

Pei Yi\'s eyes fell on Su Zibao, it was cold without a trace of temperature, and no one knew the deepest wound in his eyes.

Su Zibao and Ye Hanjun were eating in the restaurant, and he had been sitting in the car waiting for her to come out. They chatted and laughed and feasted, but he was like a statue in the car, and his eyes didn\'t change.

Maybe it didn\'t take long, but for Pei Yi, it seemed as long as a century. He still couldn\'t help taking out his cell phone and calling her. A proud person like him should just rush in and pull her away.

But when he saw her smiling so happily at Ye Hanyun, for the first time, he felt scared.

He even had a day of fear. Afraid to see her and others kissing me, afraid that Su Zibao really won\'t give him the slightest chance. I\'m afraid that it\'s all over.

Afraid that he will lose Su Zibao.

He liked her very much.

Su Zibao in the restaurant didn\'t know that Pei Yi was outside, and even if he knew, it would be fine. Before the matter of Mu Yunlan was resolved and the crisis of trust was not resolved, she didn\'t know how she should get along with Pei Yi.

The most fear is that without knowing it, he will be held up to the cloud by him, and then fall down again.

The phone rang, and Pei Yi\'s name appeared on the screen.

Su Zibao glanced at it and didn\'t plan to pick it up, because she felt that they really needed a little time now, give each other some time to see clearly how to go on this road.

Ye Hanjun on the opposite side was already quick to help Su Zibao hang up. He picked up her mobile phone and put it in his pocket, with a pitiful peach blossom eye, "You promised to have dinner with me tonight, and you are not allowed to date anyone else."

"Yeah." Su Zibao stretched out his hand to him, "I didn\'t plan to answer, just return the call to me."

Ye Hanjun smiled and put the red wine next to him in Su Zibao\'s hand, and said, "I\'ll pay you back when you go back."

If there is any important business call, Ye Hanjun will also give her the phone, but within a harmless range, he is a little willful and frivolous.

Su Zibao knew his character and took the red wine, "Okay. Let\'s continue, Ye Ershao, please."

"chess!" Ye Hanjun smiled happily, raised his glass to clink with Su Zibao.

But Pei Yi, who had already walked to the door of the restaurant, saw this scene and stopped. When he called him just now, he finally made up his mind that no matter what Su Zibao\'s attitude towards him, he would pull her away, even if Su Zibao hung up his phone, he had even thought that if Su Zibao answered, he would say the first sentence. Bai, just let her turn back.

But at this moment, seeing that the person who hung up the phone was Ye Hanyun, and seeing Su Zibao tacitly accepting that the other party put her phone in his pocket, Pei Yi instantly understood that there was no need to go in.