Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 398: baby break through

When it was Su Zibao\'s turn, the program team was fully prepared, and they had all kinds of musical instruments, and naturally the piano was among them.

In ordinary families, one of them plays, but the two of them sat together with their four hands on the piano, which immediately attracted the attention of countless people around.

As soon as the prelude sounded, all the people on the scene were stunned.

Hey, this is not a nursery rhyme... What kind of thing is this, I can\'t understand it.

Only the music teacher who judged the first level was stunned for a moment. No way, what is this group playing? Isn\'t this Beethoven\'s song? How to play a piano song

However, just after the prelude sounded for more than ten seconds, the cold and handsome boy standing in front of the piano accurately said the name of the piano song, "To Alice."

Then the rhythm changed, and it was the piano music again, this time it was the little girl who answered. The little girl has a sweet smile, big watery eyes, round and cute.

The two children stood together, one cold and arrogant, the other sweet, in stark contrast. And just like the one that came out of the painting, it was carved in powder and jade, which is very beautiful.

"Hmph, it\'s not that there are two people, one more person, it\'s not that great." Chen Tianci snorted coldly while watching this scene.

He has been smart and clever since he was a child, he has been raised by his family, and has been dubbed a genius since he was a child, but now this group of children kills him as soon as he appears, which makes Chen Tianci, who has always been regarded as the protagonist of the halo, very unhappy.

Feng Xueli said, "God is good, they have two people to answer, you only have one. When the points are reduced by 30%, even if they answer 15 songs, your score will not be as high as yours."

At first, everyone thought it was two little babies who came up with the name of the piano song together, but gradually everyone discovered the pattern, and they took turns to answer, without a single error.

In other words, both of them should know the names of these piano pieces, and they just answer in turn.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone felt amazing.

Su Zibao and Pei Yi, who play the piano, also play alternately, so that they can switch songs as quickly as possible, and basically they can switch a piano song every half a minute or so.

The reason why it takes more than half a minute is because many piano pieces are similar, and the time is too short to distinguish which one belongs.

It\'s not that Su Zibao and the others deliberately want to be so tall, but that Aochen and Forsythia have received piano education since childhood. They hadn\'t heard the nursery rhymes a long time ago, and they practiced these piano songs every day.

That is what Su Zibao and Pei Yi are playing now.

At this moment, the noisy scene was silent, without a trace of sound.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the four people in the field. The man is handsome and charming, with a slight upward arc on his handsome face. The woman is beautiful and bright, and her fingers dance on the keys like butterflies. The two little guys are like golden boys and girls, and the family of four is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Only the sound of the piano was left, and the songs changed from easy to difficult.

This time, everyone saw the extraordinaryness of this group of families. Completely raised to a new level.

After fifteen minutes passed, the music judge teacher said in shock, "Unbelievable, twenty-two! 22 points!"

There was thunderous applause at the scene.

Even the host was taken aback, and a lot of praise was piled up again. Just now, Pei Yi only had **** with

The general person in charge of this project said hello. Others didn\'t know that he was the president of Emperor Jue, nor did they know that Su Zibao was the eldest Miss of the Su family. Apart from their identities, the current performance was enough for everyone to praise and scream.

"What about 22 points? You want to reduce it by 30%. Even if you have 22 points, you\'re still similar to me." Chen Tianci walked up to Su Aochen and said very unhappily, reaching out and pushing.


Su Aochen didn\'t move at all, the little guy had been exercising since he was a child, but he wasn\'t the kind of physique that would fall down when pushed, especially since the other party was only a child.

But this kind of behavior of being jealous of other people\'s high scores, so running over and showing his face, makes people feel that there is no tutoring.

Su Lianqiao said unhappily, "How do you do it, cut it by 30%, we also have 15.4 points, 0.4 points more than you. My brother can recognize these piano songs just now, and so can I. Come out, it\'s just because the rules score was cut, but 22 is more than you!"

Don\'t look at Su Lianqiao, who is usually soft and cute, but who dares to bully her mother and brother, she instantly turns into a little pepper.

Su Aochen glanced at Chen Tianci coldly and took a step to the side. He didn\'t even bother to talk to him or bother with him.

Su Lianqiao\'s choking voice and Su Aochen\'s ignorance made Chen Tianci feel very shameless, and he was about to hit someone when he stretched out his hand, but Su Aochen\'s small hand accurately grabbed his wrist, and his narrow eyes showed a hint of coldness, "Go away! "

At a young age, he already had Pei Yi\'s ruthless demeanor.

"Hey, how do you teach children to bully my children, Godsend, come to my mother soon." Feng Xueli said angrily, reaching out to push Su Aochen, "Let go, let go of our Godsend!"

Su Zibao did not expect that he would meet such a superb mother and son while playing with his two children. Although she also knew that some children were domineering and wanted to be beaten, and she often felt that her Aochen was a bear child, but in fact, the two little dumplings were very precocious and sensible.

They didn\'t go to school much, and this was the first time they met their peers.

Su Aochen raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand and let it go. Chen Tianci tried his best to pull out his hand, but when Aochen let go, he stumbled back a few steps, sat down on the ground, and started crying with a wow.

"You beat people, how can you beat people!" When Feng Xueli saw that her child was crying, she immediately taught Su Aochen a lesson.

Su Zibao and Pei Yi also came over from the piano at this time and stood in front of her. Su Zibao, who had a panoramic view of what had just happened, naturally understood the cause and effect, and said coldly, "What\'s going on, you can see clearly yourself. We Aochen didn\'t make a move."

"It\'s just that you didn\'t teach the child well. If it wasn\'t for him beating people, how could Tianci cry." Feng Xueli was standing by the side just now and saw with her own eyes that Su Aochen didn\'t do anything. Child.

Pei Yi raised his sharp eyebrows slightly, "There are too many reasons for crying. For example, seeing Aochen is too good, I feel ashamed and couldn\'t help but burst into tears."

A certain little genius who was praised by Pei Yi raised his chest proudly, and glanced at Chen Tianci who was sitting on the ground crying with disdain.

Su Lianqiao smiled even sweeter. There was a conflict between the children. Neither Su Zibao nor Pei Yi would say or do anything directly to other people\'s children, but they would be the strongest backing for Aochen and Forsythia.

It was not until the last staff came to adjust that a conflict was avoided.

And Su Zibao suddenly felt for the first time that their family, Aochen and Forsythia, were so sensible and obedient. If she hadn\'t seen the bear child she brought to her door, she would not have known that the two little ones in their family were so good.