Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 396: Going to school is a daunting task

Four years later, Li Han returned here again.

To get back everything that belongs to her, and to Su Zibao in addition to thanks, there are more apologies. Of course, now that everything is on the right track, and other things seem so polite, the only thing Li Han can do is to take it back to Li\'s house as soon as possible, so as not to disappoint those who support and help her.

The sisters reunited. After talking for a while, Li Han handed the two coin-sized badges to Su Zibao and smiled, "This is a gift for Aochen and Forsythia."

"What is this?" Su Zibao asked in confusion.

Li Han smiled slightly, "Xiaohui of Chenxi Academy. Chenxi Academy does not recruit students, only the century-old giants can get some places. I know that Aochen and Forsythia are smart, and ordinary kindergartens are definitely boring to them and waste their money. Talent, if you only ask a tutor to go to school at home, you can’t feel the atmosphere of the school. This is definitely the best choice, probably equivalent to a genius concentration camp.”

No matter in the past or present, Su Zibao is not qualified to have access to such a powerful academy, but which mother doesn\'t want her children to be good, this is equivalent to two admission notices, and it just solves Su Zibao\'s dilemma.

Since sending the two little guys to kindergarten for a day last year, they have refused to go.

Because the classmates are too naive, and the teachers are too naive.

For such an answer, Su Zibao could only be silent. Kindergarten teachers use the same method to coax children into class, not to mention Aochen, a precocious child, even Forsythia feels naive.

Since then, the difficulty of going to school has become a headache for Su Zibao. He is too young to be accepted in elementary school. It is estimated that even if he goes to elementary school, Aochen will still feel childish.

So until now, the two little guys have not gone to school.

Li Han is no longer the eldest Miss Li family, these two badges are definitely not easy for her.

"It\'s not easy to get these two places, isn\'t it?" Su Zibao looked at Li Han and asked.

Li Han smiled, bright and moving, "You also know where I am now, and I have some channels for this. Don\'t look at me so moved, if you want to thank me, then I really feel ashamed. A Bao , Now I\'m back, although I haven\'t been able to take it back to Li\'s house, but if there is anything I can do, I will do my best. And that Pei Yi, I\'ll teach him a lesson for you!"

"Don\'t say anything now, it\'s not the time yet," Su Zibao said.

Certainly, we will talk about it later when Li Han takes back the Li family and defeats Mu Zifan. The Dijue Film and Television Base is located in the mountains and rivers. The area is very large. According to different local scenarios, it is divided into several areas. Some areas have already been completed and put into use. The last area, which is to be opened as a tourist area in the future, was also completed last month.

What Su Zibao and the others want to visit is also the ancient costume base that is open to tourism. And when they came to the film and television base, Dijue also had many staff working in various areas.

I didn\'t live in a hotel that day, but an inn in the film and television base. When the tourists come, they will also stay in the inn and experience the style of the ancient town.

When they first arrived, everything went smoothly. It was the first time that the two little dumplings saw such a "magical" place as the film and television base. Even a calm kid like Su Aochen became interested in this novel place.

Early the next morning, Su Zibao walked around the base with the two little guys, and faintly heard cheers from a distance, because it was too far away, he couldn\'t hear it clearly, but he could feel it was very lively.

"What are you doing over there? Are you shooting a movie? It seems that there are a lot of people\'s voices." Su Lianqiao pointed to the direction from which the voice came, and said curiously.

Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi next to him,

Hearing him smile slightly, "It should be recording a show, do you want to go and watch it?"

"Yes!" Su Lianqiao replied excitedly immediately. After speaking, her watery eyes blinked at Su Zibao, pitifully.

Su Zibao had already made an agreement with the two little guys, and when they came out to play this time, they would be sent to the academy in the Imperial Capital for classes. From now on, they would only be able to see each other two days a week. Seeing that the two guys were so obedient and obedient to go to school, Su Zibao also wanted them to have a good time and said, "Go if you want. We agreed that we will go to school obediently after we go back this time."

"If this school wasn\'t so boring." Su Aochen raised his brows slightly, vaguely similar to Pei Yi\'s.

Su Zibao sighed deeply, her family\'s Aochen and Forsythia are all good, just a little, truancy experts.

But Su Zibao is not that kind of pedantic parent. If going to school makes the two little guys feel like a waste of time, then it\'s really unnecessary.

"Don\'t worry, if even this school can\'t satisfy you, then I\'m mentally prepared to let you study at home in the next few years." Su Zibao said helplessly.

Pei Yi, who had no right to speak in front of the mother and son, finally added a sentence and said, "Don\'t worry, Chenxi Academy is very good."

"It sounds like you\'ve been in there?" Su Zibao gave him a disdainful look.

Pei Yi touched his chin and put on a handsome and suave poss, "Don\'t you look like it?"

Su Zibao ignored him directly, turned around and left with the two small dumplings, Pei Yi quickly followed his wife and children, so the family of four went to the area where the variety show was being recorded.

It wasn\'t until the scene that I understood why it was so noisy, because there were people on the third and third floors.

The four of them had just appeared, and those onlookers immediately took the initiative to give up a path, which made Su Zibao wonder, eh? Even the ordinary people onlookers can recognize that we are the boss of Emperor Jue?

But after following the road that everyone let out, Su Zibao realized that those people regarded them as contestants.

What is being recorded at this time is the most popular parent-child variety show in China today, the baby\'s big breakthrough, which is also the best variety show that Emperor Jue has done.

Seeing the background subtitles of the words "Baby\'s big breakthrough", Pei Yi poked Su Zibao, and his magnetic and low voice teased, "Look, baby, pass the level."

Her nickname is Baby.

Su Zibao calmly ignored him.

There are six or seven groups at the scene, some with one baby, some with two babies, and one with four at most.

As soon as the staff saw them, they said, "Why are you here now? It\'s about to start, let\'s go."

"No, we are not, we are here to visit." Su Zibao explained.

Then the staff picked up the registration form and looked at it, and said, "I\'m sorry, I thought you were a participating family."

"Mom, let\'s also participate, it looks fun." Su Lianqiao\'s big eyes flashed, looking at the groups of participating families, very envious.

Su Aochen looked at the rules on the flyer next to him and said, "Forsythia, you must be over five years old to participate."

The two of them are growing very fast, and they look like five-year-old children, but they are only four years old.

Because these levels are somewhat difficult, children who are too young will definitely not be able to complete the project, so they are between 5 and 8 years old.