Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 369: Put pressure on Mu Zifan

"Miss Su, this is the etiquette of your Su family? A woman from a small place, that\'s all." Mu Zifan said disdainfully.

According to the unwritten rules of the upper class, no matter how ugly two people are torn apart, their faces will not be torn apart at the banquet. How can there be a direct tear like Su Zibao?

Su Zibaodai\'s cyan eyebrows raised lightly, "Mr. Mu, for someone like me who can just drive into someone who is unhappy, if I see someone unhappy now, I will just pick up a glass of red wine and pour it on that person\'s head. Qianjin, you don\'t think there is anything wrong, do you?"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yian, who followed her, immediately offered a glass of red wine and handed it to Su Zibao.

Su Zibao picked up the glass of red wine and shook it at Mu Zifan, the red wine exuded a seductive mellow aroma in the transparent glass.

There was a threat in her eyes. Obviously, if Mu Zifan said anything else, she wouldn\'t mind pouring this glass of red wine directly on his head. She hates you, so please get away from me. Don\'t get in the way here. Su Zibao is not one of those famous ladies who are obedient and well-behaved. She can do anything, and she dares to be unscrupulous in this place.

Su Zibao can be shameless, but Mu Zifan cannot. If he was splashed with red wine in front of so many people, he would have no reason to say it. You quarreled with a woman and got drunk, what else can you do but scold a bitch.

But, bitch? Hehe, Su Zibao\'s reputation has now been upgraded to a poisonous woman. She is still afraid of you being a little bitch?

Those people were still waiting for Mu Zifan to teach Su Zibao a lesson for Mu Yunlan. As a result, he just started talking about Yuyanluo, and he refrained from the rest.

If it really gets into trouble, it can only be seen as a joke by others.

Mu Zifan and Su Zibao didn\'t tear it apart, which disappointed some people. Even Mu Zifan couldn\'t take her, and it seemed that no one could vent their anger on Mu Yunlan\'s behalf.

"Miss Su, I didn\'t expect you to come back. When I heard your news, I couldn\'t believe it." Bai Fangfei came over and looked at Su Zibao with a smile.

Next to her is Xia Chenghong, the heir of the current Xia Group. The two of them seemed to be walking together, very affectionate.

In order to pull Xia Chengye off the horse, Su Zibao and the two of them had some friendship, but I didn\'t expect that after the past four years, these two people seemed to be mixed together? However, Su Zibao is not a nosy person, what happens to Bai Fangfei and Xia Chenghong is their personal business.

Xia Chenghong smiled and stretched out his hand, "Welcome Miss Su back to Haicheng. Now that Miss Su is back, she has a good project, so don\'t forget to help us. This is Mr. Shen XiShen, right? I\'ve seen Mr. Shen before, but I didn\'t expect it. Mr. Shen turned out to be a member of the famous imperial capital Shen family, blame me for being clumsy and clumsy."

The two people treated her the same as before, and there was no difference because of the rumor that Su Zibao injured Mu Yunlan. They are actually the same as Su Zibao. Su Zibao doesn\'t care about their private affairs, and they don\'t care about Su Zibao\'s private affairs. Both of them are people who have seen Su Zibao\'s methods. No matter what others say, they will never be enemies with Su Zibao. .

Moreover, in the past four years, the two companies have also cooperated with the Su Group on a small scale.

"Mr. Xia is very polite." Shen Xi shook hands with him, as if they knew each other.

Su Zibao swept over the two of them, looked at Gu Yian behind him and said, "Yian, take Aochen and Forsythia to play for a while, I will talk about business with Miss Bai and Mr. Xia."

Gu Yian nodded slightly, and led the small group away from left to right. The two little guys are also very sensible

, When mother wants to talk about business, they go to play by themselves.

Su Zibao\'s words made Bai Fangfei and Xia Chengye look at each other, their eyes lit up. business thing? Everyone knows that working with Su Zibao is a sure-fire business.

The four sat down on the sofa next to them.

"Miss Bai, how is the Baixue brand now?" Su Zibao asked straight to the point.

Bai Fangfei was stunned for a moment, Bai Xue was completely defeated by Yuyanluo, didn\'t she know all about it? Why are you still asking this? Su Zibao is not such a flamboyant person.

"To tell the truth from Miss Su, the Baixue brand collapsed four years ago. It takes many years for a brand to develop to be trusted. In recent years, we have launched other brands one after another, and we can only barely maintain it with the help of previous sales channels. But As things go from bad to worse, the family has already considered developing into a new business." Bai Fangfei said with a wry smile.

Su Zibao\'s expression didn\'t change, but he thought in his heart, that\'s what she thought.

"What if we cooperate with Yuyanluo? With the help of the Bai Family\'s sales channels, combined with the magical effect of Ningxue Cream, coupled with Yuyanluo\'s reputation over the years." Su Zibao smiled.

Bai Fangfei was dumbfounded and couldn\'t believe it, "Su...Miss Su...are you telling the truth? I...we cooperate with you? You are not with the Li family..."

"If Li Han is not here, then the cooperation with the Li family will be void. If the Bai family is in charge of Miss Bai Fangfei, we can cooperate." Su Zibao said.

Mu Zifan was right, not cooperating with them would be a great loss for both parties.

The Li family\'s channel is the whole country, while the Bai family is only in southern China, and has little influence in other regions, which is very unfavorable for the sales and promotion of Ningxue Cream.

But even so, Su Zibao would rather do this. There is no end to money, and whoever makes money with you is the most important. Even if working with the Bai family did not make as much money as working with Mu Zifan, Su Zibao would not choose him.

Su Zibao believed that Li Han would be able to take it back to the Li family. At present, the sales of Ningxue Cream are only temporarily maintained, and the production will not be discontinued. Wait until Li Han becomes the controller of the Li family, and then resume cooperation. At present, it is a good choice to completely occupy the South China market first.

"That\'s great! Although Bai Yifan often causes trouble, now the Bai family is my decision. Don\'t worry, Miss Su, I can make a decision." Bai Fangfei said immediately.

Su Zibao bent the corners of his lips, "I\'ll talk to you about the specific contract after the dinner party is over. I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!" Bai Fangfei was really flattered, but she didn\'t expect that she would be able to get on Yuyanluo\'s warship.

The talk with Mu Zifan just broke down, and immediately reached a cooperation with Bai Fangfei. Because of this cooperation, the two of them became more intimate. After the two of them left after a while, Shen Xi looked at Su Zibao and said, "Give up the national market, Only by conquering the market in South China first, Yuyanluo\'s income will shrink more than a circle."

Su Zibao\'s lips lifted slightly, "I\'m exhausted. Don\'t look at Mu Zifan\'s light-hearted appearance, the news from Aunt Li Han, the loss of Yu Yanluo, the loss of the Li family is not small, Mu Zi Fan is under great pressure, and he needs to dig out those mines more urgently."

"I thought you just gave Li Han a slap in the face because of his temper, but I didn\'t expect it to be this far." Shen Xi smiled bitterly. If it wasn\'t for Su Zibao\'s explanation, he would never have known that her ultimate goal was to put pressure on Mu Zifan. Take one step, have you counted a hundred steps?

"That\'s it. If you give up the cosmetics market, then he must take down those mines, otherwise he will fall into the pit."