Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 363: Su Zibao said it's none of my business

After more than ten minutes, the car stopped in front of a western restaurant called Hailan in Lane 7 of Lianhua Street, and Su Zibao finally had a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Isn\'t it the solution to the derailment crisis? What are you doing here?

Choosing a seat by the window, Pei Yi directly ordered her favorite pasta and sushi for Su Zibao. Anyway, the menu is given to Su Zibao, and Su Zibao doesn\'t know how to order, and he also remembers her preferences.

"Pei Yi, didn\'t you say that we are going to solve the current cheating crisis, what are you doing here?" Su Zibao looked at him with beautiful bright eyes.

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao with a natural expression on his face, "What I said just now was that I asked Miss Su to work another night shift, but I didn\'t say I could solve it."

"Working overtime, what kind of mystery are you making?"

Pei Yi\'s long and narrow eyes showed a gentle and slender light, "Change the location of the night shift. Miss Su is thinking of a way in the conference room. Thinking of a way here is the same. As long as Miss Su comes over, there is no Just forget to bring your brain."

With the last sentence, Su Zibao, who was choked, almost stood up from the table.

"I ordered walnut dew just now. Miss Su can drink a little more to make up for it. Miss Su promised two hours just now. It\'s still early, so don\'t worry."

Su Zibao glared at him angrily, bastard, bastard, rascal! This guy still has the same morality as before, this is slander! How could you be fooled yourself.

Using overtime and night shifts as an excuse to invite himself to dinner, Pei Yi can really do it!

Of course, if he made an appointment directly, Su Zibao would not come. But now that everyone has come, and the dishes are ordered, she doesn\'t even turn around and leave.

"If you think about it while you eat, maybe you will be inspired." Pei Yi said seriously.

Su Zibao just stared at him angrily. The western restaurant was very quiet, only the melodious sound of the piano reverberated. Pei Yi didn\'t speak, and Su Zibao didn\'t speak either. Staring at him for a while was tired, so he just ignored him and thought of a way.

After a while, the waiter brought hot pasta.

Pei Yi looked at the woman sitting across from eating, and curled the corners of his lips, "Aochen and Forsythia probably haven\'t slept yet, bring something they like back?"

"No need, I have everything at home." Su Zibao ate the pasta on the plate without raising his head.

Pei Yi didn\'t speak any more, and the two finished their meal in silence, but when they left the western restaurant, Su Zibao found that the waiter had already packed a pizza box.

"Miss Su, your fruit pizza."

Su Zibao took the pizza box and turned to look at Pei Yi, "How do you know they like fruit pizza? Who told you?"

"Well... guess." Pei Yi raised his sharp eyebrows slightly, and touched his lips with his slender fingers, "If you can kiss me, you will know everything."

Su Zibao raised an elegant smile at him, then stepped on his foot mercilessly, turned around and left.

Asshole, think I can\'t figure it out? Gu Yi\'an is the only one who knows what they like, but Yi\'an won\'t tell you. So you know, it must have been when I brought Aochen and Forsythia to visit you, the disabled, a few days ago, and you deliberately used the words of Forsythia.

Aochen will not ignore you, and only forsythia is easy to be deceived by eating.

Pei Yi glanced down at the back of his instep and smiled helplessly. Since the reunion four years later, she has stepped on him twice, kicked his calf twice, and hit his chest twice, and he has been in a state of being bullied by her.


sp; It doesn\'t count as a thrilling moment on the Ferris wheel in the amusement park to block debris, and it doesn\'t count as an injury in the hail of bullets for the mercenaries who lured the Cass consortium away in the small town of Geas.

It seems that this year\'s life is too old.

Pei Yi sent Su Zibao home, and Mu Yunlan called over on the way.

"No need, you can eat it by yourself, don\'t wait for me, I have eaten with Su Zibao... Well, on the way to take her back, come back later."

Pei Yi hung up the phone, and Su Zibao, who was in the passenger seat next to him, didn\'t look sideways.

"Me and her are actually..."

As soon as Pei Yi started, Su Zibao interrupted him, "You don\'t need to tell me what happened to her, it has nothing to do with me. I just said I can come back by myself. Look, Cha Gang\'s here."

"Me and Mu Yunlan are not what you think." Pei Yi raised his brows slightly, as if thinking about what to say so that Su Zibao could understand. With four years of time and misunderstanding between them, there is so much to explain.

But the elegant and beautiful face of the other party has turned to look at him with a smile, but the words he said are simple and rude, "It\'s none of my business!"

This contrast is cute, and the rude side of Miss Jiaodidi is also so cute.

The car stopped at the entrance of Su\'s house, and Pei Yi wanted to meet the two little guys, but Su Zibao didn\'t want to invite him in for a sit at all, and opened the door and closed the door in one go.

Pei Yi, who had already got out of the car and was about to follow her in, was slapped by the door, and could only stand at the door blankly, then smiled helplessly and drove away.

Su Zibao turned his back against the door and took a deep breath. Su Zibao, it\'s been four years, don\'t be confused anymore. He is someone else\'s man, not your Pei Yi.

Don\'t think about it, don\'t be stupid.

"Mom!" Forsythia and Aochen were still not asleep, they were sitting in the living room playing with building blocks, Su Jiaxin and Lu Yanzhi next to them looked at them both.

Su Jiaxin looked at Su Zibao and said, "Sister, I thought you didn\'t eat it and came back with pizza. Did you go to a western restaurant? Who did you go with?"

"I heard the sound of a car outside just now, who brought you back? Could it be the boss of the emperor?" Lu Yanzhi also joked.

Su Zibao directly ignored their words. Su Lianqiao had already run over and hugged Su Zibao\'s thigh. Su Zibao handed her the pizza in his hand. The little guy cheered and took the pizza box back to share it with his brother and aunt.

"How about you, why haven\'t you slept yet?" Su Zibao asked.

Su Jiaxin sighed, "With such a thing on the stand, there is no mood to sleep. Sister, just after our emperor\'s meeting ended tonight, Yun Ting Entertainment has a new move. Chi Shuixian has already admitted that he is the third."

"Don\'t worry, the sky is falling, and me. I will definitely solve this matter, and then let you be happy and beautiful as a bride." Su Zibao comforted, "And don\'t worry, although I haven\'t thought of anything yet. It\'s a good way to solve the current situation, but Pei Yi and I already have a plan to fight back, so just wait and watch the show."

Lu Yanzhi looked at Su Zibao and said, "I will never let Chu Feimo and the Chi family go! It\'s okay to hurt me, and now I\'m still thinking of Xinxin."

His marriage was almost screwed up, he took a sigh of relief, and the Chi family waited for the revenge of the chief designer of Minai.

"Chu Feimo, I\'ll help you first. As for the Chi family, it\'s a bit difficult, but let\'s discuss it from a long-term perspective. I can\'t stand them for a long time." Su Zibao thought of Chi Yaoyi and frowned unconsciously.

The Chi family is really disgusting.