Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 346: Pei Su and his wife join forces again

"Su Zibao, you don\'t even look at your own identity. If you want to find a father for these two wild breeds who don\'t know who you are, you should be content with Shen Xiken taking over. If you want to find Ye Hanyun, you don\'t even look at you. What kind of **** is that!" Liang Qianqian spoke harshly and viciously.

A wild seed made the faces of both Su Lianqiao and Su Aochen stiff.

Su Zibao\'s expression changed, "Shut up for me!"

"Shut me up? Haha, are you afraid that people will tell you if you dare to do it, and are you afraid of being heard by your two children? Two children, let me tell you, your mother is shameless and seduces other men, she is a **** Otherwise, why would there be you two wild species." Liang Qianqian was just driven away by Ye Hanjun indifferently, and now she is all irritated on Su Zibao.

Su Lianqiao\'s mouth was deflated, and her eyes were full of tears, "You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense!"

Su Aochen looked at her coldly, and threw the ice cream cake in his hand **** Liang Qianqian\'s face.

"Ah!" Liang Qianqian screamed, the cake smashed on her face, and her face was very embarrassed, ruining her carefully prepared makeup.

"Bastard, you wild **** dare to hit me! I\'ll kill you!"

She rushed over to hit Su Aochen, Su Zibao grabbed her wrist and stood in front of her, pushing hard, Liang Qianqian fell to the ground.

"Liang Qianqian, let me tell you, if you want to die, I will fulfill you now." Su Zibao\'s eyes were cold.

When others bully her, she can bear it. Dare to bully Aochen and Forsythia, she couldn\'t bear it for a moment.

"Miss Su, you are going too far. How can you beat someone? Miss Qian Qian\'s face is covered in cream. Your child is so uneducated, how can you blame others." A young man supported Liang Qian Qian and said angrily.

Liang Qianqian glanced at him, this person is her own strong suitor, she usually doesn\'t pay much attention to him, after all, she is the woman who wants to marry Ye Hanjun. And this guy has no brains, he just trained in the army for a period of time and has a little strength.

At this time, it is really suitable to be used as a thug and a shield.

"Fu Xianhu, she bullied me. Her child smashed me with cake. She pushed me and threatened me even if she didn\'t care." Liang Qianqian was about to cry, and immediately pretended to be wronged.

The sweetheart\'s expression immediately aroused Fu Xianhu\'s desire for protection, and glared at Su Zibao, "Miss Su, please let your child apologize to Miss Qian Qian."

"I apologize for your uncle." Su Zibao sneered.

"Fu Xianhu, a person like this is not upright and crooked. You see she is so young, she has two children of this age, and she doesn\'t know which wild man she was born with. Her wild species is born to a mother. If you don\'t have a father to teach you, you\'re just a savage, how can you apologize?" Liang Qianqian said strangely, glanced at Su Zibao, and deliberately said to the two children, "Let me tell you two, do you know what savage means? I don\'t know who my father is, he\'s a wild breed!"

Her tone was vicious, and the cream on her face looked particularly hideous.

Su Lianqiao let out a wow, and she was scared to cry directly. Su Aochen hurriedly protected his sister and stared at her viciously.

Su Zibao didn\'t care what the occasion was, he would beat Liang Qianqian with his fist. But Fu Xianhu is a man, and he is surprisingly strong. Su Zibao is not his opponent. He grabs his hand and can\'t beat Liang Qianqian even if he wants to.

And Liang Qianqian, relying on Fu Xianhu to protect herself, is still proud of a wild breed on the left and a **** on the right.

"Bang!" At this moment, Liang Qianqian suddenly fell on the ground with a dog eating shit.

Su Zibao looked up and saw that Pei Yi had appeared out of nowhere.

Liang Qianqian kicked to the ground.

Then he stepped forward and stood in front of Su Zibao in an instant. He twisted the hand that was holding Fu Xianhu, and a crisp click sounded.

In order to restrain Su Zibao, Fu Xianhu squeezed her hand too hard, and pinched Su Zibao\'s verdant wrist with two blue-purple bruises.

Seeing the scar, Pei Yi frowned and kicked Fu Xianhu\'s stomach.

Unexpectedly, he twisted quickly and escaped. Pei Yi snorted coldly, this guy has practiced a little. But relying on your own strength, will you be able to point out tricks that can\'t be on the table, so you bully women?

Even more abominable.

Pei Yi was punching and kicking, and his movements were as fast as storms. Rao was Su Zibao, who knew how good his skills were, and was stunned when he saw this scene, and felt extremely angry at the same time.

Su Lianqiao stopped crying and stared at the bad guy\'s father punching the bastard.

Within three minutes, Fu Xianhu was beaten down by Pei Yi. He has an unqualified physique to be a soldier, and he fights with a pervert like Pei Yi. Isn\'t that a bad beating?

"Pei Yi, our Liang family didn\'t offend you, and we cooperated with your meco, but why are you defending this woman over and over again! My trouble with Su Zibao has nothing to do with you." Liang Qianqian became anxious when she saw Fu Xianhu being beaten to the ground. .

Pei Yi looked at her indifferently, expressionless, "I am the father of Aochen and Forsythia, you say, it has nothing to do with me?"

" are these two wild..." Before Liang Qianqian could say anything, Su Zibao, who finally regained her freedom of movement, kicked her in the face and slapped back the rest of her words.

Su Zibao looked at her with disgust, "Before you say others are uneducated, give yourself some morals."

This kick kicked her face open, and the blood and cream were mixed together, making her extremely ugly.

"Liang Qianqian, if I hear another unpleasant word from your mouth, believe it or not, I will take your chin off and make you unable to speak." Su Zibao stared at her threateningly.

Fu Xianhu shouted, "You are going too far, you are bullying people, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Pei Yi kicked him away and slammed into the pillar next to him.

This time, Liang Qianqian and Fu Xianhu didn\'t dare to speak.

Shen Xi and Gu Yian heard the movement here and hurried over. Seeing that Fu Xianhu and Liang Qianqian were injured, they immediately arranged for security to take them to the hospital.

"Mr. Pei, I really thanked you just now." Shen Xi sincerely thanked Pei Yi. Just now he and Gu Yian were in the hall on the other side talking about cooperation, and they didn\'t find out what happened here. Fortunately, Pei Yi appeared in time, otherwise Su Zibao would suffer.

Su Zibao\'s bodyguards stayed at the entrance of the reception, and the bodyguards were not allowed to come in.

"I don\'t need you to thank me for helping my own wife and children." Pei Yi looked at him with hostility in his eyes, rude.

Shen Xi\'s expression froze, but he didn\'t say anything, just smiled gently. Aochen and Forsythia were Pei Yi\'s children, so he was right.

However, Su Zibao didn\'t like his tone and attitude very much, as if he and his children belonged to him.

They divorced four years ago.

She has nothing to do with him.

"Mr. Pei, you have a bad memory, so I\'ll remind you. We divorced four years ago. I\'m not your wife, nor are Aochen and Forsythia your children." Su Zibao looked at him coldly and said, "Thank you just now. I\'m Shen Xi\'s fiancée, and it\'s right for Shen Xi to thank you."