Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 340: You are so cute and I am so talented

Back at the Shen residence, it was already midnight.

The two little guys were full and sat in the room playing with the model toys that Shen Xi had prepared for them. Su Zibao and Shen Xi stood at the door talking.

"I originally wanted to save you some unnecessary trouble, but I didn\'t expect that I would cause you trouble first." Shen Xi said embarrassedly, "I\'m sorry about tonight\'s incident."

Su Zibao looked at him, Shui Lingling\'s eyes were dark and beautiful, "Shen Xi, it doesn\'t matter. I think you are too good-natured, and Chi Yaoyi will be able to make progress. If it is someone else who breaks off the marriage for me, I will not give him a good look. ."

"It\'s the Chi family\'s decision to break off the marriage, and it has nothing to do with her. And with my status at that time, it\'s not surprising that the Chi family wants to break off the marriage." Shen Xi smiled lightly.

Su Zibao sighed lightly, "That\'s why I said that you have a good temper. They want to break off the marriage, even if they are excusable. But now there is still the face to mention the engagement of the year when you know that you have a fiancée, you can imagine. What kind of people are the Chi family. Uncle Shen married them back then, but he also missed the point. "

After a pause, Su Zibao said again, "But if you really like Chi Yaoyi, you can leave the Chi family alone."

"I don\'t like her." Shen Xi said directly, "A Bao doesn\'t have to worry about me. I don\'t have anyone I like. It\'s too hard for you to bring two little guys by yourself. If you meet the right person, you want to get married. , I will immediately distance myself from you and let you get married."

Su Zibao smiled, this was their agreement. She appeared as Shen Xi\'s fiancee to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

"The same is true for you. If you have someone you like, I will immediately clear the relationship, so that the future Mrs. Shen will not misunderstand. "

They looked at each other and smiled, tacit and comfortable.

Su Lianqiao in the room was playing with a building block, quietly glanced at Su Zibao and Shen Xi who were standing at the door, and said in a low voice, "Brother, Uncle Shen is so kind to mother."

Su Aochen was building an airplane model with a sullen face, and Su Lianqiao said again, "Brother, is my fiancée an unmarried wife? That is, my future wife, will my mother marry him?"

"Ms. Bao hasn\'t been married for four years. I don\'t think it\'s that easy." Su Aochen fiddled with a part and spoke with a mature voice.

Su Lianqiao\'s watery eyes blinked, a little aggrieved, "Why, are the two of us a drag on mother?"

"No. Forsythia, you\'re so cute, and I\'m so talented." Su Aochen\'s face was calm, and he was unequivocal when he praised himself.

Su Lianqiao nodded seriously, "Brother is right! Then why hasn\'t my mother been married for so long?"

If Su Zibao knew that the two little guys were discussing why she couldn\'t get married behind her back, her expression would be very exciting.

"This, it must have something to do with that bad guy." Su Aochen touched his chin, "You didn\'t realize that last time my mother cheated on him, were you very happy?"

Only later did they know that it was because of that cheap daddy that they were able to leave smoothly that day.

Su Lianqiao blinked, "Brother, when did mom get upset?"

Unscrupulous mothers are happy every time they cheat, such as Crow who was cheated recently.

"Happier than usual, but a little bit more happier." Su Aochen waved his hand, thinking with a serious expression, "Forsythia, you are still young and don\'t understand normal."

Su Lianqiao bit her lip and whispered, "Brother Mingming, you are only a few minutes older than me..."

Three days later, the Shen family banquet.

Shen Fangbin really doesn\'t want to admit it

Shen Xi, but the first prize was given to Shen Xi. Of course, this honor belongs to the entire Shen family laboratory, but now Shen Xi is the head of the laboratory.

Shen Fangbin regretted it. I was really in a hurry to give the research room to others, and I was afraid that they would not agree, so I could not wait for coercion and inducement.

Now it\'s good, the agreement has been signed, it\'s written in black and white, and there are so many people from the Shen family who testify, he just can\'t do anything about going back.

The only thing that comforted him was that he had always been in charge of the business of the Shen family, and when the second child was still alive in the past, he only took care of the research room.

Anyway, as long as he doesn\'t issue funds, that research room is just a decoration. The business of the Shen family and the money of the Shen family are all in his hands.

Shen Xi was also considered safe, and did not make a fuss to ask him for money.

Even for this banquet, they didn\'t ask the Shen family to pay a penny at all, they just invited a wide range of guests in the name of the Shen family. Moreover, Shen Xi\'s current identity can indeed represent the Shen family.

In addition, although those wealthy families don\'t know what happened to the Shen family, they know that the Shen family has made another contribution, and Shen Xi has been specially rewarded. The Shen family has been developing well recently.

"Fang Bin, don\'t be angry. Shen Xi paid for the banquet, but whoever came is not for you. Just think he spent money to help you hold the banquet and connect with everyone." Zhou Hong said to Shen Fangbin said.

At this time, the Shen family banquet was full of celebrities and guests from all over the world, but whoever came had to say hello to Shen Fangbin, the head of the Shen family, and then go to congratulate Shen Xi.

Shen Fangbin sneered, "Yes. Shen Xi just tried his best to come back, so what if he was rewarded? Everyone knows that the Shen family is still my master. He is an empty-shelled young master of the Shen family. "

"That\'s right." Zhou Hong said, a trace of unhappiness flashed on his face, "but the Chi family wanted to repair the relationship with him a few days ago, and brought up the marriage contract again. The Chi family is really shameless. Fortunately, Shen Xi was too stupid to cherish it. This opportunity, on the contrary, made the eldest miss of the Chi family run away."

Mentioning this matter, Shen Fangbin\'s face turned gloomy. Back then, the second son of Shen and the Chi family were engaged. When Shen Xi was kicked out, their family fell into trouble. Now that Shen Xi came back, he immediately saw the wind turn the rudder.

However, what was very embarrassing was that the Chi family was still engaged to Shen Xi from the beginning to the end. After the marriage contract was terminated, Shen Fangbin wanted to hug the Chi family\'s thighs, but he didn\'t expect that they would not look down on them at all.

In fact, this is really not the Chi family\'s vision. But the Chi family is a big business tycoon, whether it was with Shen Er Ye before or now with Shen Xi, it was all for the Shen family\'s research room. The number of patents issued by the research laboratory can be seen by looking at how successful the business development of the Shen family is now.

If you become an in-law, and you find out something good that needs to be invested in production in the future, wouldn\'t it just happen to cooperate with the Chi family\'s factory?

It is this laboratory that they are looking at. One of you, Shen Fangbin, is also doing business, and if you really get a patent, you will also get your own group. Follow you, only to drink soup.

So the Chi family really didn\'t want to marry Shen Fangbin\'s family, and refused repeatedly. Now that Shen Xi came back, the research room fell into his hands again, and the Chi family\'s mind moved again. After all, it\'s still a benefit.

But in Shen Fangbin\'s opinion, the Chi family can look down on Shen Xi and look down on his son Shen Huan. Isn\'t this contempt and slap in the face, thinking that their Shen Huan can\'t compare to Shen Xi?

"Hmph, the old fox of the Chi family, Shen Xi doesn\'t look down on our Shen Huan, and if we really look at their Chi Yaoyi." Shen Fangbin turned to Zhou Hong and said, "Let Shen Huan say goodbye. I\'m so close to Chi Yaoyi, and I\'m so old, I don\'t want to find a serious daughter-in-law, and run after that woman every day."

Zhou Hong said, "It\'s not just that so many people came today, just to pick one for Shen Huan."
