Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 336: Who is cheating on whom?

"Okay, you can sign now." There was a hint of impatience in Shen Fangbin\'s eyes.

Acknowledging that this "wild species" is the Shen family, he felt uncomfortable all over, hoping that someone from above would take Shen Xi away quickly.

It\'s really annoying for Shen Xi to stay in the Shen\'s house like this.

Su Zibao took the agreement and placed it in front of Shen Xi, with a slight upward arc on his lips, "Sign it."

Shen Xi picked up the pen, and Long Feifengwu signed his name.

Seeing that Shen Xi finally signed, Shen Fangbin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After letting the Shen family disperse, Shen Fangbin said to Shen Xi, "Shen Xi, it is clearly written in the contract that since the second child passed away, you are responsible for everything in the research room. It has nothing to do with the rest of us. ,do you know?"

"Well, I understand." A sarcastic smile appeared on Shen Xi\'s lips.

Shen Fangbin said, "Then go to the research room now."

"Okay, uncle."

Su Zibao asked Gu Yian to take the two little guys to rest in Shen Xi\'s yard first, and he and Shen Xi went to the research room. Originally, she was not qualified to come in, but Shen Xi insisted that Su Zibao was his fiancee. Since this place belongs to him, the two of them will come here often in the future.

Shen Fangbin thought that he wouldn\'t be able to jump around for a day anyway, so let him be.

The research room was in the back mountain of the Shen family. At this time, there was no one in the research room. The fingerprint and pupil password triple lock, in order to put everything on Shen Xi\'s head, now the highest level of authority in it has been changed to Shen Xi\'s fingerprint and pupil.

The research room was empty, with only some precision instruments left. Since the death of Shen Xi\'s father, the laboratory has been going downhill.

Nothing more accomplished. The current Shen family is supported by the prestige of the past.

"I used to come here to play when I was young. At that time, my parents often stayed here for a whole day." Shen Xi looked at the research room in front of him, and a trace of emotion flashed in his eyes.

Su Zibao handed him the small handbag he had been carrying, "It\'s in there. Store it up and wait for them to pick it up."

"Thank you for your hard work, Bao." Shen Xi looked at Su Zibao and said sincerely. Su Zibao stayed in Geas for four years just to find this thing.

Su Zibao smiled, "You\'re welcome, didn\'t we all agree when we parted four years ago? When we come back, we will all get back what belongs to us."

Four years ago, when she left Haicheng, she last met Shen Xilihan once.

"What about yourself?" Shen Xi looked at her. He and Li Han have to get back what belongs to them.

What about her?

Su Zibao stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder lightly, "I don\'t want to grab something that doesn\'t belong to me."

She returned to the imperial capital for Shen Xi and Li Han. One is a confidant who has sacrificed a lot for her in past and present lives, and the other is a sister who has similar personalities and deep feelings.

Not for Pei Yi.

Otherwise, she wouldn\'t need the identity of Shen Xi\'s fiancee to avoid trouble for herself.

Inside the tote bag is a well-sealed metal jar. It is not an ordinary metal can, the outer layer is made of several layers of isolation and sealing with some materials that Su Zibao does not understand. Su Zibao wasn\'t sure whether this jar-like thing was metal or not, maybe it was some special material. But now I don\'t know what to call it, so let\'s call it a metal can.

The metal can was no more than the size of a fist. Su Zibao didn\'t know what was inside, and he never thought to open it. She only knew that what was inside was dangerous, and she didn\'t want to die.

Shen Xi took out the metal can and put it in the research room

in a silver-white metal box.

"That\'s what killed my parents." Shen Xi looked at it, a trace of disappointment flashed across his face.

Shen Xi was kicked out of the Shen family back then, but fortunately he took some books with him before he left. That is, when sorting out those books a few years ago, Shen Xi found the notebook left by his father in it.

The notebook did not write down what the research was, but it remembered the progress of the research and his mood.

In the last note, Shen Xi\'s father said that he was finally going to succeed. After the completion, we will take a three-month vacation, and the family of three will go on vacation.

When he saw that page, Shen Xi\'s eyes were red.

In fact, the next day when the accident was studied, both Shen Xi\'s parents died. Everyone thought it was just an accident, including Shen Xi. Because of the research they do, a little carelessness can be life-threatening.

It was not until he saw this note that Shen Xi felt that his parents were killed by someone.

Originally, the number one suspect was Shen Fangbin, but he was also the first to be ruled out.

If the person who killed his parents was Shen Fangbin, then he has already obtained the research results and handed them over to the people above, and they will be rewarded and honored happily. But after the death of Shen Xi\'s parents, the Shen family lost the research results that should have existed. Even Shen Fangbin only thought that the research was a failure, but did not think of the possibility of the successful research being stolen.

After so many years, the Shen family continued to study, but no research was made. Until now, Shen Xi has to be blamed.

These can prove that Shen Fangbin was not the murderer who killed his parents, nor did he get the research results.

So, who was the murderer who made all this back then?

After research and analysis, Shen Xi locked the person who started the attack on the assistant of his parents before his death. He has no news after his parents passed away. Later, after some investigation, I did find him very suspicious.

Except for the assistant who ran with the things, and Shen Xi who saw the notebook, no one knew that the research had actually been successful back then. Therefore, neither the Shen family nor the above thought that the missing assistant actually ran away with something, but thought that he was too frightened by the accident and did not dare to participate, or that he had passed away unfortunately like Shen Xi\'s parents.

All the way to trace the cocoon, and finally the truth came out.

That assistant was actually a spy sent by a foreign consortium just to get this result. But he was too greedy and wanted to get more benefits, so he didn\'t directly hand over things to the consortium.

The final whereabouts, the small town of Geas.

That\'s why everything is happening now.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the research room, and Shen Fangbin walked in with a few people in military uniforms.

"Sir, this is the person in charge of our research room, Shen Xi. If you have any business, you can find him." Shen Fangbin pointed at Shen Xi, his eyes couldn\'t hide the pride.

Shen Xi, didn\'t you just ask me to admit your identity? Be happy, be proud, thinking that you can split half of the Shen family\'s property?


To let you come back is to make you bear the blame.

The young officer said nothing and looked at Shen Xi, "Everyone else goes out, Shen Xi stays."

Su Zibao and Shen Fangbin were both idle and miscellaneous people when handing over such a confidential and important thing.

So Su Zibao and Shen Fangbin walked out of the research room together, and the two stood in the small pavilion at the entrance of the back mountain.

After a while, the officers left in a hurry. Shen Fangbin also planned that they would take Shen Xi away, but only saw Shen Xi Shi Shiran come out unscathed.

what happened?