Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 321: Ms. Bao, you are not naive

Su Zibao took a deep breath, showed a malicious smile at Su Aochen, folded his body on eight centimeters high heels and walked back.

"Ms. Bao, what are you doing!" Su Aochen looked vigilant.

"Hum hum hum..." Su Zibao had a "sinister" smile on his face, walked up to Su Aochen and hugged him in his arms, rubbing his hands on the little guy\'s handsome and unrestrained hair.

Su Aochen\'s handsome hairstyle was immediately turned into a chicken coop by Su Zibao.

"Humph!" Su Zibao raised his chin with a smug look on his face.

Su Aochen reached out and scratched his messy hair and sighed helplessly, "Ms. Bao, you are not childish."

"What? Do you have an opinion?" Su Zibaodai raised her blue eyebrows lightly.

Su Aochen said, "Don\'t dare. Go ahead."

Su Zibao looked at this little guy with a calm face despite his messy hair, he couldn\'t help laughing, and he snorted loudly on his cheek, "Good, play well with your sister at home."

A flash of joy flashed in Su Aochen\'s eyes, and his little mouth couldn\'t help but turn up, but he deliberately wiped his face with an arrogant expression, "Slobber."

"Mom, give your brother a kiss, but not forsythia." Su Forsythia looked at Su Zibao aggrieved.

Su Zibao put his arms around Su Forsythia and kissed her cheek, "Forsythia is the best."

Su Lianqiao also kissed Su Zibao\'s cheek and smiled sweetly, affectionate and dependent.

Su Zibao curled the corners of his lips, his eyes full of smiles.

Just as she was about to leave, she didn\'t expect that the cold and arrogant Su Aochen also hugged Su Zibao and kissed her other cheek, looking away embarrassedly, shy and awkward.

These little guys.

Staying with them, Su Zibao can do nothing, just spend a day with them both.

Gu Yian reminded just right, "Miss, if you don\'t go, you will be late."

After dawdling for a while, Su Zibao went out. Goas Church is the only church in the town. Two months ago, a thunderstorm night knocked down a wall, but luckily there were no casualties.

Geas Church has a long history. As the daughter of the Earl of Geas Township, Su Zibao naturally invested in the reconstruction.

And also discovered a secret when rebuilding the church. Unexpectedly, what she had been looking for for four years was right under her nose.

Now, today is the first day that the church opened its doors after the rebuilding of the church. The church priest invited Su Zibao to participate in the first prayer.

As the only church, many people came to pray today. Many people recognized Su Zibao and greeted him politely. Su Zibao also smiled back.

What Su Zibao didn\'t know was that while the church was praying, a group of men in black came in quietly and secretly one after another in the church\'s backyard.

The whole prayer process was very harmonious and there were no surprises.

But after the prayer was over, not long after Su Zibao walked out of the church, he heard gunshots coming from the church.

In foreign countries, it is not strange to have guns, but it is really strange that gunshots sound in places like churches. It was almost the first reaction, Su Zibao thought, could it be because of that thing?

The thing you were looking for?

She is not a person who likes to watch the fun, especially when there are no people around her to protect.

Without saying a word, Su Zibao turned around and walked in the direction of the car. If something happened at the church, Gu Yian would be sent to ask questions. She would not risk her life.


It sounded in the church, and the people inside flocked out.

Because there is a tree-lined path in front of the church, the car is parked on the side of the road outside. Still quite far.

Fortunately, the chaos that followed did not affect Su Zibao.

Just as Su Zibao walked to the door of the car, and was about to open the car door to enter, a thick chest was suddenly pressed against her back, and a man\'s hand was wrapping her in his arms, holding a pistol in one hand, the muzzle touching her. between her neck.

"Open the door." The man\'s voice was low and magnetic, obviously deliberately disguised.

The first reaction was that the man was very cautious. Moreover, he even disguised his voice, indicating that he did not want his identity to be discovered. It also means that he has no intention of killing anyone.

Because a person who intends to kill does not need to hide his voice. Dead people don\'t give away secrets.

Of course, these thoughts were only for a moment. Su Zibao had just realized what situation she was in, and she already knew that she had no right to refuse whether he was silenced or not.

Su Zibao forced himself to calm down, opened the car door, the man hugged her and rushed into the car, quickly closing the door.

"Drive, or I\'ll kill her!" The man threatened the driver in front.

The driver was a servant of the Earl\'s family. When he saw the eldest lady being kidnapped by a man in full armor, he stopped breathing before he realized that he was about to drive.

"Wait!" Su Zibao stopped him.

The man\'s voice was cold, and the threat in his tone was self-evident, "You want to die?"

"I don\'t want to die. But the town of Geas is a tourist city, and the church of Geas prayed for the first time today. This place was originally a tourist area. Sometimes the traffic jams in a radius of ten miles are not as fast as driving, but now it is rushing to work. You will drive on the highway, and the people behind can catch up with you when you run. And this is the only way to get out of the church, there is no other way to go." Su Zibao said quickly.

People who have been to tourist areas know how a block word is so good.

The man also knew that Su Zibao\'s words did not seem to be fake, and frowned.

"If you want to get rid of those who are chasing you, I have a solution. But you have to promise that after you are rescued, you must let me go." Su Zibao said.

The man sneered, "You have a way? Why do you believe I will let you go?"

"I know from your disguised voice that at least you don\'t want to silence. Because you don\'t have to worry about dead people remembering your voice and revealing your identity, so I don\'t think you will kill me unless I recognize you. Moreover, as we all say in a country, it is rare to meet compatriots in other countries. In the end, your guns are pointed at me anyway, lest you feel that you can’t run away and get angry and kill me, if I find a way to help you get rid of it Those people, maybe you\'ll let me go as soon as you\'re happy." Su Zibao said calmly. In this situation, she can\'t.

Although it is said that driving will also be caught, but it is difficult to guarantee that the other party will not use himself as a shield.

She didn\'t want to get involved in this dangerous shootout.

The man had been holding Su Zibao\'s hand and let go, but the black muzzle was still aimed at her.

From the beginning, the man had restrained Su Zibao from behind, but now that she let go, Su Zibao looked at him.

Two people, looking at each other.

This "gangster" was fully armed, wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a mask, with almost no place to show. I can\'t tell the age, and the voice has changed so that I can\'t tell the age, but it makes people feel that he must be very young.

And for some unknown reason, Su Zibao had an inexplicable, strange feeling when he saw him for the first time.

This feeling is mysterious and mysterious, and it is difficult to describe. There is a feeling of incomprehensible, incomprehensible, and elusive.