Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 318: Su Zibao, you hit it on purpose

Mu Zifan still couldn\'t believe it, how could Li Han, who was so good, become Su Zibao?

Could it be that his estimation was wrong? Li Han was indeed still abroad and did not come back. What happened today has nothing to do with Li Han. Even if he bumped into him on purpose, it was the two people in front of him.

Maybe they deliberately bumped into it in order to vent Li Han\'s anger.

Li Han disappeared without a trace, even if Mu Zifan hoped that Li Han was in the car now, he had to accept this fact.

"It turned out to be the two of you. Why did you hit me?" Mu Zifan said angrily.

Su Zibao looked at Lei Lie suspiciously, "Did we hit him on purpose?"

"No, I just wiped their car lightly and carelessly. I didn\'t expect that the other party was shouting and shouting to kill. , I was afraid of hurting A Bao, so I ran all the way. If we knew it was you, then we wouldn\'t run." Lei Lie smiled innocently.

Su Zibao nodded calmly, "That\'s right, we didn\'t hit you on purpose, and we were scared to run around by you, not only wasting so much fuel bills, but also frightened, arrhythmia, and maybe some heart sequelae. But this is what we will do. Don\'t blame you, Mr. Mu doesn\'t have to feel sorry. The four giants of Haicheng still have such a graceful demeanor."

When these two sang together, Mu Zifan was about to vomit blood. Even though they had shouted so many times, these two people were just like carrying their babies for fear of being discovered. They hid in the east and Tibet, and the whole area of ​​Haicheng was turned over several times before blocking them.

Obviously they bumped into someone, but now they are blaming Mu Zifan for chasing them too fiercely, frightening them.

Do you dare to be so shameless?

Mu Zifan\'s face flushed with anger, but he couldn\'t find anything to refute for a while.

"Why doesn\'t Mr. Mu speak?" Lei Lie sneered. This guy caused the destruction of Li Han\'s family. If it weren\'t for the fact that the society under the rule of law couldn\'t use a knife or a gun, he would have rushed up to kill him with the people from the Fire Gang.

Mu Zifan was so choked that he could not speak, but Su Zibao said solemnly, "He must think that what we said makes sense, but he is speechless."

"Hahaha..." Ye Hanyun held back for a long time, but this time he couldn\'t help laughing extra loudly.

Ye Chenxuan got out of the car and stared at Su Zibao coldly, "Mu Yunlan has a miscarriage. Su Zibao, did you do it on purpose?"


Su Zibao and Lei Lie looked at each other, they only knew that Mu Yunlan was also in the car and was injured together with Mu Zifan, but they didn\'t know it was so serious that she had a miscarriage?

"I didn\'t even know Mu Yunlan was in the car." Su Zibao said lightly.

Mu Zifan shouted, "If you didn\'t know Yun Lan was there, would you hit me when you were full? I don\'t have any grudge against you. It\'s not just because Yun Lan is pregnant with Pei Yi\'s child that you want her to have an abortion, don\'t you? ...You want to kill her! You are such a vicious woman!"

Lei Lie and the others had limited information, and it wasn\'t until after the collision that they found out that Mu Yunlan was also in the car.

Li Han went with the determination to kill Mu Zifan to avenge his relatives. At that time, he didn\'t know that Mu Yunlan was really involved in the Li family.

From the beginning to the end, it was Mu Zifan who said that he deliberately harmed Mu Yunlan, whether it was Su Zibao or Li Hanleilie, the root cause was

This is impossible.

"Don\'t frame it. We didn\'t even know that Mu Yunlan was in the car, and we all said it wasn\'t intentional..." Lei Lie immediately maintained.

Mu Zifan sneered, "You think we are all blind, your car clearly hit it on purpose, and you said it wasn\'t aimed at Yun Lan!"

"Yes, I did it on purpose, but that has nothing to do with Mu Yunlan, and it has nothing to do with A Bao." Seeing that the words couldn\'t make sense, Lei Lie carried it down with all his strength, and said, "Mu Zifan, you have heard this clearly for Young Master Ben. A Bao just came to see me and got into my car by the way. We saw you on the road, but I couldn\'t hold back and hit you on purpose. It had nothing to do with A Bao, and I didn\'t even know that Mu Yunlan was in the car. You also want to ask me why I bumped into you? Li Han is my good friend, and he is like a relative. Now the Li family is in your hands for no apparent reason. Li Han is still alive and dead abroad. Poisonous hand, I just want to see you upset, I just want to hit you!"

He carried it with all his strength, protected Li Han, got rid of Su Zibao, and admitted that he deliberately bumped into someone.

Even if he had to be responsible for it later, he took it. These two women are the people he wants to protect, and he stands in front of them.

"Lei Lie." Su Zibao quickly tugged at the corner of his clothes and shook his head at him. Now that so many people have admitted it, I still don\'t know how to end it.

Lei Lie smiled as if to comfort her, and continued, "Mu Zifan, I didn\'t want to kill you, I just rubbed your car casually to teach you a lesson. You\'re hurt a little bit, haha, it\'s so **** heartwarming. Oh...cough, as for Mu Yunlan, she was really an accident, I\'m sorry for her miscarriage. I take responsibility for that."

"Lei Lie, who didn\'t know that you fought against the instructor during military training for Su Zibao. Su Zibao is also generous, and the Zhao family\'s billions of shares were given to the Lei family without a word. What kind of good friends are you talking about? , in fact, it has a leg!" Mu Huashang maliciously smeared it, "Now, in order to help Su Zibao cover you up, you are carrying it yourself, thinking that we are all blind, can\'t you see it?"

Ye Hanjun looked at Lei Lie suspiciously, and said unhappily, "Su Zibao, you really have an affair with him. So when you go to see him, you won\'t let me follow?"

"Shut up, it\'s none of your business." Su Zibao glared at him bluntly. This guy can\'t figure out the situation, what kind of vinegar to eat at this time.

Ye Chenxuan said coldly, "Su Zibao, dare to act. Did you deliberately cause Mu Yunlan to have a miscarriage? Don\'t argue, whether your car hit it on purpose or was not careful, you can check the surveillance records to know that you can\'t even see it. Lei Lie, you can\'t disregard your Lei family when you vent your anger for Li Han, but with the damage to the car, you clearly intend to at least smash the people inside. There is no hatred, you can\'t do such a thing. Mu Although Yun Lan got into the car secretly, it would not be surprising if you can find out with your intelligence chief ability."

"To sum up, Su Zibao, you just wanted to hit my sister on purpose!" Mu Huashang said proudly immediately.

Lei Lie couldn\'t help sneering, "Your sister was bumped, why are you so happy?"

"You... what nonsense are you talking about." Mu Huashang hurriedly lowered his head to cover up. Of course she was happy that her sister and brother Yi\'s children were gone.

Now that Li Han\'s suspicion was completely cleared, everyone felt that the collision was so hard that Su Zibao deliberately wanted Mu Yunlan to miscarry.

Mu Yunlan\'s belly is the child of Su Zibao\'s husband. If she did this, it would be more convincing than Lei Lie\'s statement that he was angry with Mu Zifan for Li Han.

"Su Zibao, answer." Ye Chenxuan stared at Su Zibao coldly, with a cold tone.