Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 311: Pei Yi, I'm pregnant

Haicheng, hotel.

Mu Yunlan looked at the early pregnancy test strip in front of her, her fingernails digging into her flesh, she suddenly felt nauseated, and ran to the bathroom to vomit.

It\'s really disgusting to be pregnant with Ye Chenxuan\'s child.

She was about to divorce him when she was pregnant. She doesn\'t want this child. Marven Ye\'s child is not worthy of birth.

She wouldn\'t give birth to their child.

Mu Yunlan went to Haicheng Hospital alone. It\'s only been a month now, and the abortion pill is enough to kill the child.

But looking at the couples who were in pairs, Mu Yunlan suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Instead of going to get the medicine, she went to the pregnancy test center on the second floor.

After a while, a pregnancy checklist appeared in front of Mu Yunlan.

Mu Yunlan stood at the door of the hospital and called Pei Yi.

"Pei Yi, I\'m pregnant."

On the top floor of Century Building, Pei Yi, who was flipping through the report, was slightly taken aback, "Are you going to? About your divorce from Ye Chenxuan..."

"No." Mu Yunlan replied very firmly, and said, "But I guess Ye Chenxuan already knew about my pregnancy. If he knew now that I was pregnant with his child, he would definitely imprison me and let me have a child. So I can\'t have an abortion right now."

Pei Yi closed the report in front of him and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Help me once. Tell Ye Chenxuan that this child is yours, and I will kill it immediately after Ye Chenxuan and I divorce." Mu Yunlan said.

If Ye Chenxuan knew that his wife was pregnant with someone else\'s child, it would be easier for Ye Chenxuan to agree to the divorce.

Pei Yi nodded, "Okay."

Mu Yunlan\'s voice choked, "Pei Yi, thank you. If it wasn\'t for you now, I really don\'t know what to do."

"I have already started the deployment, Ye Chenxuan will agree to divorce. Everything will be fine, don\'t worry." Pei Yi comforted her and said.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Yunlan went back to the hotel, prepared a new pregnancy test and threw it into the trash can in the bathroom, making sure that Mu Huashang would be able to see it when she went to the toilet, so she went out and took a taxi to Su Zibao. living villa.

"Are you looking for Pei Yi? He is in the Century Building now." Su Zibao was very surprised when he saw Mu Yunlan appearing.

Mu Yunlan\'s eyes were red, as if she had just cried, and she said to Su Zibao, "I have a... private matter, and I want to talk to you alone."

"Come in." Su Zibao nodded, "The study."

The two sat down in the study. Mu Yunlan didn\'t speak, but Su Zibao kept his composure and didn\'t speak first. In fact, he had already thought of a lot of things.

Why did Mu Yunlan come to find him? Since the Ye Chenxuan brothers appeared in Haicheng, the Mu Yunlan sisters have become calmer a lot.

And Pei Yi is now busy dealing with the Pei family and helping Mu Yunlan make some arrangements for divorce. Of course, these things don\'t need Su Zibao\'s intervention, and Su Zibao can\'t help either.

However, half a month ago, Mu Zifan, the man of the current imperial capital, really kept a low profile in Haicheng. A few days after he came to Haicheng, the news gradually spread.

I heard that Mu Zifan was excluded from the Mu family back then, but only Mu Yunlan treated him well, so now that Mu Zifan is in power, the first thing he did was to come to Mu Yunlan.

These two people, one of them has now become a good-hearted example of helping the weak, and the other has become the controller of the Li family who has a deep sense of gratitude and retribution.

If I hadn\'t met Li Han and knew that Mu Yunlan might be secretly colluding with Mu Zifan, who would

They don\'t even think that Li\'s change has anything to do with a gentle lady like Mu Yunlan.

Even Li Han was only suspicious without substantial evidence.

So when Su Zibao saw Mu Yunlan now, all he thought about was the Li family, but he didn\'t think of anything else at all.

"I\'m sorry." Su Zibao didn\'t speak, but Mu Yunlan finally couldn\'t hold back his anger and looked apologetic.

Su Zibao raised his eyebrows, "You have nothing to apologize to me, why do you apologize to me?"

"This..." Mu Yunlan took out the pregnancy test data from the bag she was carrying and handed it to Su Zibao. She lowered her head and wanted to cry, "I\'m sorry."

Su Zibao\'s eyes narrowed, he picked up the pregnancy test information, and his whole body was stunned.

"You... pregnant?" Su Zibao said in shock, and asked again, "Does Ye Chenxuan know? Will it affect your divorce now?"

Mu Yunlan\'s face stiffened. He had already said sorry first, and then took out the pregnancy test report, but Su Zibao didn\'t even think that this was Pei Yi\'s child.

She was so sure that this was Ye Chenxuan\'s child, and she was so sure that it had nothing to do with Pei Yi.

It can be seen from the most fundamental reaction that she really has no doubts about the relationship between Pei Yi and Mu Yunlan.

"But you are pregnant with Ye Chenxuan\'s child, why are you saying sorry to me?" Su Zibao asked strangely, "I have nothing to do with Ye Chenxuan."

Su Zibao looked puzzled and didn\'t seem to be faking it. Mu Yunlan wanted her to come to this conclusion, but now she had no choice but to say, "I\'m sorry, it\'s... Pei Yi\'s."

"Impossible." Su Zibao denied without hesitation, "You can\'t rely on Pei Yi even if you don\'t want to conceive Ye Chenxuan\'s child."

Mu Yunlan took a deep breath, looked at Su Zibao and said, "It is indeed Pei Yi\'s child. If it was Ye Chenxuan\'s, I would have killed it long ago, why would I come to you on purpose. Originally, I planned to leave after my divorce from Ye Chenxuan. , will never interfere with you and Pei Yi. But now I\'m pregnant with Pei Yi\'s child, I want to give birth, and I don\'t want the child to be born without a father. So Su Zibao, I\'m sorry, I hope you can quit and fulfill us. "

Su Zibao clenched his fists, impossible, impossible, this could not be Pei Yi\'s child.

Pei Yi once said that he has nothing to do with Mu Yunlan, and that he is the one he wants to live his entire life. Pei Yi would not have a relationship with Mu Yunlan.

Su Zibao couldn\'t believe it and didn\'t want to believe it.

"The day before Pei Yi married you, he once sent me a text message. In order not to be found by Ye Chenxuan, I deleted it, but before deleting it, I made a backup." Mu Yunlan took out his mobile phone and pressed it. After a few moments, he handed it to Su Zibao, "If you don\'t believe it, you can confirm with Pei Yi."

Su Zibao looked down at the phone screen.

He said, if I get married, you will be better off at the Ye family. No contact for three years because you can\'t be bothered. It will be the same in the future. But whether I get married or not, I\'m still the one who will take you away at any time like I did three years ago. as long as you need.

For some reason, Su Zibao believed that this text message was indeed sent by Pei Yi, and this was his tone. before he met himself.

Ye Hanjun said that Pei Yi got married just to protect Mu Yunlan. Then maybe the frequent high-profile shows of conjugal love in the past were just shows for Ye Mu\'s family.

More than 20 years ago, the Su family was one of the accomplices who destroyed the Luo family. She was the daughter of the enemy, and he did his best to her.

Just when I saw this text message, when I learned that Mu Yunlan was pregnant and the child was Pei Yi, a lot of things that I didn\'t believe and thought had passed all came up at once. Little by little, tear it apart.