Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 1274: Your little princess is going to cry

"Bai Murong, what law did Lele commit? Why did you arrest her?" Pei Lianqiao broke into Bai Murong\'s study and questioned angrily.

Lu Yangxi, who was reporting the latest progress to Bai Murong, looked at Pei Forsythia who suddenly broke in, and said, "Miss Forsythia, it\'s not an arrest, it\'s just restricting her personal freedom. She lives in a villa, eats and drinks, It\'s fine, you can rest assured."

"I don\'t worry, it\'s different from being locked in a prison. Tell me clearly, what happened to Lele? Why do you want to put her under house arrest?" Pei Lianqiao said angrily. How could Lin Lele break the law without stepping on ants while walking? This is ridiculous.

Lu Yangxi said, "It\'s not a big deal, it\'s just a bit involved in a case. No one abused her, but her personal freedom was temporarily restricted."

"What case?" Pei Lianqiao asked.

Lu Yangxi said, "This is a secret. Sorry, I can\'t tell you."

"You guys are going too far! If you don\'t talk about the case, what evidence is there to prove that Lele broke the law? You can do whatever you want if you occupy your territory. I don\'t believe that Lele will break the law, she must be innocent, she is wronged! \' Pei Lianqiao\'s anger rose up in bursts of anger.

Even if it is really involved in any case, as for this? This is the treatment of prisoners, because Bai Murong is still her second master.

Bai Murong looked at Pei Lianqiao, and said with a sullen face, "What a nonsense, judicial handling of the case, don\'t obstruct law enforcement."

"Second Master, why are you doing this too? Don\'t you think Lele will commit crimes? You say I will commit crimes. She is so timid, she would never dare. I can assure her that she definitely did not do anything illegal. Don\'t lock her up, let her go. She has never been placed under house arrest before, so she must be very scared." Pei Lianqiao thought of Lin Lele\'s current situation, and she was very worried. She walked to Bai Murong and hugged her. His arm coquettishly begged, "Second Master, please help. I can assure myself that Lele will never break the law!"

Lu Yangxi couldn\'t help but say, "You\'re not her, how do you know she didn\'t do it."

"Uncle Lu, what you said is too inauthentic. Lele and I grew up together, and I don\'t know who she is. It\'s absolutely impossible, Lele must be innocent." Pei Lianqiao said immediately.

Bai Murong is as motionless as a rock, "I won\'t intervene in judicial handling."

"I\'m so **** off, when I don\'t know that the so-called judicial case handler is Jing Linglong? That\'s your friend, it\'s okay to fool outsiders with your tricks, it\'s impossible to fool me! It was you who abused your power and shut Lele off. When you get up, I really don\'t believe that she can be involved in any major case!" Pei Lianqiao said angrily, seeing Bai Murong\'s expressionless face and being unmoved, he took the next step, "Then let me see her, right? I don\'t worry if I don\'t see how she is doing with my own eyes."

Lu Yangxi said quickly, "No, no one is allowed to visit."

"What kind of rule is this!"

"Miss Forsythia, people involved in serious cases have such regulations to prevent information from leaking and forbid anyone to visit." Lu Yangxi had a business-like tone.

Pei Lianqiao could only look at Bai Murong, but when he saw him looking at her, he said coldly, "Stay at home, you are not allowed to go."

"You guys, you are so bullying!" Pei Lianqiao stomped her feet, her eyes were red with anger, and ran out.

Lu Yangxi looked at Pei Lianqiao\'s back and said, "If you don\'t go to coax, your little princess will cry from your anger."


sp; "Don\'t go, otherwise I\'ll have to let her go to see Lin Lele." Bai Murong looked at her back as she ran out, with a trace of tiredness in her eyes.

His doting on her makes it difficult to refuse any of her requests. As long as he saw this little girl grinding and grinding in front of him, he couldn\'t help but want to promise her everything. But this time, he didn\'t want Pei Forsythia to know the truth. Now it has been determined that Lin Lele stole the fingerprints. The whole story of this incident has been passed on to Pei Aochen, and he agrees with Bai Murong\'s approach.

With Pei Forsythia\'s character, if he learned that the information was leaked from his own hands, he would definitely blame himself.

"Be careful with your people, don\'t let Lin Lele have contact with outsiders, especially pay attention to Mu Xiaoyu and Forsythia." Bai Murong said.

Lu Yangxi nodded.

Pei Lianqiao ran back to his room angrily, the more he thought about it, the more he didn\'t know what was going on. Everything was fine, but for some reason, suddenly everything changed.

First, Bai Murong went to Europe and promised to come back in two or three days, but it took half a month to return, and she didn\'t contact her in the middle, and she didn\'t know what happened. Then came the leak of meco\'s business intelligence, the attack on her brother, and now even Lele has been arrested.

But one thing she knew, she wanted to see Lele.

"Generation gap, there\'s no way to communicate with such an uncle! I\'m so **** off!" Pei Lianqiao picked up the little bear doll on the bed, threw it on the ground angrily, pointed to the little bear on the ground and said, "Bai Murong, what\'s your brain? , why can\'t I communicate with you? It\'s said that Lele won\'t break the law! Don\'t you believe me? "

"Why don\'t you speak, you will have a wooden face, hum! Say, what law did my Jia Lele commit? Why don\'t you let me visit her?"

The innocent little bear just lay on the ground, staring at Pei Forsythia motionlessly.

"If you don\'t let me go, I\'ll go too! Bai Murong, you are a big badass, why are you so unreasonable now." Pei Lianqiao picked up the bear on the ground, angry and a little sad, "Others dare to grab Lele. , I have already brought someone to smash the door. That is you, I can\'t smash the door. I must go see her and ask what\'s going on. I don\'t believe Lele will break the law, absolutely not. "

Pei Lianqiao hugged the little bear and calmed down after chatting for a while, put the little bear back on the bed, thought for a while, and called Lu Qingge.

Hmph, you don\'t let me see Lele, there are policies above and countermeasures below!

Lin Lele was only under the name of one of Jing Linglong\'s cases, and the person who was banned did not intervene in the matter. Lu Yangxi was still solely responsible.

As Lu Yangxi\'s nephew, Lu Qingge used the strategy of hitting the east and west to tune the tiger away from the mountain a little bit, and then pretended to be his uncle to give orders, so he mixed in with Pei Forsythia.

"Twenty minutes, hurry up. Hurry up and ask Lele what\'s going on. I\'ve tested my uncle several times, and he doesn\'t leak." Lu Qingge took Pei Lianqiao and walked quickly down the corridor, pressing down said the voice.

Pei Lianqiao hummed, "There must be some misunderstanding. When I see Lele, I will go back to the second master to intercede."

"Okay, here we are. Go in." Lu Qingge pushed open the door of the living room, sneaked in with Pei Lianqiao, and closed the door.

Lin Lele, who was sitting on the sofa in a daze, suddenly heard the sound and looked back, and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"