Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 1025: Reverse black and white, forsythia was splashed with dirty water

"Qingxi, why did you suddenly appear? Hey, God! How did you kidnap the Great God Bai." A pot of Bingxin only had less than 10% of the magic value left at this time. She is a priest, which means she is a medical doctor. Bags, so both of them are full of blood, but the magic power is used up, and the magic potion that increases the magic power value is also used up, so they can only find a place to hide and meditate.

The speed of their recovery can\'t keep up with the speed of the opponent\'s pursuit, and if they continue to consume it like this, they will soon be killed again.

Pei Lianqiao gave them the magic recovery potion in his backpack without saying a word, and said, "The positioning teleportation scroll of Great God Bai."

"Wow, with such a **** scroll, we can go back at any time. Don\'t you know that the people of the Shuiyue Guild are so disgusting that they have used the restriction order to return to the city, and our city return scroll cannot be used unless they are killed. , otherwise you won\'t be able to get out. But the positioning teleportation scroll of Great God Bai is much more advanced than that of the limited return to the city, and it can be teleported out completely." Yiju Bingxin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Murong Baiyouyou said, "Do you want to teleport out, or go out from the dark canyon?"

"Kill it out?" The words made the remaining three people stunned.

Sin Luofanchen said, "Great God Bai, there are more than 200 players in the Shuiyue Guild outside, and all of them are level 70 or above, and there is a golden group of 50 people, all of which are level 89 players, and everyone is equipped with cattle. Fork, Bing Xin and I were killed by them and lost one level."

When the three of them meet the golden group, they will be destroyed, not to mention that there are so many players, one person can kill them with an egg.

"God, take us out, how confident are you?" Pei Lianqiao\'s eyes lit up, and he asked calmly.

Her friend was besieged to death once, and now she was blocked by people and almost died for the second time, so she secretly ran away, how could she swallow this breath.

Only by killing the people of the Shuiyue Guild can they take revenge. But just the four of them... this is too difficult.

"Ten percent." Murong Bai said lightly.

The remaining three were stunned and dumbfounded.

Yiju Bingxin cheered, "Fuck it, it\'s great! God, you are not human, you are a plug-in! Hahaha, the four of us can kill it, it\'s really awesome!"

"The Sword King deserves to be the Sword King." Sin Luofanchen worshipped sincerely.

One person and one sword, killing a group, this is the master of the master.

"Okay. Then let\'s go out! If Jiang Linfeng and Shui Yuexue want to kill us, we will kill them!" Pei Lianqiao snorted coldly, his eyes cold.

Yiju Bingxin said, "Qingxi, have you read the forum posts?"

"What post?" Pei Lianqiao was taken aback.

Yiju Bingxin said angrily, "Jiang Linfeng, that shameless scum, turned black and white, saying that he and Shui Yuexue are in love with each other in reality, and have long wanted to end their relationship with you, but you have been offline. Say you Holding a grudge, jealous of him having a new love, killing him in revenge. This post was posted at noon today, and by the evening it had become the most popular post on the forum. Many people in God\'s Domain know about this, and they are all accusing you of going too far. "Qingxi, go and see the post!"

Pei Lianqiao frowned and opened the game forum.

I saw the top post on the forum that was upvoted, the name was "Black Heart Alchemist is jealous of his predecessor, Mithril equipment maliciously puts high prices", Pei Lianqiao opened the post, which described her as a downright villain


The post said that Jiang Linfeng took the initiative to pursue Yiqu Qingxi, but Yiqu Qingxi said that if the two sides have someone they like in reality, the relationship can be terminated.

As a result, after Jiang Linfeng had a girlfriend in reality, he planned to break up with the love in the game. At this time, Yiqu Qingxi had not been online for more than half a month, and their relationship existed in name only. He deliberately explained the situation to Yiqu Qingxi, but he didn\'t expect that the other party would kill him to vent his anger and bid a high price on the Mithril equipment he exploded.

Love in the game world is generally easy to get together and break up, and when there is no relationship, it is separated. It is really unexpected to kill someone to vent their anger. And it\'s still a sneak attack, which is even more hateful.

Pei Lianqiao frowned and pulled down a reply. "Love needs to be cautious, love is risky." "Those who are in love should pay attention, and be careful to break up and be killed." "Such a woman is too scary. If you don\'t agree, you will kill people. Poor brother, it takes several You can only train at level 1 every month." "Love is not the same as love in reality, this one is too extreme." "Is this the game version where there is no breakup and only widowhood, hahaha." "That mithril equipment is Jiang Linfeng. I bought it for him with the new love of Qingxi, and I was too embarrassed to pick it up for a piece of Qingxi, and even took it to shoot and hang it, no wonder Jiang Linfeng doesn\'t like her, and no one likes such a woman." "I said at the beginning that I like it in reality. People can break up the relationship, but now they are chasing and killing, and it shows the rotten character."

Among the dense replies, some people said that Pei Forsythia did a good job and should give such a person a knife. However, most people still stand on Jiang Linfeng\'s side. Game love is no better than real love, even if real boyfriends and girlfriends have no relationship and break up, women can\'t kill people.

Pei Forsythia became more and more angry the more she looked at it, she was really beeping a dog, it was Jiang Linfeng who hooked up with the mistress during their relationship, and Shuiyuexue was the mistress.

She had already fulfilled them, but if Jiang Linfeng hadn\'t come up to disgust her, Pei Lianqiao really wouldn\'t have killed him.

And when Pei Lianqiao was reading the post, Bai Murong was also reading the post, her handsome face was gloomy and cold, causing the temperature of the room in midsummer to drop a few degrees.

"Qingxi, have you read it? Should we come forward to refute a rumor, we can\'t let this scumbag Jiang Linfeng frame you like this!" Yihuo Bingxin said.

Pei Lianqiao frowned, "The rumors they broke first, even if I tell the truth, they can say that I hold a grudge and deliberately slander me after being offered a reward."

"What about screenshots of the chat?" Yiju Bingxin asked.

Sin Luofanchen said, "The ps technology can be modified, they refuse to admit it, and they also say that these screenshots are made by Qingxi himself."

"Fuck, then Qingxi, you\'ve suffered this loss in vain? No way!" Yiju Bingxin was furious.

Murong Bai, who has always been taciturn, said, "The core of the rumor is that Qingxi\'s vendetta against Jiang Linfeng was because he hated him and Shui Yuexue. As long as Qingxi can prove that she doesn\'t care for Jiang Linfeng and Shui Yuexue to be together at all."

"Qingxi in our family was originally disdainful, but... just killed him yesterday. Unbeknownst to him, he really thought that Qingxi was vengeful because of love and hatred." Yiju Bingxin was a little discouraged when he said this.

Pei Lianqiao said irritably, "Forget it, leave this matter alone, let\'s go out and talk about it."

"When we go out, we will definitely meet Jiang Lin Feng Shui Yue Xue. Are you sure you want to pass up this opportunity to slap your face?" Murong Bai Youyou said.

Pei Lianqiao was stunned, "How to fight?"

So, Murong Bai made a suggestion.