Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 879

According to normal people\'s thinking, the sun is a star.

If the world is a normal planet, it should be hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the star.

But this world is obviously not the case. The sun is not a star, but a celestial body rotating around the earth.

No matter what kind of celestial body it is, being too close to the sun is a terrible thing after all. Manda quickly fled the orbit of the sun, but he didn\'t run far. He found that the sun appeared behind him again.

What\'s the reason? Lost because there is no reference?

There are references! The sun is the reference, and the direction of the sun can be clearly judged from the track.

The orbit of the Sun runs from east to west. As long as you run in the other two directions, you can naturally avoid the orbit of the sun.

Manda tried again. He could clearly see that the angle between himself and the sun was slowly changing. He had left the orbit of the sun.

But he can\'t keep staring at the sun. It\'s too dazzling.

As long as he closes his eyes, even for a moment, the sun will appear directly behind him again.

Manda was stunned. He didn\'t know what to do.

The moving speed of the sun is amazing. In only one day, Tian Yang can fly over the whole world. Manda can fly rapidly with her flying boots. She can\'t run through Roma road country for a day.

From a light spot to a fist, the sun is getting closer and closer. You can\'t escape laterally. Just fly down.

Manda went down quickly. The result was the same. In the blink of an eye, he would return to the orbit of the sun.

What else can we do?

Celestial bodies! Log cabin! Drill back into the cabin, drill back into your own celestial body!

Manda remembers that cleus once summoned the sun to intimidate Odysseus. Although he did not know whether the sun was true or false, Manda was not charred at that time, and Odysseus was not charred.

Where is the cabin?

No, the cabin is behind Manda and in the orbit of the sun.

Now rushing to the cabin is closer to the sun, but Manda has no choice.

He flew to the cabin, opened the entrance as fast as he could, and drilled in. At the moment he got into the cabin, the diameter of the sun had exceeded the well.

He immediately called for help to the celestial God: "the sun, I see the sun, very close to me."

"Close your eyes!" cried the celestial God. "Find something and wrap your head. Use everything you can use! Celestial bodies can block heat, but they can\'t block light!

The original dark wooden house turned bright white, and the severe sting made Manda cry.

He struggled to overcome the stagnation, took off his clothes and wrapped it around his head. The light passed through his clothes and eyelids, and the tingling did not improve at all.

He took off his trousers and put them on his head. This time it was a little better.

He put a pottery pot on his head again, and the effect was very obvious this time.

He put a barrel over his head again, and his eyes almost didn\'t hurt, but he made a loud noise.

"Keep quiet! It will disturb him."

Disturb who?

Although only Manda could hear the voice of the celestial God, the celestial God kept the volume to the lowest.

"Don\'t be Xu perion, don\'t be Xu perion..."

Manda quietly hid in the cabin and listened to the voice outside the fog. He kept rubbing his fingers and was ready for battle.

The bright white in front of me has reached the extreme. It seems that the sun has swallowed the wooden house.

What should I do now? What else can I do?

"Don\'t do anything," the voice of the celestial God can hardly be distinguished. "Just wait quietly. When the brightness drops, you\'ll be safe. If you hear someone break in, we\'ll fight with him..."

After waiting for a long time, the brightness did not change, and the sun seemed to stagnate in place.

"Hold your breath and don\'t move. As long as no one breaks in, don\'t take any action."

After about fifty breaths, the brightness began to dim slowly, and the sun seemed to be leaving.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, it was dark. Manda took down the barrel, took off the pottery pot, and untied her pants and clothes one after another.

"Is it getting dark?" asked the celestial God.

"It\'s darker. The sun should go far."

"That\'s good. It\'s good to go far." listening to the breath of the God of celestial bodies, I still seem to have lingering palpitations. "I neglected and forgot to tell you something. The sun is above the sixth barrier. When it enters the sun\'s line of sight, it will be attracted by the sun, and you will not be able to escape his control."

No wonder Manda has been unable to go out of the sun\'s orbit. It turns out that it comes from strong gravity, but the concept of gravity is different from Manda\'s cognition.

"Why did you keep talking about hyprion just now? Didn\'t his authority be given to his son?"

Hyperion, the ancient Sun God, one of the twelve Titans, and the younger brother of cleus, according to the divine record, he did not participate in the war of Titans against Zeus, but at the command of Zeus, he gave power to his son Helios.

The divine way of celestial body: "Helios has no ability to continuously control the sun. In order to prevent the world from falling into darkness, Zeus allowed Xu perion and Helios to control the sun in turn. The sun is above the sixth barrier, so few people know about it."

"Is hyprion strong? You seem to be afraid of him."

"It\'s not powerful, but he can find the entrance to the celestial body under the light of the sun. Once he enters the celestial body, you have to fight him. You can only close your eyes and fight him under stagnation. It\'s too bad. Even I can\'t resist the dazzling light in this dark place,

I should think of this in advance so that you can avoid the track of the sun. You can wait a little longer and leave here when he is completely far away. "

Manda thought for a long time and said, "you can feel the light of the sun and prove that you are not far from the sun."

The celestial God was stunned for a long time: "how did you think of this?"

Manda took out an hourglass, put it on the ground and said, "when you feel the sun approaching you, tell me immediately."

Ten hourglass has just gone half way, the God of celestial bodies sent a message: "the sun is coming."

Manda observed the speed of the sun just now and speculated that the place where the God of celestial bodies was imprisoned should be three thousand miles away.

He drilled out of the celestial body and sped all the way along the track of the sun.

We must master the time. If we don\'t find the celestial God before the sun appears again, Manda must leave the orbit of the sun.

From early morning to late night, Manda finally found the prison of the God of celestial bodies.

It was a black celestial body. Manda opened the first-order skill given to him by the God of celestial bodies. He still couldn\'t see the outline of the celestial body under the night.

Completely invisible and almost imperceptible, Manda struggled to find the celestial body with the connection between blood.

Old man, are you in there?

If it is not the God of celestial bodies, but an ancient divine beast, it will be funny.

Manda opened the three line eye and saw the outer structure of the celestial body.

There are still three lines of red, yellow and blue, but the three lines are messy and dense, and the colors are constantly integrated. In the eyes of the three lines, the whole celestial body still looks black.

Manda tried to strip the outer structure of the celestial body with the stripping eye, but he failed. The outer shell of the celestial body was stronger than the barrier.

"It\'s all here. You can\'t go back empty handed. You can only bet once," Manda shouted, raising her right hand. "Are you ready, old man?"

The voice fell to the ground and her fingers were inserted into the celestial body. Manda kept pushing and her fingertips kept going deep.

It\'s a little short. It\'s a little short of piercing the shell.

Manda poured divine power into her fingers. Her five fingers extended an inch, and her fingertips finally pierced the inner wall of the celestial body.

It really hurts. It hurts more than opening the barrier of Olympia.

Manda twisted her fingers and tore hard, digging a palm sized hole from the celestial body.

Through the hole, Manda saw a pair of eyes.

In the darkness, the eyes were very bright.

"Old man, is that you?"

"It\'s me!"

Manda is very excited. Yes, this is the voice of the God of celestial bodies. The vicissitudes, ancient and low voice shows Titan\'s majesty from the depths of her soul.

He stretched out his finger again and was ready to tear open an exit. Suddenly, the God of the celestial body shouted, "stop, don\'t do it again. It\'s too scary. I can come out!"

Can you come out?

How did you get out?

Out of a hole the size of a palm?

It\'s not surprising that most high-level gods can change the shape of their bodies.

Not long after, a black hand stretched out from the celestial body, which was almost half the size of an adult.

Next is the head, which is also black. In terms of size, it is a circle smaller than Kunta.

It seems that the celestial God just changed the size of his body. Manda thought he would fly out as a bird.

Not long after, a complete figure drilled out of the black celestial body. The figure was less than two feet high, and her forehead just reached Manda\'s knee.

Manda smiled, "we finally meet!"

"Yes." the God of celestial bodies gave a deep and vicissitudes of laughter.

Manda stepped back, saluted deeply and said, "can I see your true face?"

"This is my true face." the celestial God replied deeply.

"I mean, the original figure."

"This is my figure."

Manda looked down at the celestial God and said, "Titan, aren\'t they all giants?"

The celestial God raised his head, looked at Manda and said solemnly, "that\'s the prejudice of the world."